The Shard Of Origin

The sound of merry-making echoed in the night as the Lizardmen celebrated their victory against the Ratmen.

Although Thirteen had the most contribution to the Lizardmen's victory, the teenage boy had made sure that Drazzat and his men would be the ones to corner their hateful enemy and end the battle with their own hands.

Drazzat's victory in his duel with Badarr had also cemented his position as the strongest warrior of the Varesti Tribe, further increasing his influence among his tribesmen.

The Wanderers were also treated warmly by the Lizardmen because they were under Thirteen's command.

The Shamans had also decided to remove the symbols on their foreheads as proof that they now treated the teenage boy's "Mercenary Group" on equal terms.

While everyone was enjoying the celebration, Thirteen excused himself and told everyone that he would be taking a stroll to clear out his head.