Are We Monarchs A Joke To You? [Part 1]

Chaos erupted in the Colosseum as people were left not knowing what was going to happen next.

Everyone had evacuated, and both the Ashford Clan and the Central Government helped the citizens to evacuate in an orderly fashion.

No one was injured, thanks to the officers at the site who took command, and everyone soon calmed down.

Claude had also stormed off outside the venue and glared at Zion, who was being healed by a worried Shana.

Naturally, her father, Tristan, was there to make sure that the teenage boy wouldn't suffer any more.

The standoff between the Central Government and the Ashford Clan had become the highlight, and the different media companies didn't hesitate to spin the story into a dramatic tale, with some of them bordering the lines of exaggeration, painting Aaron Ashford and Claude Ashford the villains of the story.