Who Wants To Go First?

"Oh, so are these the two Wanderers you're talking about, Thirteen?" Camazotz said. "They look very delicious."

Derek and Mildred both shuddered. After all, Jinns and Majins were the natural enemies of Wanderers. 

While they do know that there were Jinns and Majins who could peacefully live alongside Wanderers and Humans, they were very far and few in between.

"Allow me to introduce them," Thirteen said. "This is Derek, and he can be considered my Disciple. This lady, on the other hand, is Mildred. She's good at handling almost any type of range weapons."

Thirteen then made a gesture to introduce the members of his Faction. 

"Derek, this is Camazotz," Thirteen stated. "You will be training under him. Mildred, this is Kamrusepa. She agreed to become your Master. As for this lady over here, she's Paimon. She will also test the two of you after you finish both of your training under your respective Masters."