When Aiden opened his eyes, he found himself in a very dark place.
A moment later, he heard the sounds of splashing water, which made him raise his guard.
Slowly but surely, the darkness around him didn't seem as dark as before.
He was starting to gain a better view of his surroundings, making him assume he was in some sort of underground cavern.
Just as Aiden was starting to faintly see his environment, the sound of splashing water once again stole his attention.
He gazed in the direction where it was coming from, and he saw a faint light coming closer and closer to him from the river.
As he focused his attention on the glowing light in the distance, he was soon able to make out the silhouette of a boat boarded by a cloaked person, rowing it to head in his direction.
Half a minute later, the boat stopped near the riverside.
"Come," the cloaked Ferry Man said in a raspy voice. "It's time to go."