

Seeing her own underwear being scrubbed by the other person felt really weird. Daisy didn't plan to stay long and went straight back to her room. As she was about to leave, Matsumoto thought of something and said, "I have also cleaned the bathroom. You can use it anytime."

"Oh, thanks, Maki." After a day of running, taking a bath now seemed to be a good choice.

Just after taking off her shirt, she found that this new maid was walking in wearing just her underwear, there was a different kind of look in her eyes, and she said she also wanted to help her in the shower.

Daisy sternly rejected this kind of bathing mode, if it was a male body there would have been reactions, now? just forget it!

In the next few days, she slowly transitioned from being embarrassed at first to accepting the service of a maid. Except for the most personal matters, she was taken care of by someone for food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and she had to say she was very comfortable.

Once Miss Maid got more familiar with her, she started playing her role as a "retainer". That is to say, she thought that Daisy's dress was too neutral, not fully showcasing her beauty.

Going out without makeup and jewelry is considered a sin in the eyes of the maid.

Daisy humbly studied for a few days, but how much she actually absorbed was uncertain.

After a few days, with the environment settling down, Miss Matsumoto hesitated several times and seemed to want to learn melee combat with her.

She knew her own capabilities, she had no idea how to fight; she just relied on her physical prowess.

She instructed Matsumoto to focus on studying, get her lawyer's license first, find a formal job, and then think about other things.

Daisy kept an eye on the Japanese, but everything seemed calm, and they showed no intention of looking for her.

Life had to go on; the school closing became a reality. Daisy saw James Wesley with a bruise on his face in the distance, and the board and investors officially signed agreements. The students who have connections have already transferred away one after another.

"Daisy, what are your plans for the future?" Angela asked pitifully.

Of course, Daisy couldn't say punching SHIELD and kicking HYDRA; she was afraid her roommate would think she was a lunatic.

However, she couldn't connect much with Angela either, who talked about credits, scholarships, and so on, while her mind was filled with Chitauri, Thanos, and the five gods of the universe...

After having a meal with Angela and sending her off to work at the convenience store, Daisy had nothing to do.

Sitting on a bench by the roadside, her bright eyes watched the pedestrians. She calculated her finances—buying legal books, clothes, daily necessities, cooking ingredients, and more for the maid had cost over two thousand dollars out of the ten thousand she was given in the past few days. She thought about what to do with the remaining eight thousand.

"Hmm?" Suddenly, in her perception, a somewhat murky signal appeared. She turned to look.

An elderly woman with a cane was looking at her curiously.

Seemingly frail, the old woman walked up, hunched over, and trembling. She had a distinct Oriental appearance with triangular eyes and a face full of wrinkles, like a tree bark.

Daisy felt it carefully, her vibration hit a gel-like substance and quickly bounced off. Now in New York, the only person with this kind of power she could think of was Madam Gao from the Hand—a four-hundred-year-old monster!

Was it a chance encounter, or was invited by the Japanese to deal with her? She couldn't easily make a judgment.

"Do you need something?" She asked in English.

The old woman, with a face like dry bark, curved into a smile and replied in Chinese, "Little girl, your eyes are truly beautiful, like the stars in the night sky."

Even without sensing, a strong sense of malice hit Daisy. She picked up her backpack, hurrying away with a simple "crazy" comment.

Not even 300 meters away, footsteps echoed behind her. Daisy turned around and saw two burly men following her.

With some bystanders nearby, putting on "Kung Fu" live wasn't a good idea.

She made up her mind, leading them to a less crowded place; for now, she had to run!

If these situations happened to the heroines who liked to die and drill into dangerous places every day, they would usually be full of panic, nervously glancing back while walking quickly. It wasn't that they didn't want to run, but running in a one-step skirt and high heels wasn't easy.

Daisy had no such concerns; she always wore trousers and canvas shoes. She didn't value any grace and demeanor of a beauty. Now she just started running without thinking about it.

The big men trailing her were dumbfounded. This woman, who played her cards so differently, was truly a first for them. Remembering the Madame's orders, they could only sprint to catch up.

After running five hundred meters, they were dumbfounded. This woman was too fast! Like a nimble cheetah, she ran the streets at lightning speed.

She was agile, powerful, and had excellent jumping ability. Many obstacles were effortlessly overcome with a light leap.

Occasionally, she moved like a parkour expert, pushing off walls to change direction and smoothly navigating various obstacles.

Carrying her backpack, Daisy's body seemed weightless. Regardless of how complex the terrain was, she effortlessly flipped over obstacles. In contrast, the two burly men had to rely on brute force, lumbering like two black bears.

"Get someone to block her path up front!" a bald guy shouted into his phone.

Daisy's goal was clear; escaping was the best option, and if that failed, she couldn't expose her abilities in public.

After running through two streets, an iron gate blocked her path. Without hesitation, Daisy lightly tapped the gate with her toes, used the rebound force to elevate herself half a meter, grabbed the edge of the gate with both hands, lifted her long legs, exerted force from her waist, and effortlessly flipped over.

The two men following her were left speechless. Daisy, weighing around 60 kg, could make it, but they who were around twice her weight, couldn't flip over.

The streets were interconnected, and they immediately split up to pursue her.

Familiar with the terrain and more in number, they weren't afraid of making mistakes. The only accident was Daisy's incredible speed, but catching a woman alive wasn't a big deal.

Navigating through intricate alleyways, Daisy listened to footsteps echoing from all directions, calculating the distances.

Considering her as an easy target was a big mistake. Daisy reached out and touched the ground, sensing the enemies' positions.

Soon, a signal entered her perception range. The enemies were closing in a circle.

Hiding in the shadows, as a man with tattoos all over his arms passed in front of her, Daisy aimed at the back of his head and sent out a shockwave.

The tremendous force propelled the tattooed man over three meters, and his forehead hit the wall. He passed out without making a sound.

Daisy emerged from her hiding place, put on gloves, and searched through the tattooed man's clothes. She found a P239 at his lower back, and pulled out the magazine—only four bullets left.

She also checked his wallet and got $150.

"So damn poor!" Daisy was very dissatisfied with her lootbox. She wiped her shoe soles on the man's clothes; she had just run through a ditch and got mud on her shoes!


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