

Not long after, James Wesley, still looking like a sophisticated white-collar professional, carrying a briefcase, pushed the door and walked in. He tore off his tie in annoyance and grabbed a beer bottle, which he quickly downed.

Approaching the desk, he took out a document and read it for about two minutes before noticing that someone was sitting nearby.

"Who?!" He exclaimed, reaching for the drawer to grab a gun.

Daisy extended a shockwave with her hand, smashing half of the desk, revealing herself from the shadows.

"Mr. Wesley, long time no see," she said while revealing her face.

The other party felt strange at first, but then seemed to think of something, glancing at the desk and then at her, "It's you, are you a mutant?"

She directly refused, "No, just an ordinary superpower. As I said last time, Mr. Wesley, you are a talent. Mixing with the mob is truly a waste."

James Wesley's mouth curved with a hint of mockery as if he were looking at a naive young person.

He had encountered many people who thought having superpowers gave them control over everything.

Daisy seemed to guess his thoughts and continued, "Perhaps you think I'm superficial and ignorant, but I must say, the one who hasn't seen the bigger picture is you, and the one behind you, who has been in Spain these past few days, Mr. Wilson Fisk."

"How do you know all this?" he didn't deny but asked rhetorically.

'I know through the plot', she could not say that, so she continued to remain mysterious.

"Mr. Fisk is your good friend. The friendship between you is worthy of recognition. You're willing to do anything for him, and he would help you kill anyone, am I wrong?"

He neither nodded nor shook his head. She continued, "But Mr. Fisk has left New York, left Hell's Kitchen, because of the New York Police Department's crackdown. He needs to lie low and prepare for the next rise. What about you, Mr. Wesley? Do you want to retire to the Spanish countryside as well?"

This question was purely redundant. If James Wesley wanted to, he would have left New York long ago. He couldn't bear to leave here, the flattery and adulation of the people, unwilling to live a rural life.

"Do you want to wait in New York for a few more years? The NYPD is sweeping the city, and it will take Mr. Fisk a few years to return to New York. Are you willing to continue waiting, or do something now?" She stared directly into his eyes.

"I don't believe you."

Daisy smiled brightly, "You don't have to believe me. You just have to believe that since seen my abilities, you can only stand with me unless you don't want to live anymore."

"Even if you don't want to live, you wouldn't want to drag Mr. Fisk down, right?" After she finished speaking, she whispered a foreign address.

"What? Say that again?" James Wesley was surprised, and he even thought he had heard it wrong.

What were they doing? They were a mob! It had always been them threatening others.

XX, Do something for us if you don't want to involve your family.

Similar sentences had been said hundreds of times by Mr. James Wesley in his short thirty years of life. He never dreamed that today he would be threatened in return.

He chuckled angrily, "Maybe I have no resistance, but Mr. Fisk is different."

Daisy reached out her hand, being a few meters away, gently shaking his heart.

An invisible force grasped James Wesley's chest. He felt like he was about to suffocate in the next second, his face turning red. He tried to breathe heavily, but oxygen simply couldn't enter his heart, so he was blocked.

Daisy withdrew her ability, "In my eyes, there's no difference. I'm not asking you to betray him. Just do something for me while he's not back in New York. It doesn't violate your principles, does it?"

"Mr. Fisk hates superpowers!" James took off his glasses, covering his chest, struggling to stand.

"That's because he isn't a superpower," Daisy saw this clearly. Those anti-mutant politicians, citizens, and even those who had always opposed superpowered people, like James, wouldn't say such things if they themselves had abilities.

James Wesley lowered his head, thinking for a moment. In fact, he was somewhat envious of superpowered people, and he couldn't be said to have much hostility.

"I have a few conditions."

"Go on."

"I won't do anything that betrays Mr. Fisk."

"What I want to do is a legitimate business, unrelated to him. I can promise you that."

"I'm not a subordinate, but a partner."

"Originally, that's the case. I can agree to this as well."

"Once Mr. Fisk returns to New York, I will leave you and go back to him."

Daisy sneered, feeling like she was Cao Cao and the other party was General Guan Yu, yet she still agreed to this Marvel version of the Three Kingdoms. Time could change a person's perspective. It would take several more years for Kingpin to return to New York, and during these years, the glory would corrode James Wesley and his friendship.

Ultimately, James was a character who admired vanity, and liked being adored. Whether he would choose to be a prominent figure in the spotlight or handle the dirty work behind the scenes for the mob, Daisy believed he would choose the former.

"Okay, since we're now companions, let me explain the current task." She elaborated on the advantages of big data.

As an elite, James Wesley had knowledge in various fields. He quickly saw the potential of big data, a genius-like concept that appealed more to him than Kingpin's expensive focus on demolitions.

Getting into the role swiftly, he pondered, "It seems that this big data can only be applied to large corporations and government agencies?"

Daisy nodded, "That's your future task, dealing with government officials and big corporations. As a high-achieving graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Mr. Wesley, you should be better at communicating with those people."

The presentation was convincing, and truth be told, Mr. James Wesley was intrigued. However, when he heard that the company's accounts only had a few thousand dollars, his heart was cold.

"That's why I need you to open doors and get the market to recognize my product," Daisy said with an air of entitlement.

James considered and asked, "If some targets are resistant, would you use unconventional methods?"

Daisy amusingly glanced at him, "Mr. Wesley, your way of thinking is quite dangerous. Do you really think this country has no resistance? It's just that the upper echelons don't want to bother. If they want to, they can send a few elite agents to wipe you all out."

Daisy checked the time and handed him a note, "It's already late today. If you haven't changed your mind by tomorrow, you can find me at this address. If you change your mind, then I'll be the one finding you."

After saying that, she gestured toward his heart, opened the door, and walked out slowly.

There was a 70% chance that he would cooperate. Daisy kept her vibration ability active, sensing his initial irritation, and concern upon seeing her, shifting from hostility to compromise. The entire process felt very natural.

As she opened the door of her used Ford, just as she started the engine, she sensed a sharp frequency suddenly appear in her senses. Before she could react, the door on the other side was pulled open, and a tall figure sat inside.

The newcomer was tall, wearing a black leather trench coat, and had an eyepatch over the left eye. The entire body was as black as a braised egg.


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