

The main building has two large buildings on each side at the back, connected by a passage in the middle, forming a ring-shaped distribution of three buildings that are both separated and interconnected.

Inside the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., not everyone is an agent; there are ordinary people present, and the proportion of staff accounts for a large number here. They are busy handling their own affairs, much like white-collar workers in any large corporation.

Upon entering the three-wing headquarters building, Daisy had an intuitive sense of several eyes focusing on her. She took off her sunglasses; while she needed to conceal herself outside, there was no need for that here. She would be a regular here for the next few years. Walking around with a covered face and sunglasses every day? That's too weird.

Entering S.H.I.E.L.D. naturally put her in the sight of HYDRA as well, a fact she had predicted.

Unless she chose to live a quiet life as an ordinary person forever, she would undoubtedly attract attention. Rather than hastily dealing with it later, she preferred to confront it head-on.

The surrounding staff seemed to ignore her, continuing with their tasks.

Daisy knew that the test had begun. If she wanted to acquire knowledge, she had to prove herself as an elite. Otherwise, she wouldn't be worthy of the excellent teaching staff, professional training, and rigorous education.

In the past life, which student from famous universities did not emerge as an elite by crossing difficult hurdles? Teaching ordinary knowledge to ordinary people and elite knowledge to elites was a concept Daisy could accept.

She found a chair and sat down calmly.

The Daisy from the original timeline could remotely hack into S.H.I.E.L.D., and now she found herself inside the organization. If she didn't show results soon, it would be pitiful for her.

She hacked into the network, quickly searched for information, and found her destination in less than a minute.

"Child's play," she chuckled softly, turned into an elevator, went up to the tenth floor, and then walked to the left along the corridor.

After walking nearly eight hundred meters, another slightly shorter building appeared in front of her.

The relaxed atmosphere here made Daisy feel more comfortable. Different types of people were here. People of various skin colors were present, including sharp-eyed prospective agents and some absent-minded nerds immersed in their own world.

No more tests were needed here. Daisy showed her credentials to the staff, who verified them and handed her a room card.

Her room was on the third floor. She checked and noticed that the first two floors were for men, and the third floor was for women.

The fourth floor and above housed various classrooms, laboratories, and entertainment areas, while the training facilities were all underground.

'3106' was her room number. Finding her room, she pushed the door open and walked in.

It was a two-bedroom structure, with a bathroom and shower, presenting decent accommodation conditions.

Daisy put down her backpack and immediately rushed into the bathroom. She wanted to check for surveillance cameras and listening devices.

She lacked knowledge typical of agents, but she possessed abilities. The different vibration frequencies of electronic devices and everyday items were detectable to her if checked carefully.

Searching the bathroom twice and sensing every inch of the floors and walls in the restroom and bedroom.

The result was not bad, and Daisy found no signs of tricks by S.H.I.E.L.D. officials.

Turning on the room's air conditioner, she placed her backpack aside, feeling a hunger setting in after prolonged use of her abilities.

Touching her lower abdomen, where a vest line could already be seen, for her who hadn't exercised much before and had a little belly. Now for this good figure exercise only accounts for 30%, remaining 70% was all hungry!

On the bed lay a set of combat attire: a navy blue top and pants, a black belt, socks, and combat boots.

The fabric of the clothes was lightweight yet durable, and it is said to have a camouflage effect to prevent infrared rays.

Daisy found it a little funny, after going in circles, she seemed to have returned to her military training days.

Picking up the sports vest, it felt very comfortable and there was no smell, but it would be uncomfortable to wear it all the time, so she didn't change into it.

Changing into the combat top and pants, and donning the combat boots, she felt an urgent need to go and have a big meal!

Opening the door, she noticed that the door across from hers was also opening at the same time.

"Hi." The person opposite her was a blonde girl of similar height, appearing quite friendly.

"Hi." Daisy also waved, gesturing that the other person seemed to have arrived earlier. She extended her right hand for a handshake and introduced herself, "Daisy Johnson."

The blonde beauty also shook hands, saying, "Sharon Carter."

Sharon Carter? Daisy was a little surprised; the surname was too famous. The love story between Peggy Carter and Captain America is well-known here. Curious, she asked, "Carter? Are you related to Peggy Carter?"

The blonde beauty smiled heartily, "Just a coincidence."

Daisy nodded in understanding but slandered in her heart, You must be kidding! However, Peggy Carter's niece is really young. The old woman was in her nineties, and this niece didn't seem much older than Daisy.

The Carter family is also very interesting. The aunt fell for Captain America, and now the niece followed in the footsteps, getting involved with Captain America as well.

As the descendant of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s founder, Sharon Carter lacked any second-generation airs. She was cheerful, and tactful in her dealing with people, neither appearing abrupt nor giving off any suspicious vibes.

"Daisy, are you new here? Have you registered for courses? I can show you around." The blonde was enthusiastic. Daisy was embarrassed to admit she was starving and just wanted to go for a hearty meal. She forced a smile and allowed herself to be dragged along to choose study courses.

As they walked, observing the students around, Daisy couldn't help but feel that this place didn't seem much different from a regular university.

Sharon Carter was quite familiar with the place, constantly sharing information about the courses offered at the academy for Daisy's reference.

"Sharon, which courses did you sign up for?" Daisy inquired.

The blonde beauty placed her hands on her hips, adopting a confident posture. "I signed up for all of them. I suggest you do the same. No matter what profession you plan for in the future, all the courses here are actually very useful."

Daisy mostly agreed with this statement. If it weren't for the purpose of acquiring knowledge, she could have lived a comfortable life in New York. Why bother to suffer here?

As the staff brought up the complete course list, even though she had experienced the bombardment of courses in her past life, Daisy felt a bit overwhelmed looking at the densely packed learning schedule.

The academy offered eight major study directions: Department of Field Service, Department of Science, Department of Innovation, Department of Espionage, Department of Special Agents, Department of Strategy, Department of Operations, and Department of Diplomacy.

Within the broad framework, some subjects had overlapping content. For instance, Espionage and Agents shared many similarities, but espionage focused on gathering information while minimizing exposure, whereas agents were measured by mission completion.

Science and Innovation were also not entirely identical. Science leaned more towards theoretical research, while Innovation involved the manufacturing of advanced weapons.

Under each major, there were numerous sub-disciplines. For example, all majors required language proficiency and basic personal combat skills, while some included the study of psychology or polymer materials. In summary, each of the eight majors had its own emphasis, highlighting that being a skilled agent wasn't just about fighting.


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