Agent May


Considering the hostile relationship between Ms. Peggy Carter and Hydra, the blonde girl in front of her was obviously sent by Fury to monitor her. Daisy had expected this, but she didn't expect them to send someone famous for surveillance.

Unbeknownst to her, the blonde beauty's thoughts are similar to hers. This civilian woman must be here to monitor her!

As a descendent of a person with meritorious service, Sharon has a high starting point, but there are also numerous challenges. The higher-ups do not want to see descendants of Peggy Carter in S.H.I.E.L.D. The age gap between Peggy and her niece is almost seventy years. Is the Carter family really without suitable candidates? No! Their family is large, and the direct successors of the Carter family tried to enter S.H.I.E.L.D. in the past, but they were all thwarted by various events.

It wasn't until Ms. Peggy Carter reached the age of ninety, with her connections depleted, that Sharon Carter entered S.H.I.E.L.D. along with Daisy this year.

Sharon quickly suppressed any discomfort; she was used to it.

From childhood, the household staff, neighbors, school teachers, and people monitoring her were constantly present. One more or one less doesn't matter to her.

However, Daisy caught a glimpse of the hostility that Sharon momentarily revealed. She was confused as to where this feeling came from.

The two quickly finish their contest, and their enthusiasm remains. They still appear as harmonious as in the beginning.

With laughter and conversation, they take the elevator back to their rooms. They nod and smile at each other, and Daisy's face was stiff with a smile.

"Women's friendships are really unreliable..." she mutters to herself. Watching Sharon enter her room, Daisy turns and heads back to the elevator. This time, she's determined to enjoy a good meal!

Sharon Carter, who had been leaning against the door all along, heard Daisy's footsteps gradually fading away and confirmed Daisy's mission—she was here to monitor her. Now she must be reporting to her superiors!

Sharon sighed, unsure if her coming to S.H.I.E.L.D. this time was right or wrong.

 Daisy didn't know that she had caused a misunderstanding for the pseudo-best friend. She walked into the cafeteria, grabbed a bunch of chicken wings and legs, and ate them on the side.

To appear more ladylike, she also orders a plate of donuts, this thing is a favorite among superhumans.

She ate chicken legs when there were fewer people and switched to donuts when it got crowded.

In the meantime, she grabbed five pieces of cake, fifteen chocolates, and a large bowl of mashed potatoes.

Occasional passersby can see this beauty, and find the beauty eating very pleasing to the eye! Little do they know that this lady spent a whole hour eating in the cafeteria!

"Awesome!" With a large amount of food entering her body and delivering energy to her cells through the digestive system, the genuine joy from within cannot be described in words—it can only be replaced with the word "awesome."

As she prepared to return to her room, she heard someone nearby say, "Overeating can easily cause digestive problems. You eat too much."

She had seen the person approaching long ago but ignored them. Is it a crime to eat a lot?

A Chinese woman in a black combat suit walked up to her, curious, and examined her.

A familiar stranger, she extends her hand for an introduction, "Daisy Johnson."

The other person quickly glanced at her, noticing that there was no oil on her hands from food. She then extended her hand and said, "I'm Melinda May. Do you speak Chinese?" The last sentence was spoken in Chinese.

Listening to the other person's weird Chinese, Daisy was speechless for a while. These descendants of immigrants all have a distinctive Hokkien accent. That Madame Gao was like this, and this Mei agent is the same.

If she spoke Mandarin fluently with a Beijing accent now, it would be too suspicious. Fortunately, she had thought about this before coming, imitating the way foreigners speak Chinese, stretching her tongue, pulling her molars inward with effort, and using the pronunciation of English. She replied with some effort, "I can speak a little."

If she had spoken at this level in her previous life, she would have been considered intellectually disabled, and eligible for disability assistance.

May, the agent, was delighted to hear that Daisy could "speak" Chinese, praising her for not forgetting her roots.

"Fury values you a lot. He sees great potential in you," Melinda said candidly in English, not continuing to toss her Chinese.

Daisy couldn't praise herself, so she could only express that there was a lot she needed to learn.

"Have you finished eating?"

"Yes, I have."

"Go to the training room. Let me see your skills." After saying this, May walked alone toward the training room. Daisy felt it would be inappropriate to turn back to her room, so she followed.

They randomly chose a ring.

"What martial arts do you know?"


"Anything else?"

"...Nothing else."

Agent May's eyebrows furrowed, "Karate is too basic. Come, attack me, and I'll show you real kung fu."

Does real kung fu exist in this world? Daisy knows it does—places like Kun-Lun and Penglai really exist, where people can claim to understand kung fu. For example, the Madame Gao who was exiled and lived for four hundred years.

At best, Agent May is proficient in martial arts techniques.

But Daisy didn't underestimate her. Even though she knows she can't win, she still assumes a karate stance and said, "Be careful."

With a step forward, she swiftly launched a straight punch toward Melinda's face. The opponent reacted quickly, dodging the fist by tilting her head and grabbing Daisy's wrist with her right hand, while hooking her foot.

Daisy reacts just as fast, her right foot drawing a half arc to avoid the hooked leg, simultaneously reaching to grab the opponent's arm.

"Not bad. It seems you've practiced diligently," Agent May commented while observing her movements. Footwork is crucial in martial arts. Without it, even if you have skilled hands, it's useless.

After just two moves, May had developed a slight interest in this half-Chinese that Fury focused on.

She used a tiger-form of Xingyi Quan, deflecting Daisy's attacks with her left hand before pushing out with a palm.

Daisy attempted to maneuver around, but Melinda's palm seemed to follow her movements, and she could only raise her arm to block.

At the same time, the center of gravity shifted back, and she went for a side kick at Melinda's lower abdomen.

"Fancy," She had a slight contempt in her tone, stepping back two paces, easily evading Daisy's subsequent spinning kick.

"See, these flashy moves are useless except for show. You should learn some more sophisticated skills," she says somewhat disappointedly.

Of course, Daisy knows that karate teaching is a mixed bag. She defeated her instructor after only a week of learning, showing his level of skill. But at that time, she didn't have many choices. Now, seeing May's friendly attitude, she decided to take it seriously and learn.

Mei Linda's teaching experience is almost zero. She's excellent at training herself, but teaching others is a different story. Most of what she knows comes from combat experience that outsiders can only understand, she can't say much about sophisticated theories.

Fortunately, Daisy has some basic foundation, and she's relatively intelligent. Well-fed and well-hydrated, she's in a better state than ever.

The two engaged in a mix of sparring and teaching, and Daisy learned quite a few combat techniques.


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