Walking Together


They first went to Dr. Pym's laboratory and each began searching based on what they had learned.

Daisy mainly looked at the equipment here, not all of which were the latest and most cutting-edge, but they were meticulously cleaned. Listening to a few assistants, she learned that the old doctor treated all the devices like his own children.

Her on-site evidence search class proceeded routinely. She quickly glanced through everything but didn't find any suspicious points. Unfortunately, she couldn't figure out the abilities of the Vibe Cisco from DC next door, otherwise, if she had understood them, she could have found something the old doctor had used, and vibrations would have easily located the other party.

In fact, not only did she fail to find any clues, but the remaining three ladies also had no success.

Black Widow separately questioned a few assistants, confirming several places the doctor frequently visited.

After filtering, only the hospital, bar, and park remained, as Daisy had mentioned before.

"Your algorithm is impressive; it will save a lot of time in intelligence analysis in the future. Amazing!" Black Widow expressed her admiration.

Next was the grouping investigation. With three suspicious locations and four people, they had to split up.

"The central park occupies a large area; I'll go there. Sharon can disguise herself as a nurse to investigate the hospital. You two go to the bar."

They immediately took action without hesitation and split up immediately.

Going to the bar with the unsmiling Hill, to be honest, was a challenge for Daisy.

But it had to be done.

In a movie or TV show, they would burst in, engage in a chaotic fight, extract information, and then leave.

Of course, in reality, they couldn't do that. Bars in bustling areas always had some connections, either with the police or the underworld. Could they just beat people up and leave swaggeringly? It was impossible if you think about it.

Hill was dedicated to completing the mission perfectly, and Daisy didn't want to escalate things into a gunfight.

They had to dress up, at least look the part.

Daisy carried a shoulder bag, while Hill had brought some things, although not clothes for the bar.

Black Widow had sent them to the bar, giving them time to prepare their outfits.

After knowing that Hill had an unlimited black card, they headed straight to the mall.

To avoid attracting attention, Daisy dressed like a local college student, buying a suspender shirt and a pair of fringed shorts, paired with high heels.

Hill might be thinking both of them wearing shorts would be weird, at least that's what Daisy thought, so she chose to buy an off-shoulder blouse, a short skirt, and high heels.

They bought a few random pieces of jewelry, spending only a small amount of money in total.

Since the bar would only open in the evening, they didn't waste time. Near the bar, they booked a room. Daisy used the local network to check Dr. Pym's personal spending records, while Hill pretended to be an FBI agent, and went to the police station to search for recent incident reports.

The two met in the room later that night, and only then did Daisy think of a problem. She should have changed her clothes first.

Now that both of them needed to change their clothes, a frank meeting was going to take place.

Hill didn't pay attention to her and started to undress quickly.

Daisy also thought it would be too strange to go to the bathroom to change clothes, so she could only take off her top and start undressing.

Women's wars are everywhere, even if it is two women who don't really care, they are also changing their clothes and looking at each other's bodies.

Her belly is very fit...

She has a big chest, usually it can't be seen... 

"You have such a large-caliber handgun?" Daisy, who had just taken off her pants, felt a chill down her spine when she heard Hill's words. Her scalp felt like it was about to explode, and it took her two seconds to realize that Hill was talking about the Rhino revolver.

Realizing it was a false alarm, she wiped off some sweat secretly.

Hill, unaware of the misunderstanding she caused, continued her questioning.

"Can you use this kind of gun? Even if it's modified, it's not suitable for women and could injure your wrist." Hill believed that she was two years older than her and had more experience, so she took on a mentoring tone.

"...I naturally have strong wrist strength, don't worry, it's my talent!" Regardless of whether Hill believed her or not, she used a lame excuse to brush off the matter of the handgun.

Shorts and high heels can't be stuffed with a pistol, so Daisy packed the gun and bullets into her handbag, and Hill did the same.

Thigh holsters might seem clever, but in reality, they were mostly there to attract the attention of male enemies with the thighs. After that, well the person who designed the holster must know men well... but still, in theory, they were only on a reconnaissance mission tonight and shouldn't need weapons.

After a thorough check with no flaws found, they left their room and headed towards the nearby bar.

Walking together, they had a strange feeling.

"Let's get closer." Daisy found the problem, although the two were not far apart, they were going to the bar as friends, so some distance seemed very strange.

And two women going to a place like a bar together, there seems to be an unusual smell...

"In what posture should two women go to a bar?" Daisy was a little confused, holding hands was too naive, she was not a little girl, but it looked too intimate while holding hands.

She took out her tablet and searched for it, but this time the big data didn't help.

Hill recalled the training she had received, but it never mentioned in the course what posture two women should walk in.

"Take the arm, I think those people in front of us are like this," Hill thought for a while and said.

Daisy speechlessly looked at Hill for a few seconds, it was a man and a woman! She once again asked another weird question, "Then... Is it you holding me or me holding you?"

Hill turned her head and looked at the dresses of the two and said, "You are taller and your behavior is more masculine, so I will hold you."

Daisy stretched out her arm, and Hill held her. Both of them had no sleeves on their clothes, and their smooth skin touched each other, which felt a little strange, but they quickly suppressed it, and no one mentioned it.

The small details were settled, and the two saw that there were no flaws, so they left the hotel and walked to a bar not far away.

A magical accident occurred once again. The high heels clicked against the ground, producing a clattering sound. Daisy noticed that the footsteps of the two were perfectly in sync. The amplitude, height, order of the legs, and landing force were almost identical. Despite there being only two people, they managed to walk out of the guard of honor.

Such a coordinated action made Daisy feel weird, and she quickly altered her steps.

She was adjusting, and Hill was adjusting too. The consequence of both making changes simultaneously was that their rhythms synchronized once again.

"Haha... these heels are a bit uncomfortable," Daisy tried to ease the embarrassment.

Hill also felt embarrassed, saying, "Yes, my skirt is a bit narrow too."

Both of them made a concerted effort to adjust, but the beats continued to harmonize. The more they tried to adjust, the better they fit.

In the not-so-bustling night of Budapest, with few pedestrians on the road, the precise footsteps of the two seemed unusually abrupt.

"Um... I'll take the left foot, you take the right!" She tried to make suggestions.

The result of the two individuals having one left foot and the other right foot was that neither could walk properly. They clung to each other, arms intertwined, and nearly stumbled like two horses.

Just as Daisy was anxious, contemplating using her ability to leap straight over, the bar finally came into view.

It wasn't until the deafening sound of the music overwhelmed their footsteps that they both breathed a sigh of relief.


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