String Theory


Perceiving vibration frequency, the primary application is initially for spatial displacement.

If this ability is explained scientifically, it is the string theory. The string theory is considered the only theory that can unify the four fundamental forces and general relativity across eras.

The string theory proposes that all matter in the universe is composed of tiny segments of strings, some spanning the cosmic expanse, while others exist between electrons. These strings are the fundamental units that make up the current state of the universe.

After the Big Bang, a large number of cosmic strings were generated, with lengths exceeding a hundred billion light-years. These strings are challenging to observe directly and require the use of gravitational lenses for indirect discovery.

A common conjecture suggests that cosmic strings exist within binary star systems, formed by gravitational resonance within such systems. Resonance between celestial bodies creates a series of standing waves, and when a string vibrates, it forms two stable nodes. Daisy's teleportation principle is based on vibrating a specific string to move from one point to another.

Daisy had experimented with this before, but unfortunately, it had no effect. Now, after listening to Dr. Pym's calculations, several barriers have been pierced, and her eyes suddenly became clear.

Although Dr. Pym is still engrossed in calculations, she has some estimates in her mind by comparing it with her abilities.

'Zzzla' 'Zzzla' - her palms emit vibrational waves and friction with the air. She is sensing frequencies, attempting to find a string that she can apply.

The strange sound startled the old doctor from his calculations, and he curiously watched Daisy.

The faint blue halo was subtle at first, like a small flame. Then the radiance intensified, and something indistinct appeared behind the light. Before the old doctor could speak, there was a sudden "bang". A small fireball exploded in the air, debris scattering everywhere, accompanied by a large amount of sand.

The explosion was extremely sudden, and Daisy was at the forefront.

Old Pym hurried to grab a fire extinguisher but found no open flames, just a lot of dust. His previously spotless laboratory now looked house that had been abandoned for years.

"Bah...!" Daisy, with a dirty face, got up from the ground. Her once neat suit is now indistinguishable in the dusty haze, her hair turned gray, and her shoes and everything were filled with sand.

"Yellow sand? Where did you connect?" Dr. Pym crouched on the ground, pinching the scattered fine sand. Some blowing from the other side, and some shaking off Daisy.

Daisy ran her fingers through her hair, transforming her image from a beggar to a refugee. She looked at Pym with a blank expression, "Don't know!"

Although she doesn't care much about her image it's too embarrassing now.

Dr. Pym chuckles and looks at her, "Can you use your vibration to shake off this dust now? It should be a basic ability for you, right?"

"It's easy to say. Let me see you do it, and you'll know the difficulty." Daisy snorted and concentrated her ability on her hands, giving them a slight shake. Dr. Pym quickly spotted the issue.

Vibration is possible, but the direction of vibration is not controlled. Countless dust particles vibrate chaotically, and after the shaking, they are still on her hands, just having switched places with each other.

"Your ability to control is not good. I don't know if you've heard of Magneto, his ability..."

He was interrupted by Daisy, "Magneto has had his powers for how many years? He could only do some heavy lifting at first. I've found a problem; you must have miscalculated something just now. You better check it a bit!"

Daisy finished speaking and quickly ran to the bathroom. She washed herself from head to toe, changed into a lab coat, and then walked out again.

Poor Old Pym, who was in his eighties, was left to clean up by her. Afterward, he re-examined the entire calculation process again, and indeed, he found an error.

In fact, it cannot be said that it was his mistake; it was a mistake in modern quantum mechanics. He had blindly followed the previous formulas, not expecting that one of the values had shifted in the calculation.

Daisy tied her hair into a ponytail. She was too unlucky just now. The previous mishap had unexpectedly connected the string vibration to a place where a hurricane was raging. Encountering such a probability could only be attributed to bad luck.

"When you adjust the frequency to between 30,000 and 50,000, at this point, you need to calculate this formula. It changes with the distance, mass, and air resistance of your target..."

Old Pym explained a lot, speaking and gesturing at the same time. Some of it Daisy could understand, while others were completely beyond her comprehension.

This made her realize that she not only needed to learn quantum physics but also required a very high level of mathematics.

"Try it once, right here in this laboratory. See if you can open a ten-meter-long passage." Old Pym gave a surprise exam to her.

This task wasn't difficult; factors like air resistance, magnetic fields, and many obstacles need not be considered too much. There are slight variations, and she could adjust them with her ability. Daisy silently calculated a numerical value.

Raising her right hand, she sent out a shockwave into the air.

The faint blue energy struck the air like hitting a wall, overcoming slight resistance and penetrating through.

The unobservable string was once again sensed by her. Like stretching a rubber band, she calculated the distance and then vibrated it at a specific point.

In a gentle tremor, the string responded, transmitting the vibration to another point.

This phenomenon manifested externally as a faint blue halo appearing in front of Daisy. It resembled ripples in water, with the central vortex spinning faster and eventually turning into a clockwise energy vortex two meters high and one meter wide.

Daisy frowned slightly, struggling to control that subtle connection, and another energy vortex with opposite rotation appeared ten meters away.

Old Pym got her signal and casually picked up a book, throwing it towards the energy gate on her side.

The next second, the book flew out unscathed from the other side with a 'thud' as it landed on the ground.

"Space jump!" The old man wanted to throw something else, but Daisy sat on the ground.

"Hehe... Um, do you have anything to eat here? I feel like I'm going to starve to death!" Daisy, exhausted and sweating, asked for food.

Calculations showed that there were problems with their formulas. The passage was not stable and kept changing every moment.

This required Daisy to constantly adjust the vibration frequency, which consumed a considerable amount of energy in calculations.

Although Old Pym was physically strong, considering his age, he didn't have any high-calorie food prepared in the lab, so he had to call his assistant to bring some over.

Daisy devoured three 12-inch pizzas. In fact, she could continue eating, but it started to feel a bit too much. She also had a bowl of meat soup, partially restoring her energy.

"Is the energy consumption so high?" Old Pym was afraid she might starve to death, so he waited until now to inquire.

"Actually, the consumption is average. However, our algorithm has a big problem. Most of my physical and mental energy needs to be spent on the algorithm. If we can optimize it, there will be a lot of room for improvement in my abilities." Daisy answered while wiping her mouth.


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