Night Attack


Over the next three days, Daisy had been secretly investigating the financial flow of the Yashida family. The supplies could be used to provide cover, however, you couldn't manipulate the numbers, and funds in bank accounts cannot be concealed.

In the era of global economic integration, consumption records were transparent. Daisy doubted that the old devil Yashida wouldn't take out all the money, and then let Hydra agents carry sacks of cash for shopping.

Staying indoors for three days, she selectively filtered and conducted big data analysis, finding numerous suspicious points.

She analyzed that all the supplies were entering South America, but she couldn't find more information beyond that.

The time span was over thirty years, and the quantity of the goods was even more astronomical. Daisy found it hard to determine whether it was related to Hydra, but it was undoubtedly a significant matter and must be notified.

Did the Tokyo branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. have any Hydra connections? She suspected they did. Fortunately, she had Nick Fury's secret contact information.

An encrypted call was quickly connected, and Fury's voice sounded heavy, "What's the matter?"

Daisy explained the confirmed information to him.

"Why not report through the local S.H.I.E.L.D. liaison point?" Nick Fury asked curiously.

"I don't trust them."

"...Good, suspect everything. You have the potential to be the king of spies." The Braised Egg's words left her speechless. How did she become the king of spies? You give that title too casually!

"Send me the data; I'll take a look."

Daisy accessed the network and copied the data to Nick Fury.

After half an hour, the phone rang again.

"Tell me what you think."

"The demanded supplies are extensive. In my opinion, there's only one explanation: this is a secret base with a large population, unknown to the public. This shouldn't be the business of our S.H.I.E.L.D., right?" Afraid of causing misunderstandings, she asked the last thing in a low voice.

"At least I don't know. Agent Johnson, I need you to thoroughly investigate this matter. The conditions of Yashida Shingen can be stalled first and ask for the specific location of this base."

After Nick Fury finished speaking, he hung up. From his tone, it was evident he probably didn't consider it a high priority, much like when Dr. Hank Pym was captured by bad guys for several days, and he remained indifferent.

Why didn't the Braised Egg take it seriously? Perhaps their perspectives on the issue differed. Whether in her past life or as her former self, Daisy was just a small player and couldn't appreciate the thinking of a chess player.

Leaders not taking it seriously had its advantages; it gave her a large operational space. After weighing the pros and cons, Daisy returned to the Yashida estate.

At the entrance of the estate, she unexpectedly encountered two people: the towering Wolverine, who looked extremely disheveled with a tired face, wild hair, and unruly beard, giving off a feral vibe, and repelling people away.

Alongside him was a red-haired Japanese woman with a round face and a pointed chin. What caught attention were her eyes, with more whites than usual, and this woman seemed to enjoy rolling her eyes. When Daisy's gaze fell on her, the woman just stared back with bulging eyes.

A mutant with such obvious genetic defects, she thought, looks really ugly! Maybe in the movie, she could look alright, but in reality it was really not good!

Daisy couldn't help but sneer inwardly. Regardless of whether she was a scheming bitch, Mariko, in comparison, was much more pleasing to the eye. It was funny that the old devil had also chosen an ugly girl as a companion for his granddaughter.

She walked into the estate with composure, and guards led her to meet Yashida Shingen.

Ironically, while old Yashida held the real power, within the family estate, it was Yashida Shingen who had the authority to speak. People below only knew the old patriarch was on his deathbed, naturally gathering around the middle-aged Yashida Shingen, well-connected in Japan's upper circles.

As a guest of the dying old patriarch, they treated Wolverine like a big enemy, almost hostile during the inspection. In contrast, they treated Daisy with great respect. The contrast between the two was apparent.

Meeting Yashida Shingen for the third time was different from the previous two encounters.

It seemed like he was awaiting judgment, his gaze slightly lowered, not meeting Daisy's eyes, but the tension in him was evident.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. needs the Patriarch to prove his worth. We need to know the final destination of this batch of supplies," she said, getting straight to her biggest bargaining chip.

A hint of ruthlessness flashed in Yashida Shingen's eyes.

Ignoring it, Daisy continued, "As part of this equal exchange, we will help you ascend to power and protect your life."

Anyway, the old man was about to fake his death in the next few days, and Yashida Shingen's rise was inevitable. This guy had strong physical qualities; even Madame Viper hadn't poisoned him to death, indicating some enhancements. As long as she didn't let Wolverine stab him to death in the end, Daisy considered her promise fulfilled.

With the advantage of knowing the plot, she knew the old man was about to die, and Yashida Shingen, as the beloved son, acted like a filial son and grandson every day. He could naturally sense that the old man was about to die, and her seemingly light promise didn't satisfy him.

Daisy sneered, "Mr. Yashida, are you underestimating me because of my youth? Those people took away a large amount of supplies from Yashida Corporation and drained your funds. Aren't they your enemies? We mobilize forces to eliminate your enemies and make substantial promises, and all you need to do is provide some information. Isn't this our sincerity?"

As the two sides were having a back-and-forth argument and things were about to get heated, both of them suddenly smiled.

"Miss Johnson is a rare talent; S.H.I.E.L.D. indeed is a gathering of elites," Yashida Shingen remarked.

"Patriarch Yashida also possesses a heroic spirit. Yashida Corporation will surely achieve new glory this time," Daisy replied.

Both sides understood each other's bottom line, and the conversation atmosphere instantly eased, exchanging a few compliments.

Now, the urgent matter was Yashida Shingen. He had to mobilize all resources to find the exact location of the enemies. Only with this leverage could they discuss the next steps; otherwise, everything is imaginary.


The Yashida manor was quiet at night. Yashida Shingen went to contact his connections to gather information, while Makoto wanted to confront her biological father. However, after searching in circles, she couldn't find him. The father-daughter dispute from the original timeline didn't happen, causing Wolverine to miss meeting Mariko.

Daisy, unaware that her interference caused minor changes in the plot, lay in a sleeping robe on the tatami mat, wondering how to approach obtaining the Yashida family's cellular research data, maximizing her benefits without exposing herself.

Lost in her thoughts, she tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

Just as she was counting imaginary sheep with her eyes closed, she heard the shoji door being gently pulled open.

The footsteps were light and slow, belonging to a young woman. Judging by the frequency, the opponent seemed to be hiding a deep cold malice beneath a seemingly warm exterior.

As soon as the other party entered the room, she began to undress and murmur something.

Daisy felt a little dizzy, what do you mean? Was Yashida Shingen afraid that I couldn't sleep alone, so you sent your daughter to bed? But how is this possible!


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