

With Daisy heavily injured and coughing up blood, Uncle Wolf and Mariko were forcibly pulled over by the resonating strings from the other side.

To be honest, Daisy's teleportation experience was uncomfortable even under normal circumstances.

Now, with no control, the Wolf Uncle and Mariko were brought over like cargo, being bounced over roughly.

Wolverine reacted quickly and valiantly; claws emerged on his fists, and he surveyed the surroundings like a wild beast, cautious and guarding carefully to potential enemies.

Mariko rubbed her waist and slowly stood up.

"Where is this?" she first asked in Japanese, realizing that Wolverine couldn't understand, she switched to English.

Wolverine was also at a loss, and amidst the confusion, he couldn't figure out where they were.

As far as the eyes could see, there was a dense forest, faintly hearing bird chirps and the rustling sound of trees being blown by the wind.

"First... let's leave this place. My blood can't stay here; help me get rid of it," Daisy pulled out a syringe from her combat suit. It was her self-made "melting agent" designed for her blood. She threw it to Wolverine in a daze.

A simple action made her feel like her head was about to split open. She stood up, supporting herself, and Mariko placed Daisy's arm over her shoulder. After identifying the direction, unclear about the location, they could only run north, with Mariko assisting Daisy.

Wolverine took the syringe and, under the light, inspected it. There were no text labels. Although he felt Daisy and these agents were overly cautious, he knew that the blood of mutants was highly sought after in this world.

While not learning any advanced knowledge over the years, the Wolverine possessed practical life skills, likely having some experience in street cleaning. He looked around, found no distinctive buildings, squeezed out two drops of the syringe onto the blood, watched it quickly evaporate, and then dug a hole with his claws, burying the remaining part.

By the time he caught up with Daisy and Mariko, three minutes had passed.

"Old thing, I'll definitely kill her!" Daisy gritted her teeth, simultaneously trying not to pass out.

These red-clad ninjas were not under Madame Viper, and they had no grudges with the Yashida family. They were members of the Hand, sent to kill her.

Her superpower was still intact, but the teleportation was interrupted. With weakened mental strength, and a lack of coordination between body and mind, Daisy felt like she had become the teenage girl who had just crossed over again.

Concentrating a bit, she looked around. Initially planning to return to the Yashida estate, the teleportation location had far from the intended target. She didn't know where this was, not even sure if it was still in Japan.

"What is this place?" she asked Mariko in Japanese.

Mariko, accustomed to a life with bodyguards when going out and maids when indoors, had no idea where they were. Breathing heavily, she shook her head, indicating she didn't know.

Daisy felt a moment of dizziness, with more than half of her body weight leaning on Mariko, her eyes automatically attracted by the kimono design. Well, yes, a large piece of cleavage was exposed on the neck of the woman's kimono, and it was hard not to see it.

She couldn't help it, glancing inside, found that someone went commando at their grandfather's funeral.

Forcing herself to shift attention, she noticed Miss Mariko's beautiful kimono again. It looked good but had too many flaws when trying to escape for life.

Her legs couldn't move freely, only able to take small steps forward. Wearing split-toe tabi socks and straw sandals made her walk unsteadily. In the end, she had to lean on Mariko, and despite Mariko's efforts, they hadn't covered much ground.

Daisy only felt something extra in her mind. Her willpower began to dissipate. Blurrily, she saw the Uncle Wolf catching up, but unable to hold on any longer, she fainted.


The originally colorless and formless conscious space was now tinted with a faint golden hue. Daisy felt like she had turned into a floating duckweed, drifting downstream along an endless river.

Not through eyes or ears, but she could "see" and "hear" a giant red dragon roaring far away. It seemed to glance at her from a distance, as if crossing the distances of time and space.

She felt like she had lost the ability to think, only sensing a voice speaking to her, but she couldn't make out what it was saying.

The sky had threads of golden lines, gradually assimilating into her through an unknown process. Before she could decipher the significance of this change, a strong suction pulled her into a narrow passage, and she ultimately lost all perception in the darkness.

After an unknown duration, consciousness gradually returned to her body. Daisy felt her head splitting in two. Unable to endure it, she groaned softly.

"She's awake," she faintly heard Mariko's voice.

"Quick, switch that incense," another female voice, whom she couldn't recall.

Not long after, Daisy sensed a pleasant fragrance in her nostrils, warm and comforting. The scent seemed to soothe her spirit, enabling her to regain control of her body.

Her body had no major injuries; that little amount of blood loss was nothing to the female superheroes. With her mind at ease, her body naturally recovered a bit.

Rubbing her head, she forced herself to sit up, and felt very hungry...

She asked, "Miss Mariko, where are we?" Glancing around, she saw a wooden structure with a small incense burner inside, emitting a curl of smoke that lingered, creating an excellent aroma that seemed to lighten her body.

Seated by the incense burner was a young woman with a single ponytail, dressed in loose sportswear. She had a beautiful face with distinctive willow-leaf eyebrows. Her Eastern features had a touch of Western characteristics, likely also a mixed heritage.

"This is Miss Colleen Wing. We are currently at her hermitage, located north of Sendai," Mariko introduced the ponytailed woman before explaining the situation of the three.

There wasn't much to say. The three were wandering through the woods when they encountered Miss Wing practicing swordsmanship. Recognizing Mariko, who was a well-known figure, after a brief explanation, she then brought them to her residence to rest.

Later, using special incense, she helped Daisy recover. Daisy had actually been unconscious for two days.

"Thank you, Miss Wing, for your help, uh...? Did you change my clothes for me?" Daisy noticed she was wearing a T-shirt and loose sports pants.

The T-shirt was a little tight on her well-developed body, and a small part of her skin was exposed at the stomach, revealing her abs. These were obviously not her clothes.

Naturally, they were Miss Wing's clothes. The girl looked somewhat thin, shorter than Daisy, so the clothes didn't fit perfectly.

The two girls didn't see any problem, and admitted to the change of clothes

"Um... is there anything to eat?" Daisy endured for a while but couldn't hold back any longer; her stomach was too hungry.


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