Heading to Antarctica


In fact, there are many documents that record the whereabouts of supplies. Now, she just opened three of them. After all, she is an excellent employee who belongs to the category of 'report immediately upon discovery.' It's normal to have some omissions. Let Nick Fury flip through the rest himself.

Nick Fury was actually taken aback this time. Are there still Nazi remnants hiding in Antarctica?

"Agent Johnson, you did a good job. After handling the situation in Japan, return to headquarters immediately; we need your involvement in the follow-up of this matter," said the Director. After finishing his words, he copied all the data, boarded a helicopter, and left the scene.

Following the instructions of her superiors, Daisy encrypted the data once again, doing the so-called "processing". After all, from a legal standpoint, these things still belonged to the Yashida family. They invested a significant amount of money and time in research. Knowledge is wealth, and private property is sacred and inviolable. S.H.I.E.L.D. had no authority to handle it.

The data was still there, but after her "processing", whether the Yashida family could access this information was uncertain. If there were issues, they could bring it up with S.H.I.E.L.D., and you would get a response within fifteen working days.

After dealing with the data, Daisy went to meet Logan and the two women.

The Wolverine, who had originally planned to continue wandering, was completely defeated. Facing the sorrow of beautiful women, with Ms. Mariko crying as if she were a tearful person, holding onto the his arm and refusing to let him go and Yukio was also reluctant. At their pleading, Wolverine decided to stay in Japan for a while longer.

Daisy felt that she had fulfilled Professor Charles's entrustment. Whether being used as a gun indoors or outdoors, as an old bachelor, he was enjoying a double teaming treatment, the Wolverine could now be secretly happy.

The old Yashida was pulled out directly from the armor and buried on the spot. Besides Ms. Mariko and Yukio feeling a bit sad, Daisy and Wolverine were expressionless.

After a short wait, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s aircraft landed at the Yashida Castle.

Daisy, with a few people and the armor made entirely of adamantium alloy, flew back to Tokyo.

Today's Tokyo streets were even more chaotic. The Four Fingers of the Hand wanted to swallow up the remaining assets left by Madame Gao, and Madame Hydra wanted to forcibly take over the Yashida enterprise. After her, several Hydra leaders were also jumping up and down.

Yashida Shingen was also busy. To deal with the corporate crisis, the middle-aged man spent the entire day meeting with various forces and personalities. He only met Daisy during dinner.

He showed no interest in the Silver Samurai's armor. With Daisy indicating that S.H.I.E.L.D. would support him within limits and provide some intelligence, he sold the armor that his father had researched for half his life to S.H.I.E.L.D. at a bargain price.

Daisy, Wolverine, Mariko, and Yukio said their goodbyes and she flew back to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters on the same day.

She hid the Silver Samurai's two arms and metal sword, using the excuse that they were damaged or lost in battle. The remaining torso and legs were handed over to the Scientific Department of S.H.I.E.L.D. After all, it was purchased with public funds.

With this alloy and the part of the alloy sent by Yashida Shingen earlier, there was enough material for her equipment.

Back at headquarters, she went to see her boss first.

The cold air in Braised Egg's office was still on full blast, and as soon as she entered, she couldn't help but shrink her neck.

The other party gestured for her to sit down and talk slowly.

After briefly describing the wrap-up work in Japan, she brought up "the big event."

"Any leads? Shouldn't we act immediately?" She was quite anxious. Many achievements of agents in this profession can't be discussed openly, and fighting against the Nazis is one of the rare visible, low-risk missions.

Nick Fury remained silent for a few seconds, then shook his head slightly. "Let's not publicize it for now. After all, the war has been over for more than sixty years, and the public and ordinary agents shouldn't know about this. I need to personally go and see in person before making a decision."

Daisy had an ominous feeling, and just heard Braised Egg continue to say to her, "I heard your teleportation ability is good? Come with me to the scene."

She was a bit dumbfounded. There was a nest of Nazis, reportedly several thousand enemies, even if they were all grunts. Were they really going with just the two of them?

Facts have proven that Nick Fury was not such a reckless person. He didn't mean for just the two of them to go; he meant for four people to go!

Black Widow Natasha Romanoff, as a defected agent from an enemy nation, had no way back. She was skilled in reconnaissance and gathering intelligence, so Braised Egg brought her along. Hawkeye had a wife and children, making the likelihood of betrayal low, and he was equally trustworthy.

Daisy had discovered the clues and with her ability to teleport, naturally joined the group.

Two men and two women, after some preparation, left the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Unlike in the past when they needed some midway cover-up actions, everything was straightforward this time. Daisy directly teleported to Hawkeye's safe house in Washington, and from there, the four of them took a jet to Antarctica.

"Is this your superpower? It seems that there is a distance limit? The teleportation experience... it's like being bounced by something, a bit weird." This kind of direct questioning about abilities was somewhat crossing the line, but Black Widow and Daisy were relatively familiar, and they were both women, so it was still within the acceptable range.

Daisy briefly explained her ability. If you listen to her words at face value, according to her, vibration power had neither potential nor development value, making it a proper useless ability.

None of the four believed her, but they didn't press for more information.

Just like Hawkeye's enhanced vision, superior to the average person's, everyone knew about it, but how he became like that was basically not questioned.

On the plane, the four of them discussed the mission. Nick Fury had worked overnight by himself, focusing on the Yashida family's experimental data and the magnetic fields and no-fly zones near Antarctica. He finally confirmed that something unusual was happening in Antarctica.

This was why he personally led the mission; he needed to see for himself who was there and what they were doing.

Daisy had only found a part of the information from the Yashida data. A group of living people staying there would inevitably leave some traces. Nick Fury had his own sources of information, and the two together would reveal a lot.

"Maybe it's a remnant from the war." His tone was very heavy, but more than anything, it carried a sense of joy. Although Daisy had found it, the credit couldn't escape him.

S.H.I.E.L.D. finding remnants of Nazis was definitely a great achievement, effectively alleviating his strained relationship with the World Security Council. After all, he had taken quite a bit of black money, and the Council was on the verge of losing patience with him.

After saying this, he looked at Daisy with satisfaction. Regardless of her actual abilities, she was a fortunate find.

Finding just one Nazi remnant would be a great achievement—drag them out and parade them for all to see. History books would record that Nick Fury exterminated the last group of Nazis, completing tasks that predecessors like Howard Stark and Peggy Carter and others couldn't finish!

Of course, he wasn't blindly optimistic. Just by looking at the resource consumption, it was clear there were many people, and they were able to achieve self-sufficiency. Taking down a base with just the four of them was entirely impossible.

Daisy and Nick Fury each had their own understanding of the mission, while Hawkeye and Black Widow belonged to the type who were captured for their strength. Before boarding the plane, the two of them were still confused about what they were going to do. What were they hearing now? Nazis! Both of them were somewhat dumbfounded.


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