Daisy's description of the Outside World


The Wakanda Palace is located atop a mountain peak. The palace isn't particularly grand; compared to the majestic buildings in Asia or the beautiful architectural palaces of Europe, it falls far short. The only noteworthy aspect is the unique exotic cultural atmosphere, which provides a sense of novelty and freshness.

Regarding the palace's modest size, T'Challa explained that it was because past kings cherished their people like their own children and were reluctant to spend money on palace renovations.

Daisy didn't comment on this, but she thought to herself sarcastically... With the entire nation's wealth concentrated in the hands of a few royals, if that's cherishing the people like their child, then Nick Fury must be an excellent uncorrupt, and law-abiding Public Servant!

With all the Vibranium they have, if they made a suit of armor for every citizen, wouldn't they be directly invincible? With only three thousand Black Panther soldiers, it wouldn't be difficult to conquer not just Africa but the entire world(if you don't take into account the supes and gods, etc.).

But the royal family fears empowering the people; they'd rather have them face enemy gunfire with their flesh and blood while they strengthen themselves with heart-shaped herbs, armed to the teeth with Vibranium, and then appear like saviors to rescue them.

The beautiful name for this is obviously that the Royal Family is the guardians of the nation, but Daisy could only respond with a sarcastic smile.

The old king was a chubby old black man with glasses and some gray hair. He looked to be in his sixties and had a rather corrupt belly. Look at his size and you know that he knows that he can't handle being a Black Panther anymore, so he passed the responsibility to his son.

However, Daisy's somewhat malicious and pessimistic analysis suggested that he was passing on the hardships to his son while keeping the joy and pleasure of the throne for himself.

The old man spoke English, which saved Daisy a lot of trouble. She had learned some Wakandan but this language is very hard, and many of the vocabulary is complicated. She could speak and write it, but speaking by rolling her tongue so many times felt weird to her.

She didn't want to remember how she twisted her tongue while applying slight vibrational power to it on Hill while talking with an old man. Stop thinking nonsense now... 

Overall, conversing in English saved a lot of time.

The old man wasn't completely oblivious to the outside world, but he didn't have an in-depth understanding either. Much of what he knew about current events was outdated, at least he didn't know specifically what S.H.I.E.L.D. was up to.

In his mind, S.H.I.E.L.D. was similar to the FBI or CIA.

Daisy promptly corrected his misconception, emphasizing the status of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s global leadership. In her boasting, Nick Fury was practically the king of the world!

To gain favor, she brought up Fury's ancestors being from Africa and said how he longed for the African landscapes and reminisced about the homeland's nature and landscape.

"Oh? Your leader is from Africa?" The old king suddenly found some common ground, feeling a bit more favorable towards S.H.I.E.L.D., this international organization.

Daisy nodded candidly, praising Nick Fury. She then mentioned the recently retired Secretary-General of the United Nations and Obama, who had her support.

The old king was a bit confused. Was the world now dominated by black people? His fellow Africans have already done such big business?

The former UN Secretary-General was black, and the head of the massive organization secretly monitoring the world was also black. According to Daisy's analysis, there was a significant chance that a black person would win the next year's US presidential election.

For a moment, the old king was puzzled, "As far as I know, the outside world has always been hostile to black people, hasn't it?"

It was a question, but it also expressed disbelief. He thought Daisy might be talking nonsense.

Was Daisy speaking nonsense? She could confidently assert that everything she said was true.

She immediately listed a bunch of data that could be found online, using it to tell the old king how popular black people were in America! They were an immensely powerful and untouchable force that can't be offended!

With a layer of black skin borrowed from Fury and another layer from Obama, wrapped together, Daisy transformed in the old king's eyes from a passerby into a good friend of the African people in America!

The old king had always intended to venture out and have the world embrace Wakanda. It was difficult to find a way before, and now, Daisy seemed like a heaven-sent opportunity!

However, being a political figure, he still had his calculations of interests. He wanted to see the extent of Daisy's influence to gauge their respective positions in future conversations.

"My son, T'Challa, has always wanted to study in the Western world. Miss Johnson, do you have any prestigious institutions to recommend?" While he phrased it as a recommendation, he was actually testing her capabilities.

Daisy only now learned T'Challa's age; the seemingly mature T'Challa was just in his early twenties, about the same age as her.

The old king's intention was undoubtedly not to find a primary or secondary school; his target was a university.

T'Challa had no academic credentials, and if S.H.I.E.L.D. intervened, it might be troublesome. Even the prestigious schools Daisy attended had formidable connections and weren't afraid of Kingpin's Union Construction; these world-renowned Universities had even bigger connections and they weren't afraid of S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, Daisy knew Professor Pym, a giant in the academic world, and he had connections with prestigious universities worldwide.

Curiously, she asked, "Which institution is T'Challa planning to attend? Any preferences?"

T'Challa thought for a moment, "The United Kingdom was once a world powerhouse, and I've heard their academic standards are more rigorous."

Daisy was speechless. Could it be that this guy went to Oxford with her contact? So much for being a reincarnate...

She nodded, expressing her willingness to help with contacting Oxford University. She couldn't make any phone calls in Wakanda, so everything needed to be handled outside.

The world placed great value on promises, and the old king and T'Challa, seeing her swift agreement, were more convinced that her influence was extraordinary.

Playing the whole set of dramas, Daisy saw the conversation entering the substantive stage and immediately brought up her mission. In name, she still had to go after those mercenaries.

"You are a distinguished guest of Wakanda, let us handle these enemies who have come for Wakanda." The old king took charge, also intending to show off Wakanda's muscles.

"Your Majesty, I would still like to see the mission target captured first," she insisted firmly.

The old king didn't want a bunch of inexplicable enemies causing havoc in his home either, so he acted reluctantly agreeing.

Accompanied by a group of female guards, they met up with Storm on the way to the monitoring center, searching for the enemies.

"You're quite capable; you agents are indeed extraordinary..." Seeing how the old king treated Daisy, Storm knew that she had opened up the situation around in just an hour. Her estimation of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s capabilities rose again.

While Wakanda's tech tree might be a bit skewed, they had invested a lot of effort in protecting their secrets. With various surveillance devices and many royal watchers stationed among the common people, after a thorough investigation, they finally found the mercenaries' traces.

Wearing dark red tight-fitting suits and sporting crew cuts, the burly and robust jumper Bartok was cautiously walking in the middle of the squad with his mercenary team.

In addition to him, there were numerous miscellaneous troops, including Americans, Russians, Mexicans, Italians, and three ninjas dressed in red, who to Daisy looked like the members of the Hand.


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