Unconventional Flight...


The Juggernaut's brain does not function well, but their basic judgment ability is still intact. Bartok, with more experience, and the two of them realized the advanced nature of Wakanda. They don't plan to conquer this mysterious country through physical combat. They lead their subordinates back the way they came, escaping Wakanda and entering the Kenyan savannah.

However, after consecutive battles, the mercenaries have suffered casualties, and their ammunition is now below the warning line.

"Quick, keep up! Once we leave this dense forest and restore communication, our discoveries will be worth a fortune!" Bartok, robust and excited, continues to encourage his subordinates.

"Where do you think you're going?" Just as Bartok finishes speaking, a voice comes from the treetops.

The fully armed Black Panther, riding a Wakandan invisible aircraft, caught up, accompanied by two women flying in mid-air.

Storm and Daisy.

Even before being enhanced by Heart-Shaped Herb, Daisy could fly.

The four fundamental forces in the universe are strong force, electromagnetic force, weak force, and gravity.

The first three forces are challenging to observe and control in everyday life.

Magneto can generate a magnetic field 200,000 times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field, and use repulsive forces to counteract gravity, and fly without pressure.

However, Magneto rarely does this. He would rather stand on two iron plates or magnetize his clothes, as it is more convenient to do so.

Daisy doesn't have a clear understanding of all three forces, but gravity is relatively easy to grasp.

According to the general theory of relativity, as gravitational forces interact with each other, she can vibrate and bend space at a certain point, generate gravitation force, and fly by pulling herself with it.

The stronger the vibration, the greater the energy, and consequently, the faster the flight speed.

In the past, her physical fitness was poor, a few vibrations left her body aching, and she couldn't fly far. Now, with the enhancement from Heart-Shaped Herb, she can maintain flight for a more extended period.

This method of flight is, of course, unconventional, but in the Marvel world, the heroes and villains who can fly are all unconventional.

Like Magneto flying with magnetism, Thor in the early stage used his hammer to fly, later relying on the power of lightning within him. Storm uses wind to lift herself, and according to her, wearing a thong reduces air resistance. For this reason, Daisy looked confused...

Everyone's flight methods can be described as a mishmash. People who do this can't say anything about others doing the same, she vibrates while manipulating gravity, and there's nothing embarrassing about it.

On the plane, T'Challa gave Daisy a pair of Vibranium wrist guards, which symbolized the friendship between them.

The silver-white wrist guards are very exquisite, with a depiction of a panther on the inside, looking vivid and lifelike. She waved them a couple of times, almost feeling the existence of resonance. The energy feedback from resonance can be absorbed by the wrist guards and released all at once.

However, activating the wrist guards is somewhat cliche; she has to cross her arms. Daisy feels like she's going further down the path of imitating Wonder Woman...

Certainly, her wrist guards were just a piggyback. T'Challa's gifts to Storm were considered luxurious – a cloak woven entirely from Vibranium material. The cloak can absorb various kinetic energies. Conservatively estimating, Ororo's flight speed is now at least 30% faster. The cloak can store some kinetic energy under normal circumstances. In case of unexpected situations like Juggernaut, she can directly mobilize the energy stored in the cloak for takeoff without needing to control the wind to lift herself.

In addition to the cloak, T'Challa, under the pretext of pursuing the enemy, also gave Storm a pair of boots and a headpiece made of what appears to be Vibranium material.

Ignoring the two people who seem to be spreading their love, Daisy is very satisfied with the wrist guards.

Considering that Storm, even when enhanced, is not skilled in close combat, Daisy took out the armor and sword and quickly put them on.

The armor, sword and shield, wrist guards – to imitate a bit more more closely, she even let her ponytail loose, allowing her hair to fall over her shoulders. At a glance, she looks heroic and sharp. Except for missing a lasso, she has everything she needs...

The plane rapidly descended, and Black Panther swiftly jumped off to pretend to be cool.

The two ladies have to pay more attention to have some grace. After Storm knew that she also had flight abilities, they flew out of the cabin together.

Storm's impeccable control over the wind makes her flight posture extremely graceful. Silver hair dances in the air, and her figure is elegant, it was like she's in a shampoo commercial.

Daisy's flight appearance is a bit lacking. The adamantium alloy is quite heavy, and when she landed, it cracked the ground in a net pattern.

For her, the feeling of being grounded is better than flying.

Before she landed, Black Panther once again engaged in a fight with Bartok. Both of them were skilled in leg techniques. Bartok, having integrated leg techniques from various countries, has impeccable martial arts skills, superior to the Wakandans who have been practicing in isolation. However, Black Panther is well-equipped, and has high attributes, and in a short time, it's challenging to determine a clear winner.

The female guards rushed out of the plane, yelling, still in three-person groups, and attacked the remaining mercenaries.

The combatants moved away from the center of the battlefield as if rehearsed. The Juggernaut was like a giant mountain, standing there unmoving.

Having learned from the previous encounter, Storm didn't dare to fly too low this time. She hovered ten meters above the ground, blending magical abilities with her powers, gathering a substantial amount of energy. She was ready to be a competent mage fort.

The Juggernaut's eyes were filled with impatience. Seeing Daisy, the enemy, waiting for him on the ground, he, with his limited intelligence, couldn't figure out any conspiracy behind it. He believed that any enemy can be crushed, which is his creed.

"Roar!" Letting out a beastly roar, he charged towards Daisy.

Although Daisy has a shield, she is not prepared to face the impact head-on. At the same time, she sidestepped the frontal assault, using the shield to resist the residual shock waves. At the same time, Daisy swings her sword towards Juggernaut's legs.

Both the shield and the sword are made from the alloy forged by the old Yashida, capable of cutting through Wolverine's claws. The sharpness is top-notch in the realm of mortals.

However, as her blade just cut into Juggernaut's leg, she felt resistance. The resistance increased as her strength depleted, forcing Daisy to roll to the side and completely leave the impact range.

With a leg injury, Juggernaut's speed slowed down, and he could only stop and turn around, his face dark as he prepared for the next charge.

Daisy looked at the wound she caused. On Juggernaut's thick leg, comparable to an adult's body, there is a wound that is 30cm long and 10 cm deep.

However, as she looked at it, the wound on the opponent began to heal. Daisy has studied Wolverine's healing factor, and she can confirm that what is repairing the injuries on Juggernaut's body is not cellular power but the magical power of the Crimson Cosmos.

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed, and Juggernaut charged at her again.

At the same time, Storm also began to exert her power. This time, she didn't use something flashy. Earlier, she created a rainstorm that affected her allies more than the enemies. And now with her enhanced control, she can now make it thunder without rain!

Continuous lightning was guided, striking down on Juggernaut in a relentless barrage.


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