Heading to Xavier's School


Of course, Nick Fury certainly knew where Daisy's biological father was, but he treated it as a trump card, playing dumb and showing interest in listening to her stories.

Blah blah, she recounted, specifically mentioning that Storm and T'Challa were currently in New York, and most likely at Professor Charles's place. If you don't believe it, you can go ask them.

Soon, Daisy found out that not only she was afraid to meet Professor Charles, but Nick Fury also had no intention of meeting the old professor. After all, his secrets were no less than Daisy's. He relied on iron willpower and technological devices to resist intrusive psychic powers, placing his hopes on the other's moral standards was inconsistent with Nick Fury's style.

"Agent Johnson, do you think Wakanda has any hostility towards the outside world? Do they mind the dominance of the Western world in today's environment?" Nick Fury asked straightforwardly.

Daisy had no reason to lie for Wakanda. "Internally, Wakandans don't have a unanimous opinion on opening their borders. Some even express views of conquering the world with advanced weapons."

After saying this, she shifted the focus, "But, I think it's impossible. They guard their advanced weapons very strictly, and the common people still use spears and curved knives. Without a proper army, relying solely on a few elders speaking, they can't conquer the world."

"Additionally, invading them would be difficult too. Their defense facilities are very strong in my opinion. Attacking with our weapons would result in significant losses."

She had to say that the Wakandans were like tortoises, not only having powerful defense facilities but also being challenging to invade without mobilizing a large army equipped with heavy weapons.

Nick Fury nodded, taking the advice into consideration, although no one knew how much he truly listened to.

Daisy's words could only serve as a reference. He had to ask T'Challa in person about Wakanda's attitude toward the current human society.

With the boss biting the bullet and going to Professor Charles, Daisy could only follow along, as she was also involved in this matter. The old King of Wakanda had specifically asked her to help facilitate the relationship.

"Meet in my office in half an hour," said Nick Fury as he was about to leave. He needed to prepare, like clearing his mind and wearing a specially made anti-mind control device.

Seeing him about to go, Daisy hurriedly stopped him, signaling that the rhino given by the "African friends" was still there.

Nick Fury waved his hand, "Keep it here for now and feed. Just submit the bills at the end of each month."

Turning his attention to the Juggernaut, which was still sedated, he added, "I'll send someone to take care of this big guy."

Shortly after, four agents arrived, and with some difficulty, they carried away the Juggernaut.

As for the rhino, Daisy had to figure out what to do with it herself. Fury just waved his hand as goodbye.

She looked at the rhino and joked, "What use do you have? Should I just eat you?" The rhino seemed to understand and vigorously shook its head.

The lion cub could be taken inside, but the rhino was too heavy. Daisy pointed, instructing it to stay in place, "Don't go anywhere, stay here. I'll be back soon."

The rhino behaved obediently, but it conveyed a vague message to her– it was very hungry…

"I'm hungry too. If you talk nonsense, I'll eat you! Rawr!" Daisy teased the rhino with her teeth and nails, obviously joking. After all, the rhino didn't look appetizing...

Leading the lion cub back to the room, Daisy prepared to have the maid help take care of it. As for the rhino, that would be more troublesome. Being a herbivore, where in New York could she find grass for it? She couldn't ask the maid to buy dozens of kilograms of carrots right?

"Maki, I'm back," Daisy said, placing all her bags in the living room. With limited time, she planned to have a quick chat with the maid and then leave.

As she pushed open the door of the maid's room, she was a bit speechless by the scene in front of her.

Maki was lying on the bed without wearing anything, using her fingers to relieve herself. This could be a normal healthy self-help thing but when Daisy saw her staring at the wall, she subconsciously turned her head and looked. Wow! The wall was full of photos of herself, Daisy Johnson. Looking carefully, there are more than thirty pictures including clothes and no clothes.

While she wondered if she should just go out, or pretend not to see anything, or join in, the maid hurriedly stood up and bowed in her usual manner.

The sweaty naked skin, the movements of the body…

She could only pretend that she hadn't seen anything just now, and pulled up the lion cub that had been hiding behind her to resolve the embarrassment.

"This is a pet I picked up from Africa, called Dumpling. You will feed it some food later, and by the way, there's also a rhino in the garage. Look it up online and find out what rhinos eat. That's it!"

After introducing the maid to the little lion, Daisy quickly left the room like a gust of wind.

When meeting Professor Charles, she could wear anything, but she felt that if she wore the S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform, it would signify that she was part of the system, making the other party wary. So, she changed into the combat suit of a high-level agent, leaving the sword, shield, and armor in the room, with the wrist guards hidden under her sleeves.

After changing, she greeted the maid and teleported to the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters to meet up with Nick Fury.

"Your trench coat seems different from before," she looked up and down the Braised Egg, who had several completely different frequency signals on him.

"Let's go," Nick Fury indicated without explaining, and Daisy had to let go of that topic.

Her perception range by using her abilities had increased. Now, she could teleport directly even from Washington to New York. Any slight discrepancies could be compensated for by her abilities.

However, she didn't teleport directly. Who knows how many anti-teleportation devices Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters had?

Professor Charles's telepathic abilities had probably reached the human limit long ago. He had obtained numerous Ph.D. degrees fifty years ago, a true old academic genius, wealthy and leisurely.

Just like Daisy's teleportation, in areas where science couldn't reach, she could take shortcuts using their abilities. Professor Charles, with a large number of mutants, had control over a lot of cutting-edge black technology, making him a force that no faction could ignore.

Daisy called Storm to inform her that they were coming for a visit.

Storm happily welcomed their visit.

"Has your power strengthened? Can you teleport directly to New York now?" Fury curiously asked.

Daisy um blah blah... vaguely answered, calculating the exact location of the school in her mind, Westchester County. After that, she opened a portal, and they stepped through.

"Can't you optimize this teleportation experience of yours?" Nick Fury complained, rubbing his old waist, clearly not enjoying the process.

Daisy could only shrug, the String Theory is like this. String theory dictated that under the influence of interacting forces, the greater the distance, the larger the swing, and the higher the demands on the body.


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