Increasing Contradiction



Many reporters didn't know her, but relying on the general environment of the scene and some "well-intentioned individuals" leaking information, they still found out Daisy's identity, at least her public identity.

Famous data analysis expert, a successful producer, a member of the campaign team, and the mastermind behind the current ice bucket challenge.

With several small titles and her current appearance, she attracted a considerable amount of attention.

It seemed quite enjoyable to see a beautiful woman making a fool of herself! These were the thoughts of a bunch of people.

Not to mention lifting an ice bucket, even an elephant could be lifted by Daisy. However, she wanted to play the role of a fragile woman and pretended to struggle, trembling as she lifted the bucket and poured it over her head with a splash.

Pouring a bucket of ice-cold water down to tell the truth was not unpleasant. Although she was wearing a coat, she couldn't wear a hat. Now having poured a lot of ice-cold water, it is dripping down from the neck, and it is mostly wet inside the clothes.

Nevertheless, she has a strong physique, and aside from feeling a bit awkward with her drenched clothes, she was perfectly fine.

Daisy wiped her face, roughly sorting out her wet hair with her hands. It was now her turn to invite the next challenger.

The familiar figures like Nick Fury, Hill, and Viper were not within the challenge range. The third challenger had to be very attractive to the public and the media.

"Tony, I invite Tony Stark to be the next challenger," she said to the camera before leaving to change clothes.

The pace of Stark's lavish life is extremely absurd. When Daisy invited him to join the challenge in front of the national media, he was sleeping with a cover girl in his arms.

The AI Jarvis saw the discussions online and hurriedly woke him up.

Pushing aside the unnamed woman beside him, Tony Stark, still half-asleep, read the challenge rules.

It had to be said that such a high-profile event was to his liking. Donating a hundred dollars to avoid the ice bucket challenge was not even an option for him. He woke up the nameless model beside him and directed her to prepare the ice bucket.

As for himself, he had Pepper contact the news media.

The model didn't know what was wrong with Stark; he wanted an ice bucket right after waking up. She thought he was preparing for some exciting game in bed and, while thinking he was a bit eccentric, ran here and there under Jarvis's command to prepare a big bucket of ice water.

Just as she was about to welcome him with a seductive look, Tony Stark signaled her to stand back. Then, he walked in front of the camera and poured a bucket of water over his own head.

The girly model instantly stepped back three or four steps, afraid that Tony had gone crazy and would bite someone.

It turned out that Mr. Tony Stark was quite sober. He waved his hand, indicating the model to leave, and then began to watch the discussions about him on the internet.

A presidential candidate, a beautiful woman, and a super-rich tycoon – these three people, whether relying on looks or strength, began to gain incredible popularity online at a fast speed due to the ice bucket challenge.

Browsing through various information and enjoying the discussions with ordinary people, Tony Stark was very pleased. He scrolled for ten minutes without getting bored before he remembered that he needed to invite the next challenger.

No one would refuse such great popularity. He first thought of a few friends.

Pepper Potts? To be honest, Pepper Potts is not very famous now, and Tony Stark was a bit afraid of her.

Happy Hogan, the fat bodyguard, was taken away to shoot a movie, and it was hard to reach him for a while.

In the end, facing the camera, he invited the next challenger – his dad's old friend and the current CEO of Stark Industries, Obadiah Stane!

Not only did he announce it loudly in front of the camera, but he also called him for fear that the other party would not know the news.

"Tony, I'm in a meeting..." Obadiah quickly answered the phone, lowering his voice as he spoke.

"This matter is important and concerns the image of Stark Industries," Tony explained over the phone.

Obadiah patiently listened to his explanation, feeling that life was ridiculous for a moment. Why are presidential candidates and super-rich people so idle these days? It was understandable for a young woman like Daisy to enjoy playing around, but shouldn't successful people like them be more serious?

Poor old Obadiah, in his sixties, spent his days working tirelessly at the company which was practically his home. In contrast, there were plenty of people outside messing around and not doing anything productive.

He really didn't want to get involved in this matter, but Tony Stark seemed oblivious to his dissatisfaction or simply didn't care. He kept chattering with him to prepare, subtly and not-so-subtly implying that he was outdated, old-fashioned, and couldn't keep up with the times.

Tony Stark's frivolous tone made Obadiah extremely uncomfortable, even reaching the point of disgust. At this moment, Obadiah felt like Stark was saying to him, "You're old, out of touch, and can step aside!"

Despite being extremely unhappy, Obadiah was a scheming person. He instructed his secretary to check the information on the internet.

As he read through it, he nearly bent his nose in anger. The discussions had surpassed ten million comments, and looking at the online comments gave him the illusion that it seemed like the people all over the entire country were playing around, while he, an old man, was still persistently working!

The secretary subtly suggested to him that going against public opinion would not be good.

Having lived for sixty years, Obadiah certainly understood this principle, so he could only reluctantly accept it. He announced the end of the meeting directly, prepared in sportswear, put a cheerful smile on his face, and completed the challenge in front of the camera.

He, an old man, had suffered so much, that he couldn't let others off easily. He invited the main competitor of Stark Industries, Justin Hammer, who had the support of the Department of Defense.

In contrast to Obadiah, Justin Hammer was a funny guy who wouldn't refuse such things at all. Fifteen minutes later, he also successfully completed the challenge.

For a while, the public was in a frenzy. They enjoyed seeing the rich and elite making fools of themselves, and the wealthy officials also hoped to gain a down-to-earth image. Both sides got what they wanted. A small minority couldn't bear to lose face and chose to donate, but the majority of the invitees performed in front of the camera.

After such a performance, social discussions began to escalate. Regardless of their initial motives, the disease of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) received attention.

One after another funds gradually gathered on the charity website set up by Skye Data. Daisy hadn't planned to touch this money. After personally meeting a few patients and realizing the severity of this disease, which was more terrifying than cancer, she began actively campaigning to help treat ALS patients.

Propaganda and calls for everyone to undergo regular check-ups and seek early treatment became her new focus.

The medical institutions she recommended for check-ups are all major hospitals that do business with Skye Data… Although there was some information asymmetry, she didn't consider it as fraud.

Subsequent treatment involved many aspects, and although the financial gain wasn't significant, the reputation was excellent.

She didn't monopolize the effort. Seven major hospitals, in collaboration with Sky Data, jointly invested in establishing a hospital dedicated to treating amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

"Miss Johnson, will this treatment plan pose any risks?" asked a gray-haired old man, holding a medication report as he approached Daisy.

Daisy had told them that this incurable disease could be cured, which left them somewhat stunned. Despite being leading figures in the medical industry, they had not received any prior information.

They did not know who developed the special medicine, its clinical performance, or even if it might be fatal. 

None of the attending physicians understood the treatment plan, and Daisy didn't explain it to them. The medications were synthesized artificially based on the Wolverine's gene, combined with the research of Old Kishida and Professor Charles. The drugs could repair nerve growth factors.

While obtaining the self-healing ability of Wolverine was impossible, it is still possible to gradually restore the health of ALS patients.

Of course, Daisy didn't hastily implement the plan. Before venturing into civilian treatment, she had treated 100 patients through her connections with S.H.I.E.L.D., achieving a cure rate of seventy percent without any complications.


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