Prey & Hunter



As the vehicles sped along the highway, the soldiers did not understand Daisy's nervousness. Lions and tigers could kill them and faced with wild beasts, the soldiers were fearful, but with firearms in hand, what mortal flesh could stop it?

It was just an old man who could fly. Some soldiers were already imagining beating the old man until his own mother couldn't recognize him, then stomping on him afterward.

Daisy observed the soldiers' skepticism and blind optimism, responding with silence.

The third pursuit came even faster. Although Mandarin still asked, "Who are you people?" but his face was gloomy, clearly not intending to listen to her nonsense.

Daisy noticed a cold light shining on Mandarin's left little finger and a small icy mass forming. The surrounding temperature quickly dropped, indicating that the power of the ice ring had been activated and she urgently shouted into the radio, "Open fire!"

The "rat-tat-tat" sounds echoed as soldiers simultaneously pulled the triggers. Muzzles erupted in bursts of flames as countless bullets shot into the sky, accompanied by two rocket launchers. The vehicle-mounted machine guns also roared, unleashing a dense barrage toward the Mandarin.

Watching the Mandarin surrounded by a metal storm, the soldiers cheered, and even Colonel Rhodes, always straight-faced, showed a smile. Only Daisy remained composed; this level of attack was likely just a breeze for Mandarin.

As expected, their assault only slightly delayed the opponent's attack. After the barrage ceased, the soldiers saw a layer of energy shield, resembling an eggshell, emerging from the lingering smoke and dust. Then, the Mandarin raised his withered left hand towards the soldiers, fingers adorned with dazzling rings. The little finger emitted a shimmering light, and a semi-transparent, fluorescent mist sprayed out from the ring.

The mist solidified everything in its path, turning soil, stones, gravel, and anything in its way into a five-meter-high, thirty-meter-wide ice wall. 

The mist wreaked havoc ahead, and the ice wall was just an incidental thing formed due to the havoc. Everything that swept along the way became a part of the ice wall, which was like a monster with a huge mouth, sweeping across the three vehicles.

The mist's eruption was rapid, and despite some energy loss, the deadly low temperature was evident. 

"Incendiary!" Daisy ordered loudly.

The soldiers were stunned by the supernatural sight, and their once blind optimism had been thrown to the horizon. With blank brains, when they heard Daisy's voice, they mechanically obeyed Daisy's order. 

Despite Daisy's correct response by neutralizing the freezing mist with incendiary grenades, she underestimated the ultra-low temperature. Four or five incendiary grenades were turned into ice blocks in mid-air.

"Pour gasoline on the road and then launch incendiary grenades!" She immediately changed her approach, issuing a new command.

The well-trained soldiers coordinated, and the three vehicles moved forward in unison. Each vehicle had two people pouring gasoline while others fired incendiary grenades at the ground behind the vehicles.

The U.S. military's equipment can be easily called luxurious, and Daisy even found a flamethrower, spraying fire behind her.

Their relentless tactics eventually depleted The mist's energy, with one-fifth of their fuel and one-third of incendiary grenades used.

"Interesting ants," The Mandarin sneered, his eyes fierce. He seemed to find something amusing in their resistance. In his eyes, Daisy's performance was no different from an ordinary person. His foggy mind failed to detect any anomalies.

His right hand resting behind his back, flying with the wind, Mandarin exuded the air of a master.

Seeing his prey getting farther away, he wasn't angry at all. Instead, a sinister smile crept across his face.

Mandarin's mind control ring on his left ring finger required close contact, and the idea of controlling the "foreigners", "impure bastards" and "barbarians" didn't linger in his mind. Otherwise, he would have discovered Daisy's little secret.

After all, someone who carried anti-mind control equipment with them was not an ordinary person by any means.

He raised his left hand, and this time, the middle finger lit up...

A faint electric current began to gather between his fingers, and in less than two seconds, it coalesced into a fist-sized ball of azure energy. Arcs of electricity struck the air, producing a series of "crackling" sounds, like hundreds of chicks chirping softly.

Mandarin clenched his left hand into a fist, and a spear made of lightning took shape, and was hurled towards Daisy and her team from a distance.

While Mandarin was indeed a bit crazy, he wasn't stupid. His cunning and sly nature hadn't disappeared with his mental confusion; instead, it became even more moody.

Inspired by Daisy's tactic of burning the road to obstruct the icy mist, he aimed the throw at the front of the vehicles. Such a massive explosion on the ground would create a deep pit, robbing the soldiers of their mobility and leaving them with only death as their fate.

Daisy pulled the driver, Miss Bobbi Morse, to the side, seating herself in the driver's position. Bobbi was dumbfounded; although not heavy, she weighed around 120 pounds… But in Daisy's hands, she felt like a toy, effortlessly moved to the co-pilot seat

Ignoring Bobbi's feelings, Daisy calculated the range and speed of the lightning while giving orders.

"Vehicle Two, move left. Vehicle Three, move right."

Once there may have possibly been a few highways, but Afghanistan had turned into dirt roads after seven years of warfare.

In the nick of time, Daisy maneuvered the vehicle in a large circle, evading the lightning.

"Smoke grenades, use smoke grenades to disrupt visibility." The lightning spear interfered with radio reception to some extent, so Daisy had to shout. She was unsure if Mandarin understood English. She wanted to use other languages, but given the quality of the American soldiers nowadays, she gave up. Let's just honestly speak English.

"Bobbi, use tear gas grenades. Let's see if his energy shield can block gas." Daisy was now watching the six roads and the direction of the other cars, listening to all directions and commanding the US Military, all while paying attention to the great god behind them.

Smoke grenades are standard equipment for the U.S. military, often used to disperse local crowds. Following the command, they began launching in stages, enveloping the entire road in thick fog.

Daisy looked back; their vehicles were surrounded by smoke. Relying on in-car navigation, they avoided losing their way. The three vehicles maintained high speed, occasionally tossing a few smoke grenades.

Mandarin, high in the sky, could only see smoke, unable to determine their specific location. However, this tactic could only delay the inevitable; its actual effectiveness was minimal.

As for tear gas grenades, they didn't hit their target, and there was no apparent effect.

"Should we split up? Maybe then there's a chance?" Colonel Rodi suggested.

Daisy rejected the proposal; without her assistance, the remaining two vehicles would be dead if caught up.

"Haha, you little insects run quite fast!" The Mandarin, using the strong wind to disperse the smoke, once again caught up with them, uttering a few taunts as usual. With a grin on his face, he raised his index finger, and the fiery red ring began to emit high-temperature flames.

Just as Daisy was wondering how to overcome this, the long-awaited reinforcements had arrived.


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