


Daisy now also holds the rank of Major, but she is not under military command, and there is no formal affiliation between them.

She saluted with a slightly non-standard military salute, "Generals."

"Miss Johnson, please have a seat," one of the generals responded.

It was just a polite remark, but Daisy didn't pay much attention to the two senior officers in front of her and calmly took a seat.

The two old men couldn't stand and talk to her; that would make them seem like subordinates. So, they also had to sit down.

"What's the situation with the enemy? You encountered him first; do you have some intelligence?" The Lieutenant General, aware of Daisy's background, knew that S.H.I.E.L.D. and the military were not on good terms. Nick Fury came from the military but never did anything beneficial for them, instead came to dig the talents, and the enthusiasm between them is long gone.

Daisy had seen photos of all the senior military leaders. She naturally recognized the two old men in front of her.

"General Greene, we don't know the specific situation of the enemy, but from my personal judgment, his abilities come from the rings on his hands." Daisy cleanly presented the cause and effect, while also throwing out a bait.

The two old men instantly understood her words. If the abilities come from the rings, does that mean anyone who gets them can use those powers?

No one would refuse superpowers, and the Air Force Major General named Edward, hastily ordered his staff to access military satellites.

The satellite not only showed Mandarin's current location, but the resolution was also frighteningly high, capturing every detail of his beard and wrinkles on his face.

The two generals focused on watching Mandarin's hands and indeed found several differently shaped rings.

Not only that, the staff also pulled up the footage of Mandarin chasing Daisy and shooting down the fighter jet.

Daisy also provided her analysis at the right time, "You see, he has been using his left hand all along. When chasing us, he used the little finger for ice powers, the middle finger for lightning powers, and the index finger for flame powers."

A young staff member, pointing at the footage of Mandarin dragging the plane, asked Daisy, "What ability is this?"

Different from fire, ice, and lightning, gravity is something invisible and intangible, Daisy can't say that she can see it through the screen. She shook her head, indicating she didn't know.

"Commander, the electromagnetic railgun has been fully charged." A certain officer ran over to report to the Lieutenant General.

In General Greene's eyes, no matter how strong this person was, even if he could withstand a Sidewinder missile, he surely couldn't withstand the electromagnetic railgun. This was the mysterious self-confidence built up from years of exposure to high-tech weapons.

Originally, just fire one shot, blow up the enemy, and be done with it. Now, he hesitated a bit. What if the rings were also destroyed?

"I want to capture this guy alive; he may be the leader of the underground resistance organization!" General Greene directly accused Mandarin.

Daisy could only chuckle at this. She felt that the so-called electromagnetic cannon probably wouldn't kill Mandarin.

If the U.S. military wanted to capture Mandarin alive, she estimated that it could be achieved with some casualties. In modern society, with a variety of weapons available, and in the final analysis, Mandarin was just one person.

The staff came into contact with supernatural abilities for the first time, and the suggestions were all over the place. Some suggested using long-range sniper rifles, some mentioned diverting disaster elsewhere, causing Mandarin and the local armed forces to fight each other.

All these suggestions were rejected. Sniper rifle? Didn't you see that even missiles couldn't kill him?! What use would a sniper rifle do? Local armed forces? What if he took control of them and turned them against the U.S. military instead?

"Agent Johnson, do you have any suggestions?" Major General Edward asked Daisy, as he saw that his staff couldn't come up with any substantial ideas. In his view, agents, especially S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, likely had some methods of dealing with these weird superpowers.

Don't say, Daisy does have a plan. On her way, she has come up with several different plans.

"If you want to eliminate the enemy, it's best to use a nuclear bomb..." Before she could finish her sentence, both the Air Force and Army Generals shook their heads. Not to mention the international impact, they were still in Kandahar, and dropping a nuclear bomb would have to wait until they left!

Daisy knew they would react this way. In movies, the council throwing a nuclear bomb at New York was too exaggerated. In her view, in this political environment, unless someone was ready to commit treason, no one dared to give such an order. Throwing a nuclear bomb on their own soil, on their own military? What happened to the democratic system?

But she had to be cautious; what if some leader had a moment of insanity? She deliberately went to the U.S. military base, appearing before the two generals to give herself an extra layer of insurance. Even if they really dropped a nuclear bomb, with advance notice, she could teleport away.

The two old men vetoed the nuclear bomb suggestion, and not just Daisy, but all the staff secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Daisy felt even more relaxed. With her limited political experience, she judged that these politicians and generals were different from hero villains. Their measure of the threat level was quantity, like the numerous Chitauri in the movies. As long as they seemed endless, they would instantly fire without caring whether they were cannon fodder or not.

On the other hand, Mandarin, who was alone, was considered a low threat level in their minds. Coupled with him being an Earthling, there might still be a possibility of communication and compromise. The probability of directly dropping a nuclear bomb was not high.

She cleared her throat, indicating she had more to say. "If you want to capture him alive, I think we need some bait..."

While Daisy was setting up traps, Mandarin took some effort to finally extract all the memories of the pilot.

An hour after Daisy entered Kandahar, Mandarin also walked into this war-torn city.

Walking on desolate streets, looking at a city that was quite different from his original memories but matched the pilot's memories well, Mandarin's mind was once again in chaos.

The streets were full of poorly dressed people, with beards wearing strange robes and turbans. Some walked, some rode motorcycles, with expressions ranging from numbness to fierceness. Armed U.S. soldiers and local government forces could be seen patrolling the streets.

It's just that the two sides were separated with one in the sky and one on the ground.

This was a completely new world. How many years had he been practicing? Mandarin felt very confused. His training was interrupted, and now walking back into the world made him feel disoriented.

A burst of bird chirping sounded in his ears, and Mandarin turned his head in confusion.

A man with a big beard was fiercely waving his hand, gesturing for him to move away. Mandarin was standing in front of his stall, not buying anything and just standing there!

The bearded vendor cursed a few times. Seeing that Mandarin remained unmoved, he got a submachine gun from under the stall and shouted a couple more times.

Mandarin didn't understand the local language, but he knew the other party was threatening him.

A joke. Could the Mandarin be threatened by an ant?

He didn't even look at the bearded man, a cold smile on his lips. A red light flickered on his finger, summoning a more dazzling and violent flame. The bearded man holding the submachine gun, along with several stalls around him and a large building behind him, was instantly engulfed in a sea of fire.


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