The Price of Power



Blonsky chuckled self-deprecatingly, and then his eyes turned fierce. He took out a vial of greenish blood from his combat suit, which belonged to the Hulk.

At the moment of capturing this important experimental subject, General Ross ordered his men to draw the Hulk's blood. Blonsky was the one responsible for the task.

There was no guarantee or any theoretical basis, but his intuition told him that this vial of blood could bring about earth-shaking changes for him.

He had previously rejected the bestial savagery that seemed to consume him, but now, realizing the vast gap between them, he no longer clung to past beliefs. As long as he could defeat the Hulk, he was willing to do anything, even if it meant going to hell.

His arm gradually regained some strength. Trembling, he filled the syringe with the blood and aimed it at his neck, gently pressing down.

It felt like a ball of flames burning in his veins. At one point, he even had the illusion that his heart was being incinerated. A massive surge of energy entered his heart and flowed through his veins to his limbs.

The energy from the blood seemed endless, and his injuries were instantly healed. Blonsky wondered if the amount he used even amounted to one percent of the total energy?

He silently watched the changes happening in his body. The foreign blood was extremely domineering, replacing his own human blood and beginning to reshape his heart, followed by various organs, blood vessels, lymphatic systems, and bones.

Blonsky felt his bones becoming as hard as special steel. The skin was torn open by the growing bones, and the muscles that had been honed for over twenty years were torn apart like paper and instantly regenerated with each wave of excruciating pain transmitting to his brain.

Thick, strong muscles, like those cast from fine steel, emerged on his body and continued to grow stronger.

Ah! He felt indescribable intense pain as if someone were squeezing his spine with a giant hand and then pulling it out forcibly.

The spine, which had already become deformed, began to grow abnormally under the influence of this force. Bone spurs protruded from his back, and muscles and skin were pierced, but under the powerful regenerative ability, they began a new cycle of transformation.

The muscles swelled unrestrainedly, and the Kevlar combat suit was shattered by his massive physique, with the combat boots breaking into pieces.

When Blonsky regained consciousness and regained control of his body, he found that he had changed.

Gone were the days of being the king of soldiers, the Captain Blonsky was no more.

The metal cell, smashed by the Hulk, seemed like a mirror, showing him his current terrifying appearance.

Bald head, burnt yellowish skin, spine completely exposed on the back... Everything told him that he was no longer Blonsky. He even had a feeling that although he hadn't lost his sanity, he couldn't turn back into an ordinary person like the Hulk. From now on, he could only live with this appearance.

He showed an unusually ugly smile in the mirror.

Blonsky's mindset had been completely altered by the blood. He even felt pretty good about it now.

Before, he was short, and despite putting in ten times more effort than others during training, everyone's first impression of him was that he couldn't make it. The reason was that he was a bit short and because of the stereotype that only tall people had strength!

Now he was taller, nearly 3 meters tall, making him feel like the whole world had changed.

The world had become shorter, and he had become stronger!

Blonsky let out a roar and chased after the direction where the Hulk had left.

At this moment, the outside world had become a mess.

Anger was simply uncontrollable. The Hulk could barely restrain himself from harming Betty, but that was the limit. Asking him to spare the soldiers who shot at him was just too difficult.

Touch him, you will die.

Ordinary soldiers didn't have the super soldier serum to enhance themselves. They couldn't last a round against the Hulk. The path paved with blood stretched out towards the outside world.

General Ross, who was quarreling with his colleagues, was dumbfounded, especially when one of the guards bypassed him and reported directly to the Secretary of Defense that Blonsky had released the Hulk.

The Pentagon was filled with military officers, but in the face of the Hulk, they were no different from ordinary soldiers. Simply put, the losses were catastrophic.

In the past, casualties meant dozens of soldiers sacrificed and hundreds of civilians killed. Today, the casualties were measured in the deaths of lieutenants, the deaths of colonels...

General Ross's face turned gray. With such a heavy burden on his head, he had no resistance left. The best outcome for him would be if his old colleagues let him go and allowed him to go home to tend to his cornfield farms.

As for the worst outcome, it wasn't much worse. It was just a choice between execution and hanging, right?

General Ross's mind echoed with words similar to "Blonsky, you bastard, motherfucker..." but he could only shout them in his heart. Today, even the neutral parties looked at him as if they were looking at a dead man.

The Secretary of Defense remained calm. Of course, this was also because the Hulk was running away rather than heading towards them to kill.

"Activate Armory No. 3 and kill that monster," he commanded. With his order, a long-sealed door was opened, and the soldiers took out futuristic-looking weapons.

These were energy weapons seized from Hydra during World War II, all powered by the Tesseract. Targets hit by the beams of energy would be disintegrated into fragments by the immense energy rays. It could be said that these were a batch of terrifying weapons.

However, the energy in these weapons was limited and meant for one-time use only.

After Howard Stark salvaged the Tesseract and stored it in SHIELD, the military had repeatedly proposed using this energy, only to be rejected each time.

Countries around the world hoped to maintain a balance and didn't want to see the United States become too powerful. They joined forces to pressure the US, and with Nick Fury talking nonsense and pretending to be deaf and dumb, the Tesseract was swept under the rug.

Now, with the Department of Defense invaded and casualties mounting, it was time to use these weapons.

Twenty soldiers armed with energy weapons were divided into four squads to snipe the Hulk.

These twenty energy rifles were the only intact weapons left. The Secretary of Defense still felt insecure and ordered his men to deploy the laser tanks.

Of course, these were also products of Hydra's black technology.

Using other people's technology that was 60 years old to deal with the enemy, the Secretary of Defense didn't have much confidence. Things were pretty much as he had expected.

Soldiers chasing in helicopters quickly found the Hulk.

They aimed and fired. Operating these weapons was as easy as child's play. They were extremely simple to use, lightweight, and portable, with no recoil. All they had to do was aim at the target and pull the trigger.

Faint blue beams struck the Hulk's body. Energy weapons were several times more powerful than pistols and machine guns. If used against humans, they could shatter them. But now, facing an opponent like the Hulk, the energy beams could only barely pierce his skin.


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