Star Fruits

Among a group of outer disciples, one factotum disciple seemed particularly conspicuous. Wang Hu showed a careless attitude, completely disregarding Xing Ye.

"This target is quite good," Zhao Xuan laughed and shouted, "Hey, monkey, come over here. After dealing with you, we'll go pick star fruits."

Xing Ye walked forward, looking obedient.

Wang Can stood still, not following. However, the look he gave the two seemed to carry a hint of pity.

These two idiots chose Xing Ye. He was a living example of what could happen!

Xing Ye, with a knife in his hand, seemed to say something, but hesitated. In the end, he gave up and threw the long knife backward, simultaneously handing two bottles of pills to Wang Can.

Wang Can took the knife and pills, looking puzzled. Contrary to what was said earlier, Xing Ye returned everything, not splitting them in half.

Without turning around, Xing Ye stared at the two noble youths and said indifferently, "If you want to monopolize this place, I don't care. But if you turn your blades on me, you're dead!"

Wang Hu sneered, "You're quite arrogant. Do you think breaking through the fourth realm makes you extraordinary? Let me tell you, entering the realm is just the beginning; Star Magic Technique is the essence!"

Zhao Xuan took a few steps forward, "A factotum disciple with a temper, quite rare."

His gaze paused slightly on the two objects in Xing Ye's hands. Xing Ye showed an impatient expression, "I don't want to waste time talking with you two fools. I'm in a hurry. Both of you, come at me together."

The people around looked at Xing Ye as if he were a fool.

This factotum disciple was too ignorant, not knowing his place. Did he not know his own strength?

"What did you say?" Wang Hu's face showed anger. "Dare to say it again?"

Zhao Xuan's eyes also turned cold, and the two young masters had never suffered such humiliation.

"I said you two idiots, come over and fight me together. I'm busy, and I don't have time to play with you fools," Xing Ye repeated, sounding even more impatient.

"You want to die!"

Wang Hu's aura surged, and the temperature around him gradually rose; it was the Stellar Fire inherited from his family.

"Young Master Wang, I'll deal with this factotum disciple!"

Zhao Xuan took a few steps forward again. As a Zhao , he couldn't bear such insult.

As for those in the fifth realm, they didn't step forward.

"Coming or not? Or I'm leaving," Xing Ye said again.

"Are you daring to do this? Believe it or not... get him!"

Wang Hu was about to speak, but he saw Xing Ye had indeed started running. At some point, he had moved towards the direction of the canyon and was running towards it.

The surroundings erupted into chaos. Initially, everyone's attention was on Xing Ye's words, so they didn't pay much attention to his position.

Unexpectedly, this guy was playing tricks, deliberately provoking the two to attract everyone's attention and then taking the opportunity to enter the canyon.

"Get him! I'm going to kill him!"

Zhao Xuan was also furious, obviously realizing that they had been tricked by a factotum disciple. Ignoring the others, he chased after Xing Ye.

In the blink of an eye, eight people from the two families ran into the canyon, leaving the other disciples staring at each other.

"Everyone, detoxification pills, life-saving detoxification pills!"

From afar, Skinny was delighted and quickly ran over. "A great opportunity is right in front of us. No one wants to miss it, right?"

Both the dual knives and pills were back; Wang Can suffered no losses. Technically, he should leave now. However, as he looked at the canyon in front of him, he hesitated but didn't go in. Instead, he waited here.

Xing Ye ran all the way into the canyon. Upon seeing the mist, he immediately swallowed the detoxification pill.

On the Star Martial Continent, besides the mysterious and powerful Spirit Conduits, there was another unique group within Star Magic.

Awakeners of star phenomena!

They were geniuses in Star Magic. In the era before the appearance of Spirit Conduits, they were the pride of the heavens!

When reaching the fifth realm of Star Magic, some geniuses would awaken star phenomena.

The forms of star phenomena varied, their abilities differed, and they were categorized into three realms: Spirit, Earth, and Heaven. Some could accelerate cultivation, some could enhance combat power, and some could refine elixirs.

The awakening of star phenomena was uncontrollable, entirely dependent on whether the heavens favored them. The star fruits here significantly increased the probability of awakening.

Xing Ye was only one realm away from the fifth realm, and since he was here, he naturally couldn't miss such a peculiar opportunity.

"It turns out to be the Ice Polar Python, no wonder the fog is poisonous."

The Ice Polar Python was a type of star beast that favored cold places. It didn’t have a high rank, and the gas it exhaled was toxic.

Xing Ye, moving forward, suddenly stopped and then took three steps to the left before continuing forward.

He avoided a fourth-realm Ice Polar Python.

As if foreseeing the future, Xing Ye never paused along the way, but the fourth-realm Ice Polar Pythons hidden in the fog did not attack him.

"Factotum monkey, come out!"

"Lowly factotum disciple, dare to play tricks on me? I will kill you!"

As they delved deeper, the thick fog became denser. Wang Hu and Zhao Xuan were shouting loudly from behind.

The visibility here was less than three meters. Others would have been cautious, but Xing Ye gradually accelerated.

This time, he began to move straight ahead!

The dense fog rolled violently, and the Ice Polar Pythons lurking in the mist, vigilant and fierce, did not attack him.

"Ice Polar Python, come and bite him!"

"Kill the factotum monkey!"

With the deepening of the fog, Wang Hu and Zhao Xuan's shouts grew louder and closer.

The visibility here was less than three meters, and most people would have been cautious. However, Xing Ye was gradually accelerating.

This time, he started moving straight ahead!

The dense fog churned violently. Upon hearing the commotion, the Ice Polar Pythons headed towards him.

A bright light surrounded Xing Ye as he punched.


A giant python that had just raised its head was sent flying by a punch before it could see Xing Ye.

After consecutively punching two more Ice Polar Pythons and sending them flying, Xing Ye finally reached the depths.

Here, there was an open space about three meters in diameter. The dense fog rolled around the surroundings but did not encroach upon this area.

In the center, there was a puddle with a small tree emitting a faint blue light, and three fruits hanging on it.

The fruits twinkled like stars, radiating a misty light that prevented the surrounding fog from approaching.

This was the star fruit!

Xing Ye's eyes lit up, feeling the magic of seeing the star fruit for the first time.

Without hesitation, he quickly approached, bending over and reaching out to pick the fruit...