The Ultimate Star Phenomenon

Within the forest, apart from Wang Can, there were two more individuals—a young girl in a light-colored long dress and a young man in black clothes. The feeling of danger emanated from the young man in black.

"Lord Ye, she said she wants to see you," Wang Can explained proactively, observing Xing Ye with a vigilant look.

"I'm Li Manyue," the young girl stepped forward, her voice gentle. The moment she moved, the young man behind her also shifted, standing half a step behind Li Manyue while his eyes kept fixing on Xing Ye.

"I’m Xing Ye."

Looking at Li Manyue, Xing Ye's expression remained calm, but his mind was already tense; the young man seemed dangerous.

Sensing Xing Ye's tension, Li Manyue intentionally kept a distance. "Actually, I intended to find Wang Hu and Zhao Xuan, but after what had happened to them, I came to find you instead."

Xing Ye looked at Wang Can, who shook his head, indicating that he knew nothing.

"Do you know about the polar star fruit?" Li Manyue asked.

Xing Ye shook his head. He had only heard of the star fruit.

Wang Can exclaimed, "Could it be the polar star fruit that can elevate the grade of star phenomena?"

"Yes, you’ve guessed it right," Li Manyue nodded.

"That's amazing, a truly incredible one! With the combination of the star fruit, it might even give rise to the strongest Ultimate Star Phenomenon!" Wang Can's expression became excited; his breathing quickened, and his eyes gleamed with passion.

"There are only nine types of Ultimate Star Phenomenon in the world, surpassing even the celestial star phenomena. Every appearance of an Ultimate Star Phenomenon causes upheaval in the heavens and the earth! It is said that the founder of the Star Martial Empire, the Star Martial Emperor, awakened the Ultimate Star Phenomenon 'Radiant Celestial Brilliance'! Rumor has it that when this star phenomenon emerged, the world lost its color, and the night could turn into day!"

Xing Ye's expression also changed. Star phenomena in the world were divided into three realms: celestial, terrestrial, and spiritual. Above them were the nine Ultimate Star Phenomena, such as 'One thought Bringing Blossom,' 'Radiant Celestial Brilliance,' 'Big Dipper,' and 'Realm of the Vanquished Thunder God.'

Any one of these Ultimate Star Phenomena, when manifested, would cause extraordinary events in the world. People often said that the Ultimate Star Phenomena were the only existence in Star Magics that could surpass Spirit Conduits because they were much rarer than the mysterious Spirit Conduits.

However, this statement was incorrect.

Regarding the understanding of Ultimate Star Phenomenon, there was probably no one present who could surpass Xing Ye.

Whenever an Ultimate Star Phenomenon appeared in the world, the person possessing it would undoubtedly be a Spirit Conduit! Because only the powerful soul of a Spirit Conduit could withstand the Ultimate Star Phenomenon!

"Is there really such a strange thing that can spontaneously give rise to Ultimate Star Phenomenon?" Xing Ye found it somewhat unbelievable, mainly because Ultimate Star Phenomena were too rare. Anyone who awakened them was undoubtedly a remarkable individual.

Li Manyue shook her head slowly. "It's just hearsay, but the polar star fruit does have a chance to advance star phenomena. In theory, it might even give rise to an Ultimate Star Phenomenon. The place is very dangerous, and only those at the fourth realm can enter, so I need to find some reliable helpers."

Li Manyue stopped here, then looked at Xing Ye with a clear intention.

Xing Ye took out a star fruit from his pocket and threw it to Wang Can.

Wang Can instinctively caught it, then immediately widened his eyes. "This... this..."

He hadn't expected Xing Ye to really obtain the star fruit in such a short time.

Li Manyue, accompanied by the silent young man, watched this scene, and a hint of surprise appeared in the young man's eyes, as if he understood why Miss was so interested in him.

"Consider it as payment for the detoxification pills," Xing Ye spoke, his eyes still on Li Manyue. This was also a manifestation of strength.

Xing Ye was really eager to obtain the polar star fruit, as much as the Soul Essence in the past.

Hope that had once been shattered was now reappearing before him. Perhaps this was fate working in mysterious ways.

Li Manyue nodded in satisfaction, then changed the topic. "Although only those at the fourth realm can enter, it's better for you to enhance your strength a bit more since you've just entered the fourth realm."

Judging by Xing Ye's appearance, there couldn't be any pills on him.

Wang Can, hearing this, immediately said, "Lord Ye, I have some Vitality Nourishing Pills here."

It was a bit embarrassing for Wang Can to offer such a valuable star fruit for free.

Xing Ye waved his hand, rejecting the kind offer. "I should have some too."

Xing Ye took out another package from behind, crouched down, and opened it.

Wang Can suddenly recalled the scene he had witnessed earlier. These were the packages of the two young masters from the prestigious families. Anticipation appeared in his eyes.

Li Manyue also lowered her head, silently observing. The silent young man behind her also showed some curiosity.

The package opened, revealing several layers. The first layer contained new clothes, the second layer had three strands of spiritual light, and the last layer held a bottle of elixir.

Xing Ye was slightly surprised, then blurted out, "Isn't this too poor? Only three strands of spiritual light?"

Li Manyue looked at Xing Ye with a strange expression.

Wang Can coughed and reminded, "Lord Ye, those three strands of spiritual light are blue, indicating they belong to a fifth-tier star beast."

Xing Ye took out his own spiritual light. Indeed, the colors were different. The fourth-tier one was white.

"That's about right, fitting for their status." Xing Ye continued to take out Wang Hu's package. The five strands of fifth-tier spiritual light inside were one more than Zhao Xuan's, and there was also a bottle of elixir, containing four Vitality Nourishing Pills.

Earlier, Zhao Xuan's package had contained three Vitality Nourishing Pills. Xing Ye frowned slightly; he was satisfied with the spiritual light, but there was a significant disparity in the other items. Even when he robbed Wang Can not long ago, he at least got two knives and two bottles of elixir.

"How can such a powerful and wealthy family be so poor?" Xing Ye felt a bit frustrated.

Li Manyue's gaze was somewhat peculiar. A person dressed in a patched factotum disciple's outfit was complaining about others being poor?

Wang Can coughed lightly once again to remind, "Lord Ye, one Vitality Nourishing Pill is worth five hundred gold coins."

"Is that it?" Xing Ye's eyes lit up. This was quite impressive. If converted into the wages of a factotum disciple, one pill was roughly equivalent to the efforts of one person for more than two years. Even for a factotum disciple doing three jobs like him, seven pills would still require five years.

"Your cultivation seems to burn a lot of money." Xing Ye looked at the seven Vitality Nourishing Pills again, feeling amazed.

"It's only used when reaching the fourth realm. Before that, we use Star Gathering Liquid, which is quite cheap." Wang Can explained again. Along the way, he could see that Xing Ye had many secrets and didn't look like a factotum disciple, but he seemed completely ignorant about some basic knowledge.

"There are no Qi Recovery Pills in the package. Lord Ye, did you forget to frisk them? Sometimes, good things are hidden," Wang Can suggested.

Hearing what Wang Can said, Xing Ye's expression noticeably changed. "I thought everything was in the packages."

Seeing Xing Ye regretful, Li Manyue, restraining her laughter, teased, "Why don't you go back and check again?"

"That won't do. These two packages are rewards for saving people. Going back would be stealing, and I'm not that kind of person," Xing Ye said seriously, leaving Wang Can feeling quite bitter. Xing Ye wasn't like this before—touching above and below...

Li Manyue was also taken aback, finding this statement too fresh and naive—or rather, too shameless.

Xing Ye took out a Vitality Nourishing Pill and put it into his mouth. "Let's hurry and leave. If those two guys wake up and don’t see their great benefactor, they would be heartbroken and regretful for a lifetime."

The silent young man, who had been silent all along, glanced at Xing Ye, thinking, "Shame on him..."

Li Manyue couldn't bear it anymore and turned her head to look elsewhere.

"What are you looking at?" Xing Ye asked.

"There was a shameless man who just flew by."

Xing Ye: "..."