Contract Spirit

The celestial star phenomenon of the Star Spirit Wolf dissipated into scattered starlight, and Tie Wei returned.

Wang Can had been observing Tie Wei all along. Even with a star phenomenon, it still made him envious. Without it, Tie Wei would, at most, have a one-on-two chance against those fifth realm practitioners. But with a star phenomenon, he had the confidence to suppress everyone.

As if performing magic, Li Manyue had a new parcel in her hands. Xing Ye's expression changed slightly. "Contract Spirit?"

He subconsciously glanced at Li Manyue's wrist, where there was an intricately patterned jade bracelet.

"Do you know about the Contract Spirit?" Li Manyue tossed the parcel to Xing Ye across the campfire.

It was a leather package covered with a layer of pale red, fine scales. There was an exquisite decoration beside it, and its material was much better than those of Wang Hu and Zhao Xuan. Xing Ye opened it, and the hidden compartments inside was revealed. He took out the starlight from his chest and placed it inside.

"Contract Spirit is one of the miraculous beasts in the world. It has an independent space inside its belly, capable of storing things." Xing Ye couldn't help but glance at the bracelet. "However, this beast can change its form endlessly, and ordinary people wouldn't recognize it even if they encounter it."

Li Manyue nodded. "Little Ling, come out and meet everyone."

She gently tapped the bracelet, and the jade bracelet emitted a faint light, transforming into a small creature upon landing.

Standing at less than two feet tall, the creature was furry, with a pair of long ears almost touching the ground. This was the Contract Spirit Beast.

It bounced in place, its large eyes curiously looking around. When it saw Xing Ye, it took a few steps back, hugging Li Manyue's arm.

"Alright, I know you are hungry," Li Manyue said with a light smile, patting the creature's head gently. A luminous stone appeared in her hand, and she handed it to the Contract Spirit Beast.

The creature swallowed it in one gulp and continued to cling to Li Manyue's wrist. Soon, it transformed back into a bracelet.

"Normally, you don't respond when I call you back. What's going on today?" Li Manyue laughed softly, turning the bracelet.

Wang Can watched in amazement. While the Contract Spirit Beast was indeed a valuable item, it required star jade as its food. Ordinary food wouldn't work, and star jade was as valuable as a hundred-year spirit medicine. Even if one possessed the Contract Spirit Beast, it was difficult for ordinary people to afford its upkeep. It was said that the space inside the Contract Spirit Beast would change as it grew, but its appetite would also increase, making it an extraordinary creature that few could afford to raise.

Xing Ye withdrew his gaze. For him, even sustaining himself was challenging, and the Contract Spirit Beast was still beyond his capacity.

Thinking, he could swallowed another Vitality Nourishing Pill. Seeing that there were only three pills left, Xing Ye felt a sense of distress.

As Vitality Nourishing Pills were running out, he needed to be thrifty. Xing Ye sat cross-legged, activating the Nine-Revolution Celestial Art. After the restoration of his memory, he naturally remembered the cultivation technique he had practiced before. The spiritual power from the world gathered around him, entered his body, was absorbed by the Dragon Heart Jade, and then sent to his dantian through the technique...

Roars echoed in the forest at night, but no star beasts came to disturb the four by the campfire.

As daylight approached, Li Manyue went to the riverbank to freshen up. Xing Ye stretched lazily and walked toward the riverbank.

With four Vitality Nourishing Pills and a night of cultivation, Xing Ye clearly felt that his cultivation had improved significantly. As long as the pills were sufficient, he could quickly reach the peak of the fourth realm.

Tie Wei, standing nearby, followed suit, his gaze vigilant. Xing Ye was speechless; he could only walk to a more distant place to wash his face.

Carrying the parcel on his back, the group of four continued on their way. Along the way, Xing Ye discovered a hundred-year spirit medicine guarded by a fourth-realm star beast.

Seeing the four approaching, the star beast emitted a threatening growl.

Li Manyue stopped, looked at Xing Ye, and her intention couldn't be clearer.

Xing Ye strode forward, activated the power of Star Magic Techniques, and directly collided with the fourth-realm star beast. With a loud bang, the star beast smashed into the distance, and when it landed, it no longer showed signs of life.

This was the first time Tie Wei had seen Xing Ye take action. A casual punch had killed a star beast of the same rank. His expression seemed somewhat serious.

Li Manyue was very satisfied. To obtain the polar star fruit, such assistance was needed.

Xing Ye walked forward to pick the hundred-year spirit medicine and then walked back. Without weapons, he looked at Wang Can, who tossed him a knife. Xing Ye dug out the white starlight and, after chewing on the spirit medicine, returned to where Li Manyue was.

She felt he was intentionally provoking people, so she snorted and left.

In the next moment, the group encountered two more hundred-year spirit medicines. Xing Ye ate one, and Wang Can took the other...

As they ventured deeper, the surroundings gradually quieted down. Even the star beasts disappeared, and the air was filled with a sense of chill.

Xing Ye's expression became slightly solemn, and Wang Can shrank his neck.

"We're almost there," Li Manyue said.

In the distance, a mountain range appeared, stretching continuously with dense vegetation, looking verdant from afar.


Someone in the distance waved towards them.

The four of them accelerated, and when they approached the foot of the mountain, they saw two people standing there. One of them, a young man in luxurious robes, stepped forward to greet them, "Little Yue, you're a bit slow. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Li Manyue raised her eyebrows slightly, seemingly displeased with this address. As the young man approached and saw Xing Ye and Wang Can, the smile on his face froze, "Little Yue, are these the helpers you've found?"

Li Manyue suppressed her displeasure and said, "Wang Can is just here to take a look. Xing Ye is the one who will help."

The young man burst into laughter, pointing at Xing Ye, "This beggar is the helper you found? Don't be ridiculous, Little Yue. Shouldn't you have found Wang Hu and Zhao Xuan instead?"

Xing Ye looked at the person behind the young man, who gave him a feeling similar to Tie Wei. Hearing the young man's words, Xing Ye withdrew his gaze and said, "I saved their lives, so they gave me the opportunity."

"Was this some sort of joke? Just you, a stinking beggar, as long as you don't drag others down, that's enough. You saved someone?" The young man looked impatient, "Little Yue, let this beggar leave quickly; the two of us will go in!"

Suddenly, the young man noticed Xing Ye's gaze lingering in front of him and immediately became grim, "Beggar, what are you looking at?"

"Why don't you have a parcel?" Xing Ye, not angered, asked the doubt in his heart.

"Look at you, with such an inexperienced look. I have the Contract Spirit. What's the use of a parcel?" The young man sneered.

Li Manyue's expression suddenly became strange. Was Xing Ye trying to take Liu Wei's belongings?

"Xing Ye is the one I invited. Liu Wei, if you don't trust him, you can leave. The two of us will go!" Li Manyue's tone was firm.

"Little Yue, what are you talking about?" Liu Wei's eyes flashed slightly. He looked at Li Manyue's determined attitude and smiled, "Since he's your choice, he must have something extraordinary. If you've chosen him, then so be it!"

He carefully assessed Xing Ye, "Hmm... this little brother, besides being a bit ugly, dirty, poor, and having a low cultivation realm, seems to have some advantages."

He wanted to pat Xing Ye but found nowhere to do so, so he had to withdraw his hand with a dry laugh, "Little brother, do your best. I believe in you. If you help me and Little Yue successfully obtain the polar star fruit this time, I will give you a chance to follow me."

Xing Ye immediately nodded, looking very inspired. However, his eyes occasionally glanced at Liu Wei's finger.

Liu Wei noticed and proudly said, "This is called Contract Spirit. You, a beggar for your whole life, won't have it. It's something that only superior people can possess. You're a low-class person, not worthy of having it!"

Xing Ye nodded again and asked, "Are there many good things inside?"

"Of course." Liu Wei became even more smug. "In my Contract Spirit, how could there be ordinary items?"

Wang Can looked at Liu Wei's arrogant appearance and felt a hint of pity. Now you're laughing proudly, but there will be a time when you cry like a fool.

The group of six entered the mountain range, following the foothills. Liu Wei's bodyguards were in the front, Tie Wei in the back. Soon, they encountered star beasts, at least a dozen of them.

These were long-tailed monkeys, with the highest rank being only the fourth realm. They were a gregarious species, standing on treetops and shouting at the approaching group.

"These long-tailed monkeys, with one comes a whole group. Are you sure we're going in the right direction?" Liu Wei's face looked unpleasant.

Li Manyue took out an ancient round disk and infused energy into it.

Tie Wei and another bodyguard remained vigilant around, while Wang Can, unfamiliar with the disk, showed some curiosity. There was a flash of light in Liu Wei's eyes.


The disk vibrated slightly, sending out ripples.

Li Manyue stared at the disk carefully, watching the changes in the patterns on it. After a while, she put it away, her expression somewhat solemn. "Indeed, it's ahead. It seems we have to break through. Tie Wei, clear the way."

Tie Wei nodded and moved forward. As he moved, the long-tailed monkeys also moved. Some rushed towards them, while others retreated.

"They're signaling. Don't let them escape!" Li Manyue reminded.

Liu Wei's bodyguard snorted coldly, releasing the aura of the fifth realm. At the same time, starlight condensed behind him, transforming into a rodent-like star phenomenon. The figure stood upright, opened its mouth, and instantly shot out beams of starlight toward the fleeing long-tailed monkeys.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

The fleeing long-tailed monkeys all died in an instant.

In a very short time, Tie Wei also killed other long-tailed monkeys that were below the fourth realm.

The group of six accelerated, attempting to forcefully pass through, but after only a few hundred meters, more long-tailed monkeys emerged from the forest.


Tie Wei used Star Magic Techniques, a powerful aura shaking the nearby long-tailed monkeys away.

The group rushed forward quickly. During the journey, the two figures with star phenomena frequently used powerful methods. However, there were too many long-tailed monkeys, continuously emerging from the forest.

During this time, Xing Ye attempted to make a move several times but was stopped by Tie Wei.

Wang Can had already started helping. Under the dual blades, many long-tailed monkeys were killed.

Suddenly, a long-tailed monkey passed through the energy waves and came to Xing Ye, launching an attack. Just as Xing Ye was about to throw a punch, Tie Wei approached, kicking the long-tailed monkey away before continuing to clear the way.

Xing Ye looked at Tie Wei. This guy treated him like a thief before, and now he was protecting him everywhere, not allowing him to consume even a bit of energy.

Although this was for Li Manyue, Xing Ye still couldn't quite figure it out. The journey became increasingly difficult, with the long-tailed monkeys emerging continuously. Even the two star phenomenon powerhouses felt the pressure.

"It's right in front!"

Li Manyue pointed ahead, revealing a place resembling an altar with several towering stone pillars.

Liu Wei's eyes lit up, "Put in more effort; we're almost there."

Tie Wei's energy surged again, and the Star Spirit Wolf behind him roared into the sky. Countless fluctuations rippled out, causing the approaching long-tailed monkeys to be sent flying.

Controlling the star phenomenon, Tie Wei began to run, and the shockwaves made it impossible for the long-tailed monkeys to get close. However, this method of controlling the star phenomenon consumed a tremendous amount of energy, and the Star Spirit Wolf, condensed from starlight, quickly dimmed.

The other bodyguards quickly followed, and the two of them joined forces to clear the way, making the path ahead smooth.

Wang Can was amazed; awakening the star phenomenon indeed significantly enhanced combat power. If it were an unawakened fifth realm expert, even ten of them wouldn't have such an effect.

Just as they were about to reach the altar, the star phenomena of the two of them dissipated successively, and they fell into a siege of long-tailed monkeys.

"Keep going!" Liu Wei shouted, completely ignoring the two, and leaped forward.

After a slight hesitation, Li Manyue followed suit.

"Xing Ye, hurry up!"

Wang Can shouted loudly, wielding his dual blades to attack the long-tailed monkeys approaching Xing Ye...

The three of them successively reached the altar. The long-tailed monkeys hesitated, hovering three zhang away from the altar, not daring to intrude.

Li Manyue and Xing Ye looked back at the battlefield. Liu Wei urgently said, "Don't mind them; quickly open the altar..."