Polar Star Fruit

From heaven to hell, from hope to despair, Xing Ye was no longer concerned about the consequences. Gods would kill gods, demons would kill demons! Background? Factions? All ignored! Unexpectedly, in the next moment, he was pulled back from hell to heaven. The polar star fruit was right behind him, radiating colorful light. Xing Ye believed it was the most beautiful thing in the world, second only to Ziling's smile. So, he laughed, a hearty laugh, feeling extremely pleased, wishing he could go up and hug the polar star fruit.

Li Manyue didn't know what Xing Ye was laughing about, thinking he might be possessed by a ghost as well. This made her vigilant, but after turning around, she was first surprised, then couldn't help but join in the laughter.

"Stop, you two, desist! This is mine, it's mine!" Liu Wei, seeing the polar star fruit exposed, shouted loudly.