Ancient Path of Star Refinement

Everyone stared in disbelief at what was happening in front of them. In their habitual thinking, Xing Ye was still expected to fail, putting forth all his effort until he could no longer stand. While they admired his perseverance, no one believed he could succeed.

Unexpectedly, after numerous attempts, he actually defeated the armored figure. For a moment, everything fell into silence, and everyone was in shock.

When the onlookers regained their senses, Xing Ye, who was heavily wounded, had already disappeared without a trace.

"He went in, quick, chase after him!" Liu Wei reacted first and rushed towards the stairs.

However, as soon as he stepped on the stairs, the previously dispersed armored figure suddenly reassembled. A spear swept horizontally, and Liu Wei fell from the platform.

Others stopped one after another, their expressions changing.