Spiritual Lights

The brilliance illuminated the surroundings, and everyone appeared on a massive square. This was no longer the same square from the early assessment; instead, it was a unique location within the inner gates of the Star Martial Sect.

Being here indicated that everyone had passed the assessment and ascended to the inner gates. To the east of the square, there was a platform where two elders and eight stewards were seated. They would conduct the final confirmation of the disciples' gains and select the top performer to reward generously.

As the disciples came out one after another, the elder sitting in the middle turned to the steward at the edge, "Steward Liu, any guesses on who will secure the first place in this assessment?"

Steward Liu, who used to be with Qingqing, shook his head, "Elder Lin, it's not easy to guess. Many disciples from prestigious families participated this time, and each of them is exceptional. It's difficult to determine who will be the first."
