One Leaf Blocking the View

A disdainful smile flashed across Liu Wu's lips as he turned and walked away. Zhao Liang and the other two were already waiting in the distance. The Dragon Trees around them began to riot, stimulated by some unknown force. Even those that hadn't attacked before were now swaying menacingly.

"Can you stop me?" Xing Ye stood in front of Liu Wu, blocking his way. He had been on guard against these guys from the beginning and never truly believed in them. Their smiles were too malicious, clearly harboring ill intentions.

Looking at Xing Ye blocking his path, Liu Wu sneered, "Can you, a mere factotum disciple, stop me? Just because we called you 'leader' a couple of times, you think you're the boss?"

Suddenly, Xing Ye had a bad feeling in his heart. However, before he could react, Liu Wu emitted a burst of light, and in the next moment, he disappeared.

It was the measuring ruler! They had kept Liu Wu here for this reason.