
The situation took a dramatic turn. Xing Ye did not admit to his own guilt but instead accused the other four. This left the disciples who hadn't been to Thousand Sect Palace confused. However, more people knew the truth but chose not to speak.

Li Manyue and Tang Yu stepped forward to testify for Xing Ye, along with Tie Wei, Wang Can, and Chen Meng, a total of five people. Once on the platform, Tang Yu spoke to Qingqing, "We can testify for Xing Ye. Everything he said is true; not a single word is false! The ones who withdrew are them, not Xing Ye. The honor this time was earned by Xing Ye at the cost of his life!"

Liu Wu sneered at the statement. "Ridiculous, truly ridiculous! You few can testify for Xing Ye, but the people who went to Thousand Sect Palace can testify for us!"

Speaking of this, Liu Wu turned to the crowd and asked, "Everyone, am I right?"

"Yes, Xing Ye withdrew!"

"That's right, Xing Ye is shameless; he quit directly!"

"I saw Xing Ye withdraw with my own eyes!"