Overpowering Shen Lang


The clash of swords and blades sent sparks flying, and Xing Ye's figure was blocked as Shen Lang stood directly in front of him.

"You, the lowly factotum disciple, aren't slow, but wanting to snatch the Ancient Star Soldier from me? You're a bit too green!" Shen Lang's chin lifted slightly, and he glanced at Xing Ye with an arrogant expression. "Are you qualified?"

Xing Ye tightly gripped the Punishment Blade in his hand, his eyes cold.

"Is it too profound for you to understand? 'Qualified' means having the right. A mere lowly factotum disciple like you, what qualifications do you have to contend with me?" Shen Lang pointed the long sword in his hand at Xing Ye. "Be sensible and get lost, or else I'll have to kill you, an ignorant fellow!"

"You all are really birds of a feather."