Restraining Ancient Weapons

Placing the Ghost Flame Spear back into the ground, Xing Ye looked at Yi Hong, who was slowly approaching, and said, "Weren't you running away? Why have you come back?"

Yi Hong waved his hand dismissively and replied, "I didn't run away; I had some matters to attend to. When I returned, I found all of you gone."

He smiled and continued, "There's no need to pretend; there are no outsiders here. I know you're at your last breath and won't last much longer."

Xing Ye squinted his eyes, a cold chill in his gaze. "You could see that?"

"Naturally. While my strength might not be impressive, my insight is quite unique," Yi Hong stopped about ten yards away from Xing Ye and said, "I not only noticed your weakness but also sensed your intention to kill me, and you're determined to do it in one go."

He chuckled, "Unfortunately, I won't give you that opportunity."