King of the Jungle

Xing Ye looked at Ye Lu with a questioning gaze. Ye Lu immediately shook her head, indicating that she was not aware of the situation.

"Many junior brothers haven't been to the imperial capital. Perhaps this time, letting everyone go early is to give them some time to explore the imperial capital," Li Xian explained reasonably.

However, Xing Ye was still very worried. The hidden presence could control star beasts, which was an extraordinary skill. In the Starshine Mountains, star beasts were abundant, and they had managed to avoid danger this time, but it might not be the case next time. Moreover, the hidden techniques of those dead soldiers were quite formidable. Killing five of them didn't guarantee that there weren't more lurking in the shadows.

It seemed that those noble families harbored deep resentment against him, dispatching such remarkable individuals.


Xing Ye's eyes chilled as the Spirit Conduit flew out, emitting a shimmering light in the dark night.
