His Cold Touch


The silence in the room made my heart pound against my chest. It was difficult to remain still; my muscles trembled, and I struggled to keep my breath steady to regain composure. The King was certainly taking his time to make the announcements to let us stand, and I felt my knee beginning to buckle. I cautiously glanced upward, reassuring myself that just one quick look wouldn't hurt?

But I was abruptly interrupted as I attempted to steal a quick glance discreetly.

"Rise, Lady Daria." I let out an exasperated sigh as beads of sweat began to form on my forehead. This was pure torture. Standing in this half-kneeling position felt like the worst ordeal ever, even more grueling than my most demanding days back on the farm.


"Look up, Lady Daria. I'd like to get a better look at you," I instructed after observing the other four ladies kneeling before me. She stood in a dark brown satin dress, her black hair neatly braided. She tilted her head upward and clearly hesitated to meet my gaze. I reveled in that uncertainty. She had no clue who I was or why she had found herself there. I seriously doubted she even understood what a harem was.

The humans were blissfully unaware of the reality surrounding them, knowing little about life beyond their free zones. Yet, that was precisely our plan, and it would remain so. Daria had an enchanting beauty about her, and I could feel her innocence radiating. I could hear her heart racing beneath her generous curves, resembling a frightened deer peering from behind her big, brown eyes.

"Down, Lady Daria, and rise, Lady Camelia," I instructed, watching the two ladies switch places. Camelia, a light brunette who wore dark purple, carried herself with an impeccable posture. "Look up, Lady Camelia, right at me." Unlike Daria, Camelia immediately met my gaze. Her round eyes, framed by thick lashes, sparkled with a lively innocence, and her cheeks glowed with a soft pink hue. She was gorgeous and exuded a confidence that set her apart from the others, and I knew she would be pretty entertaining to play with.

"Down, Lady Camelia, and rise, Lady Zandra." With her alluring curves and vibrant red hair, Zandra radiated a softness that hinted at the touch of her skin. And then there was Elena, a genuinely enchanting woman. Her mesmerizing almond-shaped eyes and flowing black hair captured my attention completely. But without a doubt, the most striking lady of the evening was Lady Dawn. Her heart raced more fiercely than the others, and seeing her struggle to stay composed was rather amusing. I decided to save her for last, and as soon as I instructed her to rise, I could feel her legs quaking with relief. "Look up, Lady Dawn; I want to take a closer look at you," I commanded, and soon her gray eyes met mine. Dawn was genuinely intriguing. Her thick, blonde hair was gorgeous, though she didn't have the curves of some of the other girls. I stepped onto the floor, descended the small stairs before the throne, and approached the line of women. "Stand up, all of you," I instructed as I walked towards Dawn. There was something about her. She was undoubtedly the most terrified among them, her heart pounding relentlessly in her tiny chest. In an instant, the deep crimson of her face drained away, turning a ghostly pale as I drew closer.


I never expected the King's skin to look so gray compared to his shoulder-length, rich brown hair and vibrant crimson suit. Honestly, I wasn't sure how I should have pictured him. His eyes, as dark as an autumn night, sent a chill down my spine as he walked past the other ladies and fixed his gaze on me. Something about him put me on edge, and my instincts warned me to stay alert in his presence. I could hardly catch my breath as he stopped before me, his intense gaze locking onto mine with such force that I found it difficult to stay composed. I wanted to shut my eyes or pull away when he leaned toward me, but my body froze. His hand gripped my chin, sending a shiver from his cold touch.