Is K Base Safe?

"Mr. Fletcher, is K Base safe? We've been comparing several bases lately and are hesitant," Keller asked again.


When it came to serious matters, Fletcher didn't beat around the bush. "Well, how should I put it... Without this group... without pirates, K Base can be considered safe."


Fletcher almost let slip the words "without this batch of weapons," but fortunately, he caught himself in time and changed it to "without pirates."


"K Base has pirates? I've never heard of that," Keller asked, astonished.


"K Base is located near the sea, and after the apocalypse, natural disasters are frequent on the side of the R country. They have a difficult living environment, so they come to harass us. But rest assured, K Base is strong, and we'll eventually deal with them," Fletcher explained.


Keller's eyes flickered as he poured another glass of wine for Fletcher. "Are there many weapons at K Base? Can they defeat the pirates?"


Fletcher wouldn't belittle K Base in front of outsiders and tried to speak favorably. "There are plenty of weapons. K Base isn't lacking in firepower. Let them come; those pirates deserve to die. They don't know how many of our compatriots they've killed. If a fight breaks out, I'll be the first one to charge in."


"Heroes have always emerged in troubled times. I admire people like Mr. Fletcher," Keller raised his glass. "Here, a toast to you."


Having drunk quite a bit already, Fletcher waved his hand. "Mr. Keller, you're too kind. I can't drink anymore. Please, go ahead."


Keller insisted that he drink, even lifting the glass to Fletcher's lips to feed him. "Just one last drink. Come on, bottoms up."


After several consecutive shots of alcohol, Fletcher slumped onto the table.


Other conscious individuals looked over, and Keller chuckled, saying, "Mr. Fletcher can't handle his liquor. He's down after just one drink. Let's get him to rest."


Two women approached and helped Fletcher up, one on each side, and led him away.


The others, seeing this, let their guards down and continued to eat, drink, and chat with the women.


Outside in the car, Alice and Hurley had only eaten half of their meal when they suddenly heard knocking on the window.


Alice rolled down the window and saw two women standing outside, holding trays with two bowls of noodles topped with fried eggs, looking very appetizing.


But wasn't this a bit out of place compared to the hot pot?


The two women had initially intended to invite them for dinner, but seeing the hot pot in the car with both meat and vegetables, they found their noodles less appealing.


"Do you need anything?" Alice raised an eyebrow.


The two women awkwardly smiled and said, "We came to bring you dinner, but it seems unnecessary now."


"Thank you, but we already have food," Alice said and closed the window after refusing their offer.


Through the dark car window, Alice vaguely saw them leaving. She suddenly sneered, "Those people have quite the nerve. They dare to get drunk even in a strange place."


When she had opened the window earlier, she had listened carefully, and there was no commotion inside the house. Either they were being knocked out by the drinks or something sinister was happening.


However, the latter possibility was unlikely. They were still here, and even if those people had other intentions, they wouldn't dare to act openly.


"Let them eat what's coming to them. If nothing happens, that's for the best. If something does happen, it's what they deserve," Hurley commented, taking a detached view of the situation.After finishing their meal, Alice quietly walked over to the first car as the night grew darker. She gathered all the weapons inside into the space.


Hurley stood outside, keeping watch. Soon, Alice jumped down from the car. "Done."


Both of them returned to their respective vehicles. Alice, covered in the aroma of hot pot, quickly took out a bathing tub and hot water, intending to take a bath.Just as she was getting ready, voices suddenly came from outside. "Is there anyone in the car?"


It was a man's voice.


Alice put away the bathing tub, opened the car door, and got out. A short man grinned at her. "It's warm inside. Come in."


"I don't need to. Please don't disturb me," Alice said, eyeing the man with a hint of scrutiny in her gaze.


Without another word, the man moved forward to grab her. "No need to be shy... Ah!"


Before the man could finish his sentence, Alice swiftly twisted his hand. "Don't you understand human language?"


"Help! Someone help!"


Footsteps approached from inside. Alice listened carefully and couldn't help but sneer.


Keller emerged with a dozen men. "Why are you bullying him?"


Alice let go of the man's hand. "Where did you see me bullying him? Clearly, he was the one who made the first move."


Hurley also walked over and stood shoulder to shoulder with Alice.


Keller looked at them coldly, as if contemplating something. But Alice didn't feel like pretending anymore. A slight curve appeared at the corner of her mouth. "Stop pretending. You've been exposed."


Keller's eyes showed a hint of surprise. After a moment of silence, he clapped his hands and chuckled darkly. "Do you know who we are?"


"People from the R country, or more precisely, pirates," Alice said calmly.


"How did you figure that out?" Keller was genuinely curious. Did they not disguise themselves well enough?


"You claim to be indigenous people who have never left the town. Do you want to take a look at the spiderwebs and dust on the door?""The second point, you think you're similar to us, but in reality, your appearance is quite strange. You have this sneaky look about you," Keller continued. 


"The third point, when you ran out earlier, your footsteps were very organized, indicating a well-trained unit."


"The fourth... forget it, there are too many loopholes to count."


As for the old woman who came to speak with them at the beginning, her expression was very unnatural. She was probably brought here as part of their act. Normally, seeing the elderly or children would lower people's guards. 


Keller's expression turned increasingly grim as Alice listed out each point.


"By the way, that big hole on the road was created by your ammunition, right? The purpose was to force us to detour, and you calculated that we would stop here. Even if we didn't stop, I guess you've set up traps ahead, ultimately forcing us to return."


Hearing this, Keller's brow furrowed. They had exposed so many flaws?"If you knew, why did you still choose to stop?" 


Alice smirked. "Of course, to see what tricks you're playing.She hadn't intended to expose them so quickly, but that man just now insisted on dragging her into the house. It was better to just lay it all out.


"Discovering it, what difference does it make? You can't escape," Keller said, as the people from behind the house ran out, surrounding the two of them.


Alice scanned the group, about twenty people, all holding guns pointed straight at them.


"Mr. Keller, the people inside are all tied up," a man came out from inside, speaking with utmost respect.


Alice found this man familiar, as if his name was Herschel, who was tasked with transporting weapons with the convoy.


"The Base Commander was right, there is indeed a traitor, a spy, among the convoy," Alice looked at Hurley, mocking him.


Hurley replied, "It was worth it coming here, to expose a spy."


Herschel, hearing their conversation, remained unfazed. "Every man for himself. I had to cooperate with Mr. Keller for my own survival."


"Thanks to you for timely passing on the message. If these weapons had fallen into Ignatius's hands, the consequences would have been dire. After we take down K Base, there will be great benefits for you. I guarantee you'll live a life of luxury," Keller patted Herschel's shoulder, pleased with him.