Chapter Twenty-Six: Noisy New Year’s

THIS WAS BY FAR THE LAST PLACE that Akari would want to be. Celebrating the season is fine, New Years is a pretty nice holiday. However, to come to the shrine and be surrounded by so many people was not something that she enjoyed at all. Completely relatable, I'm sure quite a few of us can agree on that. Though it's not like she had much of a say in it. Every holiday, without fail, the Watanabe family and Saiki family spent time together. With that being said, the majority of both families wanted to go partake in the celebration. 

It's so crowded. Too noisy. Akari would love nothing more than to be embraced by shadows to relax in their cool loneliness. She could feel that Saiki felt quite the same as her, for the scowl on his face. Then again, he usually has a permanent scowl on his face. Even with the usual expression, Akari knew exactly what he was thinking. They were on the same wavelength most of the time after all.

Neither of them wanted to be at the shrine. Though due to social conventions and family priorities, they were forced to come. To partake in society, much to their dismay. Though we all love getting to read about all the wacky adventures that ensue, right? Because I sure do! Shame that we have to suffer through this terrible writing, but I'll take what I can get.

Despite being at a shrine, Akari didn't necessarily have a belief in any sort of deity. When one is born with some supernatural abilities they tend to really consider the existence of a higher power. Add in the fact that she then has a best friend who has abilities that could literally be considered that of a god and she really couldn't pinpoint if there was a celestial power out there. She came to her own conclusions eventually, which were that if there was a god, they certainly had a horrible sense of humor. 

She had been labeled a demon by her paternal grandparents at birth. Thanks to the abilities that she was born with, they came to their own conclusions about her. Akari didn't think that her striking yellow, cat-like eyes really helped her case back then either. Though from what her father tells her just about all the time, she was quite the cute baby back then. She believed it since there were a plethora of photos of her growing up. Really, mountains upon mountains of scrapbooks from her life. 

Then again, she never knew her paternal grandparents, and really didn't care too after the stories her mother told her about them. She could understand being unnerved by her abilities at first glance. However, her parents didn't leave her like they did, her brother wasn't scared of his big sister having shadow-manipulation, so Akari didn't think her grandparents had much of an excuse. Perhaps if they stuck around longer they would have realized just how harmless Akari was to everyone.

Though she wondered, if she was a demon, who would be an angel? Maybe Teruhashi, with her desirable amount of beauty, constantly being favored by the universe or god to get what she wants, and never having real misfortunes could be considered an angel. That seemed like it would make the most sense. Still, not that Akari thought that she really deserved the title. After learning about how selfish and rotten Tsukishima could be in her own thoughts, Akari had to think that she wasn't 100% an angel as she tried to be. 

"It's so crowded." Kuniharu complained. There really were a lot of people out today. Just looking at it seemed tiring.

"Of course it is." Kurumi said, "It's New Year's Day."

"Good grief," Saiki mentally grunted, "I would rather spend my New Year's quietly at home."

Akari shuffled herself in her slightly larger black sweater, "You and me both." Not only was it crowded, but things were quite loud with so many people talking around them. She hated that her family wanted to go out and participate in society like this. At least there was one upside to this which was that she could spend time with her mother, since Miku took this holiday off to spend with family. Getting to spend time with her mother was always a lovely time for Akari since she rarely gets to see her most days.

Kuniharu turned to his wife, praying, "I hope I can have another happy year with my beloved wife."

"What?" She blinked in confusion, "Why are you making that wish to me?"

"What are you talking about? It's because you're my goddess." Damn, you smooth man. Really hitting his wife with the rizz right there.

"This is not how I want to start my new year," Kusuo groaned in annoyance.

Yamato was also quite affectionate with his wife, at least a perfect amount that he knew she loved. He had his arm wrapped around her waist while placing a kiss on the side of her head every so often. While out in public, he knew to tone down his affections for her since she didn't completely like pda. Especially within a crowd as large as this. So he wouldn't be as outwardly loud about his love, at least right now. Though it was taking everything within him to really hold back. Especially considering this was one of the only times of the year that she swept her work away to spend time with her family whole-heartedly. 

The overly romantic man leaned into his wife's ear, "I wish for many more magical years with you beside me, my love."

Miku hummed, "your wish won't come true if you tell me."

"My first wish has already come true though!"

"Oh, and what's that?"

Yamato became starry-eyed, "That you said yes to me all those years ago." Which Miku just huffed to, more than amused by her husband. Though she certainly shared his sentiment, even if she wasn't going to show it at the moment.

So the families walked up to pray and make their wishes. Saiki and Akari went up together just after both their mothers did theirs. Saiki's dad also came up with them, though it wasn't like they were paying attention to him.

"A wish?" Saiki asked, "I can always grant my own wish, not that I have any. Besides, I don't believe in any god."

'What's the point when you could be considered one.' Akari said, also praying, 'I wish to take a nap after this.' A very reasonable wish to have. One that I'm sure most of us have even now.

Saiki rang the bell and thought about his own wish. "Whatever. I suppose I should make a wish, too. I hope I can have a quiet New Year's." He really needs to learn not to say this stuff, Saiki is just jinxing himself.

Rikuto, walked up to his parents, "Mom, can we go to the store now?"

She nodded her head, "Finish praying and then we will."

"Okay!" He fist bumped the air, triumphantly.

So Rikuto made quick work of finishing up with his prayer and making his wish(Which no doubt had to do with manga in some way), more than excited to get to the bookshop. After all, if he was going with his parents, he had the opportunity to talk his father into getting him whatever manga he wanted. Yamato would gladly buy Rikuto whatever he wanted since he adores his children. His family have him wrapped around their fingers and there's little that Yamoto would say no to for them. Which is why Miku was there with them. Least Rikuto convinces his father into buying him one of everything.

"Are you going to stay with Kusuo for the day?" Miku asked her daughter.

Akari nodded her head, "Is it ok that I sleep over too?"

"Of course, just come home for breakfast, you know your father will have a fit if you aren't there for his breakfast."

With that, Yamoto hugged and kissed his daughter goodbye, the families all said their farewells, and Akari was left with the Saiki family. Though she probably should have taken the opportunity to go home with them, with what's to come.

It seemed like Saiki thought that the Wanatabe's had the right idea, "Okay, now we can go home…"

"What? Saiki!" Oof, you spoke too soon Saiki. Now it's time for plot!

Saiki nearly rolled his eyes, "See? There is no god."

It was Kaido who had shouted out to him. The blue-haired boy came waltzing over to his friends with a smile, "This must be fate."

"This isn't how I wanted to start my year. Your scarf is dragging." It indeed is dragging, reminds me of the Doctor.

Akari gave her friend a small wave, "Hi Kaido."

"Ah, Watanabe! Didn't see you there." No one ever does. "Are you here visiting a shrine for New Year's? Me? I was just passing by. God doesn't exist in this world anyway." Technically, one could argue that Shūichi Asō is your god, or even that MJ is your god. Couldn't everyone who writes a story and controls their characters be considered a god by said characters? Wait, does that mean that MJ is my god then?!? Oh, I'm not ready for this existential crisis right now! I need some coffee.

Looming over the teens now were Saiki's parents. Their eyes sparkling in amazement at the new boy talking to their son. Akari also would say that she would be surprised considering she knows how Saiki could be about friendships and stuff. Though still, she knew he didn't like that they would make a big deal about it, or that they even thought that Kaido was his friend.

"Hello! I'm Kusuo's dad!"

"And I'm his mom! You're so cute! Thank you so much for being friends with Ku!"

Really they were crowding the teens with how overbearing they were being right now. "What?" Kaido jumped at their sudden eagerness to thank him, "Oh! Nice to meet… I'm the Jet-Black… Kaido!"

Akari blinked owlishly, 'did he really try to introduce himself as the Jet-Black Wings?'

"Oh, your name is Kaido?" Kurumi said happily.

The boy just continued to stutter at the attention, "I am also thankful to be his friend. Right. I am."

Akari eyed the way that he was talking so strangely, "He really can't talk to adults, can he?"

"Can't you be more consistent?" Saiki said, "Make up your mind!"

Kuniharu smiled blissfully at his son, "So, you have friends other than Akari and Nendo, Kusuo." 

He scowled, "Nendo isn't a friend." Akari hummed, not completely believing that statement, mainly due to the fact that Kusuo had to accept Nendo as something at this point. 'Friend' was better than nothing.

His mother agreed, "I was so surprised."

"Yes. Me, too. I never expected Kusuo to have three friends." That was a bit of a backhanded compliment from Saiki's dad. Saying he's surprised his son can have friends while also having the ability to make friends. If it were me, I wouldn't let that slide. …Actually I would, because I hate confrontation. 

"No, not that." Kurumi blushed, happiness radiating off of her, "I actually just wished for Ku to have plenty of friends. And it's already come true!"

Saiki scowled, "Then why can't they grant me my wish, too?"

Though Akari stared at the dazzled expression of the older woman, 'You're mom is actually so wholesome.' She found it quite adorable how Saiki's mother always did wholesome things like this. Wishing her son had friends, doing her best for him, trying to understand him(to the best of her ability), honestly Akari thought she was one of the best. Of course, her own mother was on the top of that list for her, though Kurumi is a really close second.

"Oh, I actually wished for the same thing!" Kuniharu boasted to his wife, "You and I think so alike!"

"I don't believe that for one second," Akari snickered under her breath. Though Kuniharu heard that and deflated just a little bit. How could she think so little of him? Sure, she was right, but still!

After that, it was like God had a personal vendetta against Saiki. Punishing him for seemingly no reason. Or maybe there was a reason, that reason being for our entertainment. Not only had Kaido shown up, but after him it was Hairo, then Nendo, and then Teruhashi of all people. It certainly didn't help Saiki's mood that they were all here. Something that Akari could easily feel. The pleasantries that were exchanged between them all didn't necessarily interest Akari, not in the slightest. Not like they even saw that she was there. She didn't really care that they were there.

Hell, Hairo didn't even know she was standing right next to Saiki until Nendo mentioned it and said hello to her. Teruhashi also didn't notice her until then either, but she still ignored her existence even after Akari was pointed out. Not that Akari cares, she just wants to nap. She also knew that Saiki would want to escape all of this at the moment. He wanted to be alone, something she could relate to, and figured that this was going to ruin that. Then when Kuniharu came up with a great idea, Akari knew that she had to say something.

"I know! Why don't you all come over? We have New Year's food."

Kurumi was just bursting with excitement at her husband's idea, "Yes! Please come!"

"Oh! Let's go!" Nendo shouted.

Ever the polite young woman, Teruhashi said, "If we won't be too much trouble."

Saiki froze, "How come you're not granting my wish, God?"

Akari looked from the excited group talking about going to the Saiki house and her best friend. Obviously there was only one choice that she could make here. So she cut through their conversation with her haunting voice, which gave them all chills.

"Actually," her whispery voice called out, surprisingly easy to hear over the excitement from the others. "Ku and I have plans after this."

"Oh?" Kurumi blinked, a bit deflated at the fact that they might not be able to meet all of these lovely friends of her sons. "You do?"

Ever the idiot, Nendo blurted out, "Must be another date for you guys!"

"Date?!" All of them exclaimed in varying degrees of shock and surprise. 

"Good job, pal." Nendo gave him a thumbs up, seemingly congratulating on yet another date between them. He certainly supported anything his pal and gal pal did, especially dating each other.

Saiki scowled at Nendo for even suggesting that. That would definitely make everything more difficult. Especially with Teruhashi here actually able to hear that. Speaking of the perfect pretty girl, she tried to keep the facade of just simple surprise on her face, but there was an underlying annoyance in her expression. We don't really need to have telepathy to know what she was thinking as her eye twitched while staring at Akari.

Akari just shook her head, "No. We were going to our favorite cafe for New Years."

Saiki knew for a fact that they didn't have any plans. At most, they probably were just going to go to one of their houses and just laze around. Maybe Saiki would play a video game while Akari napped on his bed, they weren't really too pressed on what to do. 

Akari took Saiki's elbow, leaving no room of argument for anyone to make. As far as they needed to know, they did have plans. They ignored the talk of their friends and Saiki's parents behind them, all of them disheartened about them leaving but wanting to try it another time. So they navigated through the crowd until they left the shrine, safe from being bothered by their annoying friends.

As he was being led away by Akari, Saiki looked down at the back of her head with an awed expression, "Are you god?" Akari glanced up at him in confusion for a moment before giggling.


Yes, Akari had told them that they were going to their favorite cafe, but perhaps that was just to throw off the others. Precautions had to be taken, just in case they were going to end up being stalked by Saiki's parents or their friends. Even though they said that this was by no means a date or anything, what they said would just end up going in one ear and out the other with them. Though it's not like there were many places that they could go without it being busy. Most areas had people out eating, hanging out, just spending the holiday outside. Not only that but the teens couldn't go to either of their homes at this time. If they did go to their homes then their parents would know, and they had done this to avoid Saiki's parents as well as their friends. Plus there's no doubt that they would hassle them due to Nendo's 'date' comment. So it was best to avoid that.

Instead, Akari had suggested just getting a blanket and sitting at a park. There was no doubt in her mind that he would agree to it. Any chance that he could take to get away from people to be alone, he would certainly take. Well, almost alone. Though he certainly doesn't mind just being with her. (Not in that way, obviously. Don't read too far into that statement.) Saiki teleported to Akari's house, grabbed a blanket and teleported back to her. So they made sure to set up in an area that they deemed nice enough.

"The fact that we ran into all of them at the shrine was unfortunate."

"It really does seem like God hates me."

"You and me both," Akari groaned, "I just wanted to nap. Though it is quite funny how God seems to have it out for you." Saiki just scowled as she laughed at his misery.

While Akari didn't notice it, Saiki certainly could see their friends stalking behind them. He could hear everyone's thoughts, of course he could hear their curious thoughts as they watched Saiki and Akari walk along the paths. Though he certainly was not going to let them bother either him or Akari after they had first escaped. He didn't care that the group wanted to know if they were dating. They really were just a bother. Even Teruhashi's clear jealousy towards Akari was not going to ruin his peace. After all, Akari had already done enough to get them away from them. So with the use of his powers, he made sure to evade and confuse their group of stalkers. Akari was none the wiser. Perhaps because she was more focused on finding a good spot to nap. Which they did end up finding, now without their ragtag group of tagalongs behind them.

Akari floated across the grass of the nearby park that they escaped to. While there were a few people milling around, they didn't seem like they were going to bother the teens. So they tried to keep themselves in the most secluded part of the park. There was a small area, one with quite a few trees and bushes that separated a small clearing from the rest of the park. Just perfect.

"This actually is not how I saw today going." Saiki said as they laid on the blanket. Well, Akari was laying down, Saiki was just sitting next to her.

"Though better than how it could have been." Akari tiredly commented. Saiki hummed in agreement. She let out a yawn and stretched, seemingly resembling a cat, "I'm just glad I can nap now."

Saiki peered down at her from behind his glasses and gave her an amused look, "It always baffles me how you can fall asleep anywhere. You really are quite lazy."

Aikari chuckled under her breath, "Lazy is my middle name." She shuffled around a bit, making sure that she was comfortable enough on the ground.

It didn't take long after that for Akari to doze off with some soft snoring. Not that Saiki really minded. He expected that she would since he could see how tired she was since they were at the shrine. She cuddled up next to Saiki, but made sure to not cling to him at all. Since she knows that he doesn't like physical contact. She had gotten him out of one uncomfortable situation, she certainly didn't want to put him into another.

So Saiki just sat in silence, thinking to himself and admiring the solidarity that he had been allotted. Thank god for his friend. She really does pull him out of situations that he didn't like just at the right times. Sure, he could probably do it himself, though he didn't think he could say no to his parents and their pressures. Especially his mother, he could usually say no to her, but she has her moments over him. 

He glanced down at the shadow-manipulator as she snored lightly beside him. If there was one thing that he was actually happy about today, it was getting to grant Akari's wish. While he thought that she was quite the god by saving him from having to suffer through the group of idiots coming to his house, he would try to be her god by granting her wish. He brushed lock of inky hair from Akari's forehead. It almost looked like he was… admiring her… Though that would be silly, right?

Whatever you're thinking about the two of them, dont! Saiki might be able to hear you and call you stupid for thinking it. Trust me, I'd know. Still, even with the soft sunlight coming down from between the leaves, the occasional chirping of birds, and murmur of people passing by, Saiki really did notice how adorable Akari looked while napping.