Prepare for an Adventure.

Marcus and Alexander placed their backs on the opposite side of the carriage and continued to eavesdrop on Ben and Antoinette's conversation.

Antoinette crossed her arms as she sighed. "Ben, be honest with yourself, what can you do to fix the situation?" She asked, her tone soft.

"I'm not being condescending, I'm genuinely asking, what can you do that would change anything?"

Ben ran his fingers through his hair as looked up towards the sky.

He took a deep breath, as he closed his eyes. "How can you say that's not condescending when that's exactly what it is." He asked in a disappointed tone. 

Ben then wiped his face, bringing his hand down from his hair to his chin. 

Opening his eyes, he stared at Antoinette with a frustrated gaze, he then sighed. "You Ambur folks sure have a knack for tearing down us lesser Hakshi."

Antoinette looked offended, raising an eyebrow as she took a step back from Ben. "What?!" She said in an insulted tone, "Where did that come from?"

Ben rolled his eyes as he waved Antoinette off, "It doesn't matter, Lord Lance has me going to the front anyway, so it's not like I need your support or approval."

"What?" Antoinette asked in confusion, "Why, I thought he said the front died down after his last mission."

"It did." Ben said with a nod, "The Western empire hadn't moved since that army and factory got blown to hell." He added, "The reason I'm going is because Lord Lance wants Lord Alexander to meet with Napoleon."

"Oh, so you're going as the driver and escort?" 

Ben nodded. "Mhmm."

"Well, that's a relief," Antoinette said with a soft chuckle. "For a minute I thought you were being redeployed."

Ben rolled his eyes. "Yeah, because I can't fight for shit right?" He said sarcastically. "Tch, unbelievable."

"Ben it's not like that, But let's not kid ourselves–"

Ben raised his hand as he stepped away from Antoinette. "Just stop, before you piss me off."

"Ben!" Antoinette called out as she followed behind him. "Why are you being such a child?"

Alexander began to realize this was a conversation he wasn't supposed to be listening in on. 

The information he learned was incredibly valuable, especially considering he learned what 'adventure' his father had planned.

However, he couldn't think about that now.

Ben was now walking away from the carriage, heading towards the stables. 

Antoinette followed after him calling his name.

Not wanting to get spotted by either of them, Alexander slowly began sneaking behind the carriage. 

"Ben, you're only 21, and you've barely graduated from the academy, I'm simply saying you aren't ready for war," Antoinette said, her voice fading as she entered the stables behind Ben.

Alexander, now crouching behind the carriage with Marcus, sighed. 

Damn it, I knew it had something to do with my training, but the front line?!?

Marcus was clearly in the same mindset, her expression slightly concerned. "I don't like this idea, Alex." She whispered, "Don't you remember what Ms. Camilla said about war, about how bad it is?"

Alexander nodded. "Yeah…" he said softly, raising a hand to his chin. 

From the sounds of Ben and Antoinette's conversation, the war seemed to have died down thanks to an imperial army division being wiped out.

So realistically there probably wasn't much danger in Alexander going to the front. But still… just the thought of being in a war zone sent a shudder down his spine.

Not to mention he was meeting with Napoleon, head of the Nova House. 

With a name like that, Alexander couldn't help but picture a strategic genius.

As Alexander lost himself in his thoughts, he didn't notice his father jogging out of the mansion while adjusting his pants. 

His hair was slightly unkempt and his shirt was wrinkled, but on his face was a satisfied look. 

"Alex," Marcus said softly, nudging Alexander's shoulder. 

"Hmm?" Alexander replied. Looking up with a curious expression. 

"Look," Marcus said with the point of her finger.

Alexander followed Marcus' finger, he spotted his father rushing towards the gate with an urgent stride. 

Lance reached the gate where he was greeted and allowed exit by the guard. He continued on his journey, eventually smiling as he spotted Alexander and Marcus seated behind the carriage.

"You guys know the inside of the carriage has seats, right?" He joked, finally fixing his clothes completely. 

Alexander gave his father a knowing look. 

I know what kind of man you are…

"Where's Ben?" Lance asked as he looked around, his eyes scanning the immediate area.

"He's in the stables, Mr. Lance." Marcus said with a point, "with Antoinette."

Lance nodded as he turned towards the stables, with a deep breath, He began approaching it.

Alexander quickly scrambled to his feet to follow his father, Marcus following his lead. 

As the trio walked towards the stables, the sounds of arguing began growing louder.

"Ben come on." Antoinette said with a frustrated voice, "Do you want me to just lie to you?" She asked, "Oh Ben, you're the greatest pathfinder to ever walk the land." She said sarcastically.

Stepping into the stables, the trio were greeted with the sight of Ben brushing  Liz, while Antoinette stood over him with her arms outstretched. 

"Mock me all you want, but just know I used to look up to you," Ben replied, never taking his eyes off Liz, who was gently wagging her tail in a relaxed manner. "Lieutenant Antoinette, head of the dragon platoon…" he chuckled softly. "Reduced to a bully, oh how the mighty have fallen."

There was a tense silence that settled between the two, with Antoinette looking down at Ben with an irritated frown. "You know, I thought you had potential Ben, I really liked you…" she began, "but now I see you're just an immature child."

Lance crossed his arms as he stood at the entrance of the stables. 

Alexander looked up to him with a curious expression. 

He wondered how his father was going to respond to such an intense moment.

"Excuse me, but am I interrupting something?" He asked, his tone stern and deep.

Antoinette quickly turned around as Ben slowly rose to his feet.

"O-oh, Lord Lance… g-good afternoon." Antoinette stammered as she gave a quick bow.

Lance raised an eyebrow but remained silent.

"It's fine my lord," Ben said softly, walking Liz out of her stable by her reins. "Antoinette and I were just chatting."

Ben looked exhausted and depressed, yet he still forced a small smile.

Lance's frown grew yet he remained silent, Instead, he simply shook his head and sighed. "Very well, let's get moving." He then turned out of the stables and headed back towards the carriage.

Alexander meanwhile stayed in the stables, curious to see what else would happen.

Ben sighed as he continued to walk Liz towards the stables entrance, However, Antoinette grabbed his shoulder before he could go far.

Ben tugged his lip back as he glanced at her, "what?" He asked his tone low.

"Just be safe Ben, I want you to return safely."

Ben scoffed. "Why, so you can tell me I'm a failure?"

Antoinette tightened her grip on Ben's shoulder as she averted her gaze. "Ben… I don't think you're a failure, but can't you be realistic, for just a moment?"

"Bye Antoinette," Ben said as he pulled away from her. 

He continued walking towards the stables entrance, his expression blank.

Damn… cold-blooded.

Alexander couldn't help but admire Ben in that moment. If it were him, especially in his previous life, he probably would've folded.

Then again, he was never much of a stickler when it came to women. A girl could call him a monkey, and he'd still ignore it if she would get in bed with him.

"I need morals like Ben." Alexander said under his breath, "Otherwise who am I?"

As Ben and Liz walked past him, Liz attempted to lick him. 

Her long tongue shot out of her snout and barely missed Alexander's face. She began to chirp and pout as she attempted another try. 

Ben began to struggle as Liz attempted to break out of his hold. "Liz!" Ben said in surprise, "stop." He ordered with a soft chuckle.

Alexander was caught off guard by Liz's surprise attack, yet he quickly recovered. 

Damn it Liz, I only fed you once!

Eventually, Liz managed to lick Alexander, her long sandy tongue brushed against his cheek, leaving it wet. 

Despite the weird feeling of her tongue, her breath smelled immaculate.

"Liz!" Alexander cried.

Marcus softly chuckled to herself as Ben finally managed to pull Liz away from Alexander. "Sorry, my lord." Ben said with a small smile, "But…"

"I know, I know," Alexander said as he wiped the slobber off his cheek.

— — —

After the debacle with Liz, Alexander and everyone else got settled with the carriage and began their journey towards the front line. 

Marcus and Alexander sat side by side in the carriage, along with Alexander's father Lance. 

While Ben drove the carriage.

As they rode, Alexander felt a sense of anxiety, like a weight was dropped on his shoulders. 

The idea of heading to a war front, to meet this Napoleon person, wasn't something Alexander was eager to do.

Noticing his son's unease, Lance gave his son a curious glance. "Alex," he said, his voice steady, "what's with the long face, aren't you excited for our adventure?" 

Alexander looked at his father with a knowing look. "Father, I don't think visiting a war front in an adventure…" he said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

Lance's face paled almost instantly. "H-how do you…"

"We listened to Ben and Antionette's argument." Marcus chimed in, "They were talking about it while you sparred with Mrs. Olivia."


"O-oh," Lance said with a nervous chuckle. 

Averting his gaze from Marcus, Lance looked out the window, watching as the scenery passed them by. "so, they were arguing huh, do you know what it was about?" He asked, looking towards the children who sat before him.

Marcus nodded. "Ben told Antoinette he was going to the front, but Antoinette said he wasn't ready, so he got mad, and she called him a child." She explained, keeping the explanation nice and short.

"Interesting," Lance said softly. "But did Ben explain the front has simmered down?" He asked Marcus, "There isn't much danger there now, not for a while."

Marcus nodded. "Yeah, and Antoinette was relieved which made Ben even madder."

Lance sighed. "Ahh, that explains it." He said with a nod, "Yeah… Ben doesn't like being looked down on, especially by the woman he wants to impress."

Alexander, who had been quietly listening, spoke up. "Speaking of impressing the Nova's, who is Napoleon?"