The glass house that Alexander built.

Alexander felt a shiver shoot down his spine as the demon chief addressed him directly.

He was completely caught off guard by the act of the demon speaking his language so clearly, blinking rapidly in surprise. 

That coupled the his heavy gaze, sent Alexander's thoughts racing in a panic. 

His throat ran dry as his hands began to tremble slightly.

He wanted to open his mouth to speak, but his mind went blank, overcome with fear and confusion. 

Alexander couldn't pinpoint what made him so afraid…

Was it the sheer size of the demon?

Or was it what could happen if he failed to impress such a beast of a man?

Or… could it be… could it be that Alexander was out of his element entirely?

Unlike béatrice. This demon wasn't some haughty noble living in a lush mansion, unlike Louise, he wasn't some frightened child with a massive ego, and unlike Marcia, he wasn't someone who just wanted to be friends with him.

This wasn't an ordinary person… 

But someone who thought logically, and could take him off the map with ease.

Standing frozen in place, Alexander felt as if he would suffocate under the weight of the overwhelming pressure the demon chief's presence carried.

Zara nudged Alexander from behind her, though her tail was still tightly wrapped around his waist. 

It was almost as if she was offering him comfort, before sacrificing him to the slaughter.

At least that's what it felt like to Alexander, his heart racing as he was moved from Zara's shadow, or what he viewed as her protection.

"Speak." She urged, her voice soft yet it carried a hit of sternness. 

Alexander gave Zara a quick glance, and she met him with a serious expression.

Alexander quickly turned his gaze back towards the demon chief, not wanting to push Zara further into irritation.

The demon chief's eyes bore into him with a cold and unmoving gaze, as he quietly waited for a response from the small boy before him.

The silence only grew heavier.

Okay… okay, I just have to plead my case and everything… Everything will be fine.

Swallowing hard, Alexander finally spoke, "I… I'm Alexander, from the house of Nova, and I…" Alexander's voice was barely above a whisper, his throat parched and his heart pounding with each passing second.

He took a quick glance at Zara but was only met with a subtle nod of encouragement.

I… can do this, I can totally do this.

Taking the subtle encouragement from Zara to heart, Alexander decided to tell his story.

Taking a deep breath, Alexander turned back towards the chief. "I arrived on the demon continent by unknown means, and I was in a pretty bad position…" 

Alexander then gestured towards Zara. "But she found me, helped me get fixed up and healed, and all she asked in return was that I help your village." 

Alexander then took a hesitant step forward, "and that's why I speak to you now, so that I can offer my support, in whatever capacity you need it."

The room fell to silence as the demon chief tilted his head slightly, a low growl escaping his mouth as his eyes narrowed. 

"Lies." He said bluntly, his tone deep and judgmental. "You do not speak from a place of power, boy, but from unfortunate circumstances."

Alexander's eyes went wide… 

"S-sir?" He stammered. 

"You may have fooled young Zara, but I have lived many years and have seen many men with eyes such as yours." 

The demon chief leaned back on his throne, "You have the eyes of someone who is lost and broken, living day to day not out of purpose but to a meaningless obligation to life itself."

The demon then frowned. "Or in other words, a dead man walking."

Alexander felt his heart drop, almost as if a pit to the void had opened in his stomach. 

The demon's assessment had been spot on, almost as if his purple eyes could see directly into the chaos that had enveloped Alexander's mind, and past the fragile confidence Alexander had used as a shield.

A deadman walking.

That was exactly what Alexander felt like, after losing his home, friend, and family, all Alexander ever felt like was a shell, a husk of the person he was.

In fact, this feeling went even deeper than that, back to the moment when he realized that this world wasn't just some dream or afterlife, but something real, something tangible.

A personal hell.

Alexander lowered his head before the demon chief, not offering a single word in rebuttal to the demon's assessment.

He's right… 

The demon chief let a deep grumble as he crossed his arms. "Not even a fight to defend your ego or reputation, now I am certain of your worthlessness." 

He's right…

The demon chief slapped his tail against the raised platform his throne sat upon. "Your people wouldn't respect you even if your skin was as golden as your eyes, a mere child claiming to command the pale conquerors when you fail to command your own life."

He's right…

He then turned his attention towards Zara, his eyes softening ever so slightly. "My child, I understand that in youth there is innocence and ignorance, so I will not punish you for wasting my time." He said, his tone similar to that of a father correcting a young child.

He then let out a deep rumble, as he gestured towards Alexander. "However, I see that you wrap your tail around this boy as a mother and her young, this is something you must cease, as this boy is not worth your care." 

He's right…

Zara's six eyes glanced over towards Alexander, who silently stood with his head lowered and tears welling in his eyes.

As she looked upon him, her expression grew increasingly sympathetic. 

A frown crossed her lips as she quickly turned to look back at the demon chief. "Great demon," she began, her voice full of uncertainty, "I know… I know you are wise, but I… maybe you… I…"

She was at a complete loss for words, struggling to put up a defense for Alexander while also respecting her chief's authority.

The demon chief sighed softly. "My child, please do not cry, this pale conqueror is nothing more than an insignificant pawn in a game far larger than both you and I." 

He's right…

"You have a heart larger than your body can contain, and a sense of loyalty that puts my highest guards to shame, I won't allow you to waste that."

"But Alexander… he won't survive outside, death is certain," Zara replied in defense of Alexander, her voice slightly cracking under the pressure.

"Yet the world will continue forward."

The chief's words echoed through the room like the bells of final judgment.

The ringing in Alexander's ears grew so loud that it threatened to collapse the already weakened boy. 

His vision blurred as the tears in his eyes grew to encompass his vision, the overwhelming harshness of the chief's words forcing his head to remain lowered in shame. 

Every word that left his lips cut deeper and deeper into the already broken soul that belonged to Alexander. 

The cruel fate of this world had already stripped him of everything he cared for, he just didn't realize it until it was pointed out by someone else. 

Everything and everyone held dear was gone.

Perhaps that's why he was afraid of the demon chief…

Because he knew that his fragile world would be shattered the moment he spoke.

The chief's final words, yet the world will continue forward, put the final crack in the glass house that Alexander built.

He's right…

Alexander wasn't a hero, champion, or conqueror.

He was talentless.



The world would never remember who Alexander was, nor would it care to.

He was just a lost boy pretending to have a purpose.

A point… to living this meaningless existence.

Alexander closed his eyes, ready to accept his fate…

"That is… true." Zara said softly, her tail wrapping around Alexander's waist tightly, "The world… waits for, none, but that does not mean, we should not… live in moments."

She took a step forward towards the chief, her expression showing defiance and determination. "You say Alexander is worthless, but I… I think otherwise, I saw a strong boy, a survivor, I know he's not worthless!"

The chief's eyes widened as Zara stepped to him. 

"You say… the same thing of the previous pale conqueror, but… he… proves himself, Alexander should have… the same right!"

The chief narrowed his eyes as he leaned forward, studying the small woman who definitely stood before him. 

Her words echoed throughout the grand chamber.

"You speak with conviction young Zara, but allow me to inform you, that that the previous pale conqueror proved himself by fighting a war beast." He said with a dull sharpness, softening his stern tone, "I assure you, Alexander cannot accomplish such a feat, even if I were to pick a weaker beast for him to fight."

"Let him try!" Zara rebuffed.