New approach.

Three days had passed, and Alexander had spent that time doing nothing but training.

His abilities have been improving rapidly since then. 

He was calm, collected, and most importantly observant.

He watched for opportunities, watched his stamina, and studied the immediate area around him.

But not only was he observant of his surroundings, but he could also navigate that area with precision and speed.

His agility, which could have been described as mediocre just a week ago, had increased dramatically.

But that was mostly because of his unblocked mana nodes. 

Before, his movements also felt sluggish and tiring, he found it difficult to wild his body of any athletic feat.

But now, with his body feeling as light as a feather, he could move through the air like a hot knife through butter.

Flips, sprints, jumps, he could do it all and still come back for more.

Zara, though she was initially surprised at Alexander's rapidly developing abilities, soon came to realize that he was becoming exactly what she had hoped for. 

After realizing his growing potential and skills, she continued to move forward with her training, never staying on one skill or lesson for long.

Until today, where she now stood before Alexander with two spears.

The spears were made with wooden poles that had deep engravings on the shaft, and a tip made of a black, reflective metal. 

Alexander, who had just woken up from the previous day's training, looked up at her with a slightly curious expression. 

"Uhm…" he said, raising a hand to his face before whipping his eyes, "What's with the spears?" He asked, rising from his makeshift bed.

Zara giggled as her tail swayed happily, "I think it's time we move forward with your training." She replied, "You are a fast learner, so… I figured why not."

Alexander yawned as he dropped his hand from his face.

He was no stranger to weapons training, he's been training with swords since he was three.

But he had always been mediocre when it came to such things, especially when compared to Marcia.

Still, this was a potential avenue for improvement, especially considering his upcoming fight.

"Alright…" Alexander replied, his tone filled with Morning exhaustion. "When do we start?"

Zara smiled as she began to twirl the spears, "Right after you clean up and eat your breakfast." She nodded towards the main room of her home, "It's your favorite, Hamorra skin and Rena eggs."

Alexander's eyes widened as he inwardly groaned.

Oh god… not that mess again…

Alexander forced a smile as he rubbed his stomach, "oh yeah," he said with a nod, "I'm getting hungry just thinking about that."

Zara giggled, "I know, you always eat everything, makes me… happy."

Well, I have no choice, it's not like I can just deny a demon, especially not one who's done so much for me…

So if I have to eat her bad cooking as a consequence, then so be it!

"Of course, I eat everything." Alexander replied, "You made it."

Zara blushed, "stop, please."

Alexander smirked. 

While Alexander prepared to start his morning with a bland breakfast and cold bath, someone else was waking up from a brutal interrogation session.

— — —

"It's been three days and that bastard hasn't uttered a word since we caught him," Tanya said to Antoinette as she pulled her to the side. 

The two women talked in front of the basement door. 

"Seriously?" Antoinette asked, "Nothing, not even an attempt to claim innocence?"

Tanya sighed as she shook her head, "No ma'am, not a single word."

Antoinette frowned as she crossed her arms, "hmm," she said thoughtfully while glancing over at Ben, who sat near the windowsill on her orders.

He had been itching to get a chance at the suspect, but Antoinette had been refusing, partly because she wanted Ben to remain at his station.

But mostly because she was still skeptical that their suspect was actually guilty.

The idea that one of the people who kidnapped Alexander was just wandering the streets.

It seemed so… out there.

But, if the suspect was playing silent, then perhaps there needed to be a new voice in the situation.

Ben returned Antoinette's gaze, his expression hard as his eyes narrowed.

He knew not to push too hard against Antoinette, but that wouldn't stop him from letting her know his frustration.

The longer this investigation continued, the more his heart ached and resentment grew.

He liked and cared for her, revered her authority, admired her beauty, and followed her orders.

But he couldn't help but feel betrayed by her.

"Ben," Antoinette called, her tone softer than the usual firmness it held. "Come here."

Ben raised an eyebrow, surprised that Antoinette would actually involve him.

He pushed himself off the wall he leaned on, "what is it?" He asked casually, his tone boiling with underlining frustration. 

Antoinette straightened herself up. "I want you to assist Sargeant Tanya in questioning the suspect." She answered, placing her hands behind her back.

Ben scoffed. "Oh really?" He asked, stopping before Antoinette, and locking eyes with her, "Why?"

Antoinette sighed as she turned her gaze towards Tanya, "I'll let you explain, while I talk with command."

She then turned away and walked towards the telegraph machine and desk.

However, as she walked past Ben, he quickly grabbed her arm. 

Antoinette paused mid-step, her body like a statue. "Sargeant," Antoinette said calmly.

Ben frowned as he tightened his grip on Antoinette's arm, "I asked you a question." Ben said coldly, "Answer me."

Antoinette slowly turned towards Ben, her expression unreadable, but her eyes were cold. "Last I checked, I wasn't your lieutenant." She replied.

"It has nothing to do with rank and you know it." Ben said, "This is a life in the balance, not a dick-measuring contest, now answer my question."

Antoinette stared Ben down as her mind raced with thoughts. 

She knew why Ben had stopped her, he was curious about the situation and skeptical of his sudden involvement.

Under normal circumstances, she would have explained everything to Ben, but now, not only did she not have the full context of the situation, but she was the leading officer in this situation.

She couldn't allow disrespectful behavior to permeate, even if it was Ben.

Taking a deep breath, Antoinette moved swiftly, breaking out of Ben's grasp with the twist of her arm.

Then upon freeing herself, Antoinette knocked Ben's feet from underneath him and threw him towards the ground with a choke slam.

Ben smacked the floor with a hard thud, his eyes wide as he suddenly saw the ceiling.