
Zara and Alexander continued to train and spar for days. Zara, continuing to build on each lesson and technique, slowly turned Alexander into a capable warrior. 

Each day was a new set of challenges to overcome, and each day Alexander succeeded in that task.

Occasionally, the demon chief would send an elder guard to observe Alexander's progress. 

The guard was often silent, his six eyes closely examining Alexander and his performance. 

However, on occasion, the guard would give pointers, such as how to better move with a spear, or the best stance to hold for attacking versus defending.

But when he wasn't watching Alexander or giving pointers, he was reporting to the demon chief.

Just as he was reporting to him now…

Walking past the large doors of the demon chief's castle, the elder guard walked with his head held high and footsteps loud.

As the guard walked down the long corridor and stepped into the main chamber, he was greeted by the demon chief sitting on his throne with the young Mimi in his lap and her mother standing at his side. 

"Ah elder guard," the demon chief said with a small grin, his eyes narrowing, "I assume you're here with a report?"

"Yes." The elder guard replied, taking a slight bow and lowering his head. "Young Alexander has shown great progress, he now fights like a young warrior and has the spirit and talent to reflect that."

"Interesting…" the demon chief said with a slow nod, he raised a hand to his chin as he went deep into thought.

It had been two weeks since the demon chief had last seen Alexander, and this was only the fourth report he had received on his progress.

In all honesty, the demon chief expected Alexander to cower and attempt to weasel his way out of the situation, and to a certain extent he still believed that was the case.

Still, he couldn't deny that Alexander had so far been exceeding expectations, as not only hadn't he run from training, but he was excelling at it.

"Very interesting indeed." The demon chief said, lowering his hand. He turned his attention towards Mimi, who quietly sat in his lap, her six eyes silently examining the elder guard bowed before them. "What do you make of this little one?" He asked curiously, "Do you believe Alexander truly has what it takes?"

Mimi slowly turned to look up at the demon chief, her gaze unreadable and cold. "No," she replied, her voice light like that of a young girl, yet filled with wisdom beyond her years. "Alexander will die if he faces the war hound, that I believe."

The demon chief smiled at Mimi, his sharp teeth reflecting the light that shined down upon them. "I see." He replied, before turning his attention to Exulla, "And you, what are your thoughts of young Alexander?"

Exulla turned to look at the demon chief with a stern yet respectful expression, with her hands clasped together behind her back, and hair pulled back into a ponytail. "I have no opinion." She replied, her tone lacking emotion.

"Oh?" He replied, his tone filled with intrigue, "Surely you have some thought behind that cold gaze," he teased. 

He then gestured towards Mimi, "After all, if he survives, your daughter… is his." 

Exulla's expression shifted slightly, becoming more repugnant. Her nose scrunched up as her eyes narrowed and her lips pressed together. 

The demon chief's grin slightly grew. "It looks as if there's something on your tongue after all." He joked, "Please, humor me."

Exulla sighed, "I suppose I do have a certain disdain for Alexander." She answered, "However, even if that were not the case, I doubt the boy could survive, he's simply too young, young, and broken."

The demon chief nodded. "Hmm, like the pale conqueror that came before, the man you lied down with." 

Exulla frowned. "Kells was… he was not like Alexander in any way, kells was kind, gentle, loving." Exulla exchanged a long glance with the demon chief, "You of all people should know that he was your friend."

The chief again nodded. "Indeed, Kells was a good man, it's a shame he had to leave so soon…"

The chamber fell silent briefly before the sounds of footsteps could be heard echoing through the hall that led to the main chamber. 

The chief, along with everyone else in the main chamber, turned to look towards the entrance where they bore witness to two elder guards entering the main chamber on either side of a large wooden cage. 

Inside the cage was a large wolf-like creature that was tied down to its base, with thick ropes digging into its fur and skin. 

The creature's fur was short, deep brown, and bloodied, its eyes wide and burning with hatred, frustration, and agony. 

Its jaw was sealed shut with more rope, only allowing the large creature to growl and mumble its frustrations as its large canines reflected the room's light.

"Demon chief, we have returned with the largest war hound we could find." One of the elder guards said with a bow, before raising his head and taking a step forward, "Will this hound suffice?"

The demon chief, his expression still amused if not impressed, nodded. "Hmm, that's a fine beast, if… maybe a little too big." He replied.

The two elder guards looked to breathe a slight breath of relief. 

While they did so, the demon chief turned his attention back towards the first elder guard. "You say Alexander has done well in his training, but do you believe he could face a war hound such as this?"

The demon Chief's tone was as curious as it was serious. 

He genuinely wanted to know if Alexander truly stood a chance against such a beast. 

The elder guard turned to look back at the war hound, his six eyes examining the large beast as it struggled against its restraints.

His expression was that of a stone-cold soldier, yet his thoughts raced like a train bustling down its tracks.

He knew Alexander was capable, certainly more now than before, but there was a very real difference between capability and reality.

After briefly studying the war hound, the elder guard turned to look back at the demon chief with a conflicted expression. "You ask for my assessment, but I fear I have no answer." He replied.

The demon chief seemed displeased with the answer but didn't push further. "I understand," he said softly, "I suppose we'll find out soon enough." He continued, turning his attention back towards the cage with its growling beast.