Close Encounter...

"Thank you very much Mr. Sahil... but you should not take such a risk... the circumstances were under our control and our shooter had already made his leg the target... now if something had gone wrong, then Then anything could have happened... Well, now that hacker is in our custody and we will soon interrogate him… You have cooperated a lot so far and we will soon reach the mastermind who has planned all this", Inspector said looking at Sahil. Thanked him and also told him about his future plans. 

"Oh thank you… it was my duty, after all it is the duty of every good citizen to help the police… I have fulfilled my duty… As for the question of risk, on such an occasion I have done my duty. If you have saved the life of your sister-in-law, then you have to take risks for your loved ones... Yes, it is a different matter that I did not know about your target, if I had known then I would not have intervened", Sahil said while replying to the inspector's words. 

"Okay, now all three of you can comfortably go home in your respective vehicles because it is already late in the night... We will meet tomorrow, all three of you will have to come to the police station... because we will also need the statement of Miss Susan. . So we will meet again tomorrow, till then give us permission," the inspector said looking at Sagar, Sahil and a frightened Suzanne and then turned back and moved towards his police jeep. 

"Now we should also leave, brother... It is already late in the night and Susan Bhabhi's family must be waiting for her... She too must be worried, today was a very tiring day and Bhabhi too must be very tired." Sahil said looking towards Sagar and Suzanne. 

"Yes, you are right... Today will never be forgotten and especially when that hacker had pointed the revolver at Suzanne's head with one hand... My breath had stopped, I felt Don't know what is going to happen now", Sagar said looking towards his brother Sahil and held Sussanne with his arms. 

"Ok... Goodnight Sahil, I don't know how to thank you, had it not been for you, I would never have been able to escape from the clutches of that hacker... and I don't know what would have happened today... Take care Sahil, we will meet again", Sussanne thanked Sahil once again before leaving with Sagar and then left from there riding on Sagar's Rolls-Royce Wraith… Now Sahil also left in his car. He boards the car and starts moving towards the city. 

After a tiring night, it's morning and as promised, Sagar, Sahil and Sussanne go to the police station to meet the inspector, where Sussanne's statement is taken... 

"Let me tell you... Inspector Saheb, this venom is not a common poison... Just a pinch of it can put lakhs of people to death at once... Till now it is not known how to get this poison. How many people from the underworld must have been involved... Its price is trillions of dollars, it was good that I reached there at the right time because through Sahil's software I heard its beep and my mobile started displaying that the lab's computer is being hacked, I was there. Arriving just in time, he drugged all the security guards. They had made him unconscious with elements, it is possible that they might have used some gas to do this, both of them were extremely dangerous… In such a situation, for my safety, I had to shoot that hacker in the leg… I have a license for my hand gun and it was specially made by my father... There are many weapons in our villa because our father was fond of them, the hand gun from which the bullet was fired was also gifted to me by my father", Sagar explained everything to the inspector in detail…Senior police personnel from all three sides of the police station were taking statements of Sagar, Sahil and Suzanne. 

Of course, you are absolutely right Mr. Sagar... But what should we policemen do... Duty is duty and this duty forces us to look at everyone with suspicion... People think that we are police. People doubt him without any reason, but what to do, compulsion is compulsion... Now we have to look at every aspect to prepare a report because this is not a common case, an attempt has been made to hack into India's largest pharmaceutical company... Till now this news media has spread it all over the country. Must have given... We have to get to the bottom of this case at any cost", the Inspector said while replying to Sagar after listening to his words… The Inspector continued his questioning and asked Sagar all the details about the accident that happened to him last night. Received information... 

"Then all three of us go out together… I remember that night my brother threw me a party to celebrate saving Suzanne's life… We went to "Blue Moon Bar" with some friends. , where we enjoyed billiards and also had food and drinks... Actually, we had a lot of fun that night and after the dinner was over, brother proposed Suzanne... Time passed by in no time and it has been 6 months since the hacking incident happened... Brother proposed Suzanne. I had already decided to marry... But now it was time to make it a reality, so brother married Suzanne in the church… I was also present there as a witness on behalf of brother… The marriage was also really amazing, brother did his The wedding party was given on a big cruise, where everyone had a lot of fun... those days are also not forgotten... And today brother's condition is such that he cannot even get up from the bed, his entire body has become paralytic due to that poison, along with his mind... I still remember brother expressing his happiness during his marriage. Gave Sussanne a precious diamond set and made her wear it with his own hands...