Chapter 120: Winter? But it's hot as hell!

Midnight is the best time for the attack, not only because most of the people are asleep at that time, but also because those who go to gather and cultivate, have already returned to the village. 

The wind on this particular night was especially cold, making the few villagers who still remain on guard, heavily buffeted by sleep. 

"There can be no mistake, Master Toran has personally come."

"But...wasn't Miss Karan leading us?"

"Yes, but how could we continue to let them do it, they have lost much of the sacrifices."

Those who are talking on one of the multiple roofs of the village, are some anthropomorphic cats, more exactly some feline youkai, since there are of different variants. 

There were orange, black or white anthropomorphic cats, although the one that stands out is the first one who spoke and who looks like a panther. They also seem to have a caste, where the cats are at the bottom and the panthers at the top.

Another thing to note is that they are all dressed in black clothes, quite tight and hoods of the same color. Yes, they were clothes that fall into the Ninja category, even some are wearing kunais. 

"Keep quiet, it's time to start."

A mysterious blizzard blows after the words echo, while after a few moments, snowflakes merge and create a human form. 

She has waist-length light blue hair, wears a kimono the same color as her hair without the right sleeve and with a shoulder guard on the left. The kimono is held stable by a white bow at the waist, giving it a different touch. 

"Ye, ye, Yes, Master Toran!"

"Big sister Toran has said silence, is it that you don't understand!"

Shouting even louder than the surrounding anthropomorphic cats, a flame burns violently on the ceiling and from inside a young woman emerges. 

If Toran was a cold-looking woman, Karan was quite the opposite. Her hair is short and fiery red, just like her eyes and the scarf she wears tied around her neck. She dresses in rather tight clothes, perfect for sudden movements and stealth. 

"Sorry, Miss Karan!"

"Shut them up!"

"At your command Miss Karan! 

Keeping a deadpan face at the idiocy of his subordinates and younger sister, Toran massages the bridge of his nose as if expecting this, before making the snowflake barrier disappear. 

He was clearly signaling to them that it was time to take this seriously, something they also understand and without further ado, they get down to business. 

...Christopher/Asahiko pov…

"A, a, achu... Brr, where did this cold come from?"

Rubbing my hands together and moving even closer to the campfire, I looked around with a clear doubt in my eyes. 

It's not that I'm haunted, but this is not normal at all, obviously someone has lowered the temperature for kicks and I'm going to teach him not to play games with me. 

"What cold? It's quite warm here."

"Hahaha, clearly it's cold."

The smile on my face, clearly not a smile, but Kikyo doesn't seem to take that into account.

"Act more like a demon, how are you going to be cold in this heat."

"And you more like a human, basically all that's missing is snow and we'd be in the middle of winter."

This discord between us is not the first and most likely not the last either. We've literally been like this for the whole trip, it's not that we hate each other or anything... It's just that neither of us knows how to make normal conversation and we both have a joking streak. 

"Ahem, ahem... Young people, don't you think this needs to be investigated?"

"You said it, Saya. I'm going to teach the idiot who did this to stay out of other people's nights. Kikyo, are you coming?"

"Sure, better than waiting for you here and then having to follow you into a dragon's cave and see how."

"Okay, okay, I understand... Haa, let's just go."

Rubbing my face with my right hand, I see Kikyo's victorious face. It was obvious that she had seized the moment to win a point in our dispute, I don't know whether to say she's cute or a sore loser. 

...Some time later…

Walking in the dim light coming from the moon, he looked up at the night sky and could barely make out the moon through the dark clouds. 

The chill in the air was getting colder and colder, though it wasn't the uncomfortable kind of cold that forces you to seek warmth, but the kind that helps you get a cool night's sleep. 

Returning to reality, which the damn weather is already making me sleepy, we kept walking for quite a while and finally came to a small village. 

"It 's too quiet."

"It's night, it's not like there's much to do around here."

"Even if it is night, there must be a lookout in the village tower. Look over there, the brazier is out and there's no one on guard."

Ok, she's the one who knows about these things... She's literally been here for her whole life and stuff, then. 

"You see, Kikyo?"


"So I'm not crazy and we're facing an anthropomorphic cat, disguised as a ninja and running towards us with a Kunai?"

"Yeah, I'll... I'll take care of it."

Perhaps noticing the surprise that's written all over my face, god, at this point it's not noticing, but seeing it straight on. Out of that, Kikyo raises the bow with graceful movements and with a flash, the anthropomorphic cat is nailed by an arrow. 

"Has it disappeared?"

"More than disappeared... Did it just turn into a log?"

No joke, literally the anthropomorphic cat has disappeared and all that is left is a log, in which there is an arrow stuck in the center. 

"A substitution technique? I've never seen a feline youkai do that before."

"Welcome to the group, but now this has to be taken care of... Right, Kikyo?"

"I'll take the ones hiding on the ceiling, you take care of the ones on the floor."

"As you wish, it's been quite a while since I've taken my old friend out for a walk."

Laughing softly, I withdraw from inside my clothes my ever reliable fan and begin to look around at the surroundings. 

It is full of glowing eyes, whether on the rooftops, in the alleys or in the shadows of the houses. They are feline eyes, which seem to be waiting for the exact moment. 

"If they don't come... Here I come! Moon shape:Crescent."

Using the fan as a focus center, he guided the energy through the mental image of a crescent and let out dozens of flaming slashes. 

The darkness was pushed aside by the sudden flames, causing the anthropomorphic cats to be blinded and blinded from seeing the arrows also heading towards them.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Despite the large explosions generated by my attacks, the flames are not destructive and remain burning stuck to the ground. 

On the other hand, Kikyo's arrows are brutally accurate, hitting all the targets she aims her bow at.



Keeping the brief smile that tries to escape as I watch Kikyo repeat my words, I control my facial muscles and answer still with minimal wariness towards the surroundings. 

"Yes, since there's no sound when they disappear and leave a log behind, I believe it myself."

"You should take it more seriously."

"Nahh, they're kittens, what. Moon shape:Crescent Gibbous."

Closing the fan with a flick of his wrist, he waved it upwards and let out a huge slash of fire forward. 

Obviously it wasn't just for the sake of it, but I'm doing it to intercept the incoming attack, which is... A huge fireball?. 


Hot air is shot into the surroundings, while the flames from the collision fly towards the nearby buildings. 

"What a strange combination my eyes see, a pure demon and a priestess? Um, um, this smells like drama!"

Strangely the red-haired teenager's words were not laden with malice, but rather a substantial amount of vitality and a great deal of interest. 

It quickly became clear that she is a demon, yes she just threw a fireball, but I also noticed it by her pointy ears and better than average appearance.

"Drama? Just a drama... Ha! If she and I wanted to, we could do a whole book of intrigue, passion and revenge!"

"Ohh, and what would it be called?"

"The Temptation of the Demon, The Pure Priestess and Forbidden Love."

As we talked we were clearly sizing each other up with our eyes, but that's not to say she was just stalling, she has an aura of approachable people. 

"I'm sure it would make a great book, though those old monks would eliminate it no matter what."

"They would never understand this love~"

Shaking my blonde hair to the side, I finally looked to the right side and where Kikyo stands.

She's not happy, well though her face is more frozen than usual so I don't know, maybe she's angry or maybe embarrassed. 


"Can we start fighting? I don't want to know if she's angry or embarrassed."

"Sure, let's do it!"

Pointing a finger at my static and stoic companion, we shared a quick smile with the red-haired young woman before nonchalantly moving forward into the fight.