Chapter 127:Bones and more bones. 

The sun is still shining brightly high in the blue sky, getting its warm and comforting rays into the room through the open area. 

The room belongs to the spacious castle of the Usume clan, while the "Open Zone" is a sliding door leading to a traditional Japanese garden. 

Inside the room, seated around a rather plain table for belonging to a castle, are Kikyo, Usume Hideta, Asahiko and a stocky older man. 

"I may have already done so, but let me thank you again for bringing my son. I thank you, Master Asahiko and Priestess Kikyo"

Maintaining clarity and sternness in all his words, the man who is clearly the leader of the Usume clan, bows his head to them without any embarrassment. 

"I will gladly accept them, but I will not deny that my actions were spurred by other ends"

Asahiko readily accepted the Usume leader's thanks, but he also does not hide that his actions come with another meaning. It was very clear that he was preparing the ground for a "Small request". 

"What matters is that my son is safe and sound again with me, so just name what you wish. This offer is also extended to you, priestess Kikyo."

Holding the teacup in his calloused hands from years of training, he takes a small sip from the teacup, and then the Usume leader maintains a determined gaze, ready for any reward Asahiko might desire. 

Clearly he is a straightforward man, with clear principles and also an exemplary father. Basically someone who is very willing to give a reward for the return of his son. 

"What brought us here was the search for some cursed swords, those who use them become emotionally unstable. They are extremely dangerous"

Lifting the cup with one hand, Kikyo first elegantly sniffs the steam and then takes a sip of the tea. This behavior she doesn't just do with tea, but she quite enjoys these little things, be it drinks or food... Everything she couldn't feel before. 

"You must be talking about the Muramasa swords, priestess. On my behalf I can assure you that they have been totally erased, thanks to the help of Master Miroku" 

"Rest assured, that is the correct name of that debauched monk. Black hair, purple robe, taste for alcohol and women... He is unmistakable" 

."Please, Asahiko" 

Before Asahiko can continue with his very accurate description of Miroku, the priestess Kikyo slyly hits him and then conveys something with her eyes. 

It wasn't a very hard thing to figure out if you have a head on your shoulders, the ailing Lord Usume is in perfect condition, the atmosphere of the castle is quite volatile and the cursed swords have been eliminated... Yes, apparently Inuyasha's group managed to take care of everything here. 

"Ahem, ahem... Sorry for the outburst

"Never mind and, as much as it pains me to admit it, that description you've given is very accurate. Since I have failed to keep my word, you may ask me for something else, priestess"

Accepting Asahiko's apology, the leader of the Usume clan scrambles his thoughts, until finally Asahiko's description and his memories match. Poor Miroku, his deceptions have been discovered, though the scam has already managed to be committed. 

"I don't need anything else" 

"Please, I insist"

This exchange of pleasantries went on and on until finally those three came to an agreement, but none of it matters. 

...Christopher/Asahiko pov….

"Was it necessary to keep refusing the old man's rewards?

" "Old man?

" It's not as if I could differentiate them otherwise in conversation he said to both of them you have to say. Usume this, Usume that... What a horrible invention surnames" 

Not exaggerating, but how will they go about talking when there are two or more with the same surname, it has to be awkward... Damn, it's super awkward, I literally just lived it. 

"You just insulted the entire clan and their honor, it's enough to get you executed immediately" 

"Kyaa, Priestess Kikyo, save me!"

placing myself in position to jump towards her and grab her leg so make my performance more perfect, I watch as she unties her black hair, then turn around and look at me with a look of clear displeasure. 

"Stay on your side of the room

"Auch, looks like that kill. But by all this, didn't you used to be the amazing Kikyo, the one who doesn't mind sleeping against the wall? Then why are you fighting me for the futon, have you been overcome by the temptations of this demon?"

Laughing in a tone that I think must sound macabre, he shot Kikyo a look and pointed out the differences in her current actions to what she normally does. 

I guess this new "Humanity" has brought back her tastes for better things, it's not an exaggeration to say that she always settled for whatever, unless I forced her to sleep in bed with my jokes or something. 

Come on, she doesn't care what she was given, she accepts it with ease, whether it's a crowded or damp room... But now, hehehe, she has standards. 

"I'm going to sleep" 

"Oh, come on, that's cheating. Always when you're on the attack I didn't run away like that" 

"It's not running away, it's a strategic retreat"

Keeping a smile on her face, Kikyo uses the sentence I use the most for certain matters... She's hit me with my own medicine. 

"Tsk, well played" 

"Thank you" 

"You're welcome, but it's no good, and don't give me that it was all part of your plan or something, you clearly turned the situation around at the last minute"

Not being fooled by her, I throw myself back to my side of the room and, noticing the surrounding silence, I finally fall into the realm of dreams. 


An astonishingly close explosion forces my eyes open, as they are quickly assaulted by a wave of wind and I notice how pieces of the room fly through the air. 

"Is that a hand, Kikyo?"

Pointing to the giant skeletal hand that just shattered the wall and seems to want to grab us, he observed Kikyo, who already stands with her bow in hand. 

"We both see the same thing" 

"Oh, so you need to get a clearer view to know what this is about. Moon Form:Crescent Gibbous"

Focusing mainly on the "Sharp" of the technique and not so much on the "Explosive" of it, with the crescent of fire I split the bony arm in two right from the ring and middle fingers. 

Kikyo does not stand by, taking advantage of the deep cut that reaches the shoulder of the creature, she raises her bow and shoots towards the junction of the shoulder with the arm, managing to purify that area and making the beast fall due to the lack of the arm. 


A muffled but strangely audible scream spreads from beyond the hole in the wall. I guess it's not a normal scream, but something more spiritual, but it's of no interest to me. 

"I expected more, not a giant human skeleton... How unoriginal"

Walking to the hole in the wall, I look down and see the yokai that just attacked us. 

"It's a Gashadokuro, though there are no battlefields nearby. How come he showed up here?" 

"Maybe those bees will give you an idea why~" 

"Naraku... So he's finally made his move"

I understand Kikyo's brief but quick acceptance, as it's normal for us to clash with Naraku, but almost always that's tangled with Inuyasha... Maybe this situation also has something to do with that albino?. 

While I was considering that variable called Inuyasha, I saw how the soldiers in the castle were already on full alert and making the attempt to attack. The thing is, the giant skeleton devours the blood and flesh of everyone it touches, managing to regrow its bony arm. 

"Mmm, Kikyo, will you take care of that?" 

"Yes. Will you take care of the other one?"

Wow, how is it possible that I could have felt the other presence? She barely made it after concentrating as hard as possible. 

"You're sure you're human, it's almost like looking for a needle in the haystack about sensing her presence" 

"It's just that you're bad... Very bad at everything about energies"

What hurts is not the truth, but the expressionlessness of her face makes it clear that this is not a joking attack, it's about her true feelings. 

"Tsk, at least I'm better than Inuyasha" 

"Being better than the worst doesn't make you good"

Finishing speaking, Kikyo releases the taut bowstring and fires the arrow towards the skeletal being, which impacts right against his hand, thus stopping his movements. 

"I was muttering to myself" 

"Too loud to be considered a mutter... I'm going to take care of this" 

"I guess I am too, our guest doesn't seem to have much more patience"

Ending the extremely pointless conversation we were in, we looked at each other for a few moments and both got to work. Kikyo will take care of this distraction that is the yokai Gashadokuro and I will take care of the one hidden in the shadows.