Chapter 130:Old coward. 

Several days had passed since that little mishap that was the battle with Hari and Ruri, now both Kikyo and Asahiko were in an area more in line with Totosai's home. 

"Well, I'm sure it's about that volcano."

Nodding, Asahiko raises her index finger and points to the top of a clearly active volcano.

"Wasn't that one, Asahiko?"

Smiling dazzlingly to anyone who didn't know her, Kikyo looks with her cold brown eyes at Asahiko, causing Asahiko to shiver for a few moments. 

"Kikyo you have to understand me, it's not that I want to do it this way... It's the demonic instincts, yes, it was them that made me."

Wiping the fictitious sweat on her forehead, Asahiko throws all the blame for ignoring Kikyo's opinions on her demon instincts. 

"Instincts you've been controlling quite well lately. Besides, weren't you afraid of how much I understand you, and now you're asking for my understanding?"

It's not enough for her to destroy Asahiko's weak defense, Kikyo completely tears her apart and clearly enjoys it, at least if the smile that reaches her eyes is any indication. 

"Tsk, you could have left me an honorable way out... Whatever, I'm not going to go through with it since this has clearly been a draw."

"Tie, I think…"

"Ahhh, I have to start climbing, see you later!"

Cutting Kikyo's words in half without any decency, Asahiko starts climbing at an incredible speed, just as if something horrible was following him. 

...Christopher/Asahiko pov....

"So this time you're coming with me."

Looking to the side as I climb up the rocks, I watch as Kikyo is calmly carried by her shikigamis. 

"You forget what happened the last time I stayed down."

"It was a mistake, no, I know. I was helping you, you wouldn't want to have run into Inuyasha, would you, would you?"

"How thoughtful of you, Asahiko."

Um, that's right, how pragmatic of me, who is more amazing than me. Wait, yes I had left her abandoned back here, so how come she showed up in Dragon Valley then. 

"One question, and yes I know your last sentence was full of sarcasm. How did you get all the way to Dragon Valley, didn't I warn you at all or something?"

"I followed you."

Almost breaking the rock I'm holding onto, I stop my climb and look at Kikyo with wide eyes. Yeah, I probably must have heard wrong. 

"Hahaha, I seem to have misheard, Kikyo, can you repeat what you said?"

"I was following you from behind"

"Everything, did you hear everything? Our man-to-man, brother-to-brother, heart-to-heart conversation?"

Swallowing the saliva that has accumulated in my mouth, I blurt out several metaphors, but it all boils down to the fact that it was a private conversation. During that conversation Inuyasha and I showed hidden sides, things that are kept under lock and key... You know, private!!!. 

"Who cares if I heard them, it was only about Inuyasha and his rants about not wanting to hurt Kagome."

"The last part was meant for all his friends."

"Heh, are you defending him?"

I don't know if I should be happy, since yes she did talk about this, she has let up a bit on extremism with the issues leading up to Inuyasha and Kagome. She may not have really wanted to kill the former, come on she never gave off that vibe, but the jealousy towards Kagome could be felt for miles and you never know what it could have led her to do. 

"Hey, despite everything he's still my friend and we share a lot in common... Maybe too much."

"Do you want to share an arrow in the chest with him too?"

"No, no, thanks for the offer, Kikyo."

Shaking his head like a rattle, he turned his face and avoided making eye contact with Kikyo, who seemed quite satisfied with his idea, before quickly climbing back up. 

...Some time later...

"Here we are, at the top of the world, at the top of the mountain, where the earth connects to the sky."

Putting metaphor after metaphor for metaphor to go nowhere with the conversation, he very slowly analyzed the room inside the monster Totosai uses as a house. 

There was a little bit of everything in here, be it some baskets with rather random metal contents, the odd trinket and no trace of Totosai... That old man has escaped. 

"He's hiding behind a false wall, right there exactly."

Following Kikyo's fingers that have gained a more human color, making them not so pale or cold to the touch, she fixed her gaze on the wall. 

"Ahem, thanks for that help, Kikyo."

"It was either that, or let you start cutting everything around."

"What a vile lie that is! There's no proof, so I'm innocent... Which you're not Totosai, so are you getting out of there or did I get you out?"

Smiling predatorily as I finish speaking, I slowly move closer to the wall. He may not be able to see me, but I can hear him, managing to make a bigger smile form on my face unconsciously.

It's not my fault, in whose head does that "Don't move and they won't see you" thing enter, no matter how much I repeat it, I already know it's there and nothing is going to change it. 

"Knock, Knock, land to Totosai~"

"N, no, no, no... There's no one~"

"Totosai... You literally just answered me, get the hell out and get it over with."

Smacking my face at such an act of stupidity on his part, the smile that was previously at full strength disappears and only the heaviness of dealing with idiots remains. 

"Okay, okay, I'll be right out... Just give me some room."

"Tsk, okay."

Clicking her tongue at his clear lack of desire, she said, we're friends, why so much disrespect. Other than that, the thing keeps moving forward and Totosai finally comes out of the hidden wall. 

It's amazing how he can hide his aura so well, but understandable if he's been hiding for so long... Oh, no, don't do it. My thoughts or the hand I extended are of no use, Totosai rushes past and hides behind Kikyo, but that wasn't the worst of it. 

"Help me, Kagome. don't let him get me!"

Despite being inside a volcano, I swear I managed to feel a little cold. Kikyo's gaze turned cold and dry like an icy steppe, making Totosai stand terrified on the spot.

"A, asa, Asahiko... Help, help me."

"No, no, ask Kagome for help."

Watching as he crawls without any decency again towards me, I clearly deny him help, you got in there, now you're going out on your own. 

"What did you say, Asahiko?"

"Na, na, nothing... It 's time to work, right, Totosai?"

"Yes, totally!"

Coming to an agreement with just a glance between us, both Totosai and I agree and do our best to change the subject. It was dangerous, very dangerous... Never, but never, compare Kagome to Kikyo and vice versa, these two have a definite distaste for the comparison.

Carefully getting around that obstacle I created, we quickly sat down with Totosai and started talking about what was important. It was time for new clothes, something that will not be torn to shreds in every fight and have to keep it based on transformation and illusion.