
"Ladies and gentlemen, the final event of this wonderful tournament will begin very soon!"

Standing on what resembles a floating platform. There was a man narrating the beginning of what would be a fight between…






People shouted euphorically from the stands of the coliseum.

In the center of the stadium lay a combat arena, in it were the two gladiators of this fight; A very beautiful and shining silver armor, followed by a very dark black armor that glowed like obsidian.

A woman and a man.

«But what a great fight! Ladies and gentlemen of the world and Cyberspace, I tell you as your host that this will be one of the most memorable and exciting battles you will see in the world tournament of "An Unreal World" »

People only screamed with excitement and vigor at the narrator's words.

«This…This will be the battle between the white Valkyrie and the black horse!»

Leaving the audience aside, let's focus a little more on the battle arena.

At one end was a young woman with white hair and blood red eyes, and at the other a young man with black hair and incandescent red eyes...

Two legends…

One before the other...

--It's been a while, Valkyrie.

The young man stated, while he only received the cold silence of the young woman.

--Why so quiet? Did the cat eat your tongue?

The black-haired man continued to mock the young woman, while the aforementioned remained silent.

"He wanted to provoke her."

--Wow!... But hey...

The young man's expression stopped having that expression full of confidence and arrogance, for a colder and more serious one.

--"Let's the show begin" .

After his whisper, the young man raised his hand, and among the blacks a long sword was present. The young man took the handle of the sword with both hands and placed his feet one in front of the other, and straightened his back.

He raised the sword with both hands.


The black-haired man lowered the edge of his sword and a large black blade headed towards the young woman; raising dust in her wake.


An explosion occurred and a cloud of dust rose throughout the arena.

"Wow! But what is this? Has number 1 lost for the first time? Has number 2 finally managed to beat number 1?"

There was a deep silence in the coliseum from the spectators. The cloud of dust did not reveal anything, apart from the young black-haired man who still keeps his sights fixed on an exact point. After a few seconds the dust cloud disappeared, and a flash was seen.

The dust disappeared, and the silhouette of the young woman appeared. In front of her were 7 large metal feathers forming a wall.

--…"Iron wall"…


«It seems this fight is not over yet!»

The black-haired man, upon seeing the white-haired young woman, could only sigh with disdain.

--If I can't attack from a distance then... Let it be melee!

He exclaimed. The young man threw his sword to his side.

It was the young woman's thought.

--What are you saying number 1. A 1vs1, without weapons, armor or any other item?... Just like in the games from 160 years ago... Just a bare-knuckle combat!

«Ohh!!, But what kind of strategy is that!? What does the black knight have planned? But more importantly, what will the Valkyrie say, will she accept this duel?»

The young woman hesitated for a few seconds, but simply made the wall of feathers disappear, and threw away the sword that was at her waist, complete with sheath.

--Good! I'm glad you accepted my proposal.

The black-haired man made a screen appear before him, and in the blink of an eye all his equipment disappeared, and he was left with only a single black outfit. On the other hand, the young woman did the same, and like the black-haired man, she was left with only one set of clothes, but white.

They both stood face to face, each with their own fighting style... The boy with a boxing stance and the young woman with a somewhat simple and basic stance. The black-haired boy smiled confidently.

--This time I will win!...

The black-haired man was the first to jump into the attack. Behind him the silhouette of a ram appeared.

The black-haired man threw a punch at the young woman's face. Her fist, being nowhere near the young woman's face, was taken by her hands and with a series of quick movements, the young woman reached the black-haired man's shoulders, and with her legs she began to hold the black-haired man's head. The white-haired girl began to apply more force to her legs, while the black-haired man began to have trouble breathing.

This was a combat that looked like a ram fighting a large snake that became entangled in it.


The young woman thought, applying more and more force on the young man.

In the end the young man lost consciousness, and fell to the ground and the white-haired young woman on top of him.

The young woman stood up. And she raised her arms in victory, and with a proud expression, while at her feet the young black haired man stood with foam at the mouth.

«The winner of this tournament and the five thousand dollar prize is the still undefeated Valkyrie!»

The presenter exclaimed, making the audience scream.

The young woman lay down on the ground, and then sighed deeply.

<…How glad I am to have a stupid amount of luck>.

She thought, and then closed her ruby eyes.

To be continue