Episode 3


Episode 3: at the bottom of the abyss.


{Very, very deep in the Mariana Trench}...

In the deepest and darkest part of the ocean, the cause of so much trouble on the surface was shining...

The meteorite

The large space rock lay buried in the sand on the seabed, but despite being underwater, it still maintained its electrifying violet glow.


In a certain part of the meteorite, there was what would be... A hatch? The meteorite had a gate; very similar to a hatch.


Bubbles came out of the hatch and rose to the surface.

The hatch opened.

A silhouette was in front of the aforementioned exit...

A pair of hands covered her mouth, and white hair waved in the water and...

||His gaze consumed everything with an intense darkness||

What would be a sigh came out from under the hands covering his mouth, along with a few bubbles.

He took a leap of faith in front of him. In a slow fall he reached the seabed, crouching, while a dense mist of sand rose.

-Are you sure that no one from the earthly species will find it?

He questioned and a shadow appeared behind him.

-No... But even if they did... They would be annihilated in an instant.

He took a step forward.


... Were...


Both silhouettes had the shape of young people...

But they weren't...

Like the first, a pair of hands covered the face of this new character. That pair of hands on his face covered his eyes... Or rather, they denied his vision.

-I suposs you are well. In any case, it is just one less problem, but we still have one more left...

The one with his hands in his mouth spoke.

-...Do you have any idea where he is from, who has hidden him?...

He questioned.


They both sighed. But the one who was squatting looked at his feet, with an expression of disappointment in his eyes.

-9.753 billion humans...

The annoyance in his voice became noticeable.

...And we only need one... What should we do with the rest?

The one who was squatting questioned.

-Our mission is to wait until the core wakes up... But for the moment...

///We will exterminate as many as possible///

He enunciated in a gloomy tone. While the other "young man" smiled beneath the hands that covered his mouth.

-Perfect!. Ha, ha, ha, ha!...

The young man let out a completely twisted laugh.

///This will be... exciting? ///

The gaze of that "young man" flashed in an intense sapphire glow. And in the darkness of that same abyss, his eyes shone even brighter than the bright midday sun.


The twins exclaimed.























As always, on any given morning I began to open my eyes, and once again the first thing I saw was the ceiling of my room.

An extra weight became noticeable on me this morning, just like yesterday and just like the day before yesterday.

I just gave a sigh of complete reluctance.



I once again sighed, as a disappointed expression formed on my face. Like the last three days, I could feel my sister's grip on my torso, her thighs, and also her sleepy face buried in my chest, while she hugged me like she was a koala.


-Ah, what, a shooting? ....ZZZZ...

God... Why do I have a heavy sleeper sister?

-Sara wake up!

-... No... Zzzzz...

-... Sara, please let me go so I can get up!



Annoyed, I pushed Sara, but she just fell on the side of my bed.


He said completely fake and exaggerated.

-How many times have I told you not to come into my room at night!

-... AND?...

She said standing up.

I just sighed, "as always." For the first time in my life, I see my sister very attached to me. But I'm starting to think that her attachment to me is beyond what she wanted.

It's been three days since I changed my body and in these three days, Sara has sneaked into my room during the night. I think my sister's desire for an older sister has been there for a long time.

I got out of bed, put on my sandals, and once I was done. Sara clung to my arm. I just ignored it because she was the 1,000th time, maybe more, maybe less.

She and I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

-Good morning girls!

My mom said energetically.

Due to the "unknown change" I had, my mother has not gone to work. And if you're wondering, what does she work on? She is a part-time nanny, but leaving that as a separate topic. My mom was making breakfast; which was fried eggs, beans, avocado and French bread, nothing better than a breakfast full of humility.

-Good morning mom.

I greeted.

-Good morning mommy! .

Sara said lastly. And that was something that surprised me, since Sara hasn't called mommy to mom in a long time.

-And that? It's been a long time since you called me mommy, Sara. Did you miss mom's cuddles?

My mother approached Sara, hugged her and buried her in her chest.

-Num.... Num.... Sueso... (It's not that)

My mom let go of Sara.

Sara smiled slightly.

-... It's just... I'm happy!

Sara expressed happily, highlighting her smile...


Sara, mom and I were having breakfast very calmly. But unfortunately, my mother talked about a somewhat uncomfortable topic.

-Alex, don't forget that today you have your appointment with the gynecologist at the hospital.


Shame came to my face, since these last three days have been a complete nightmare with this body change. The worst of all was when doing my "business" and at bath time.

-Don't be ashamed Alex, it's something very normal for a girl like you.

-Girl!? Mom, did you forget that I used to be a man!?

-Of course not! But still... I always wanted to have another daughter!

She expressed happily.


I expressed almost screaming in surprise.

-Yes! Even your father wanted a girl... He even got discouraged when he found out that you were a boy.

-... [Really, even dad!?].

I thought a little surprised and disappointed and... Sad?

With that pessimistic thought, I only became discouraged.... Until.

*Knock Knock!*

The sound of the door caught everyone's attention. My mom just said a few words and stood up.

-Who will it be?

My mother went to the door and opened it to see who it was.


In front of her was a fairly tall man, perhaps a little over two meters, of very notable robustness. Hair that was covered by a few gray strands and the occasional black strand.


My mother joyfully and instinctively jumped into the man's arms...

I just sighed a little embarrassed by my mother's attitude.

...Well that man is my grandfather and my mother's father after all.

My grandfather's name is Grisha; He is a farmer who works and lives in the rural area outside the city.

As I said, he is a very tall and strong man, he has a bushy beard and a bushy mustache, a type of mustache I would say... And well his full name is: Grigori Grisha Urriaga Miller. Yes, I know, a weird name, but believe me, my full name is even weirder... Well maybe not so much... Or maybe it is?

-Dad, why didn't you tell me you were coming!?

My mother, with an angry pout, pulled on my grandfather's cheeks.

-Peruename pruejoja! ... (Forgive me precious)

My grandfather's speech was somewhat incomprehensible due to my mother's slapping of the cheeks.


And there was Sara jumping on my grandfather. In the end my grandfather ended up carrying both of them with both hands.

-Oh! How is my dearest granddaughter?

-Very good grandpa!

-Ha, ha, ha, I'm very happy! But where is your brother Alexis?


To tell the truth, I was feeling a little uncomfortable at this moment...

... In the end my grandfather's gaze ended up on me.

-Oh, but who is this beautiful girl? Heh heh, has Alexander finally found himself a beautiful girlfriend?


I just laughed nervously and awkwardly.

-... Hello Grandpa...


Grandpa's eyes widened like saucers.

-...So it was you... I'm glad you finally decided.


He put Sara and Mom down.

-I didn't think you opted for cross-dressing. But it doesn't matter, you have my full support. You were even somewhat androgynous.

-That is something very true.

My mom commented.

-It's true, he was even more effeminate than me.

Sara expressed.

-Of course not! I'm not a transvestite, nor was I effeminate!


The three of them said with an air of sarcasm in unison.


I started to get quite upset by his words. I even started mooing in annoyance.

-Well, then, if you haven't opted for cross-dressing, I imagine it's because of the news, right?

Annoyed and with a highlighted vein, I nodded my head.

-Who knew how bad luck you have? Well, whatever the case may be, nothing will change by complaining or reproaching yourself for what happened. It doesn't matter if you are a woman now, I imagine you know well that your mother and grandfather support you in whatever way we can.


My sister, my mom and my grandfather looked at me with big smiles on their faces.

The feeling that lives in my heart is something that I cannot stop feeling. This feeling is so warm that it reaches the inside of my heart, it makes me feel so happy to have a family like the one I have.

*Rigggg...! *

The sound of the kitchen alarm clock brought me back to my senses.

-Wow, it seems like we're getting a little late? Alex, Sara please take a shower and change quickly.

-Can I take a bath with Alex? (OwO)

Sara expressed.


-Alex, get down at once!

My mom called me. Me, she was in my room finishing changing my clothes. In the end I had a long argument with Sara, but luckily she finally agreed to let me bathe alone... And to tell the truth, it has been the most embarrassing thing since three days... That and having to use the bathroom...

-I'm coming mom!

After changing my clothes, I stared at my reflection in the mirror in my room. I was beyond ashamed of my current appearance. Everything about me had changed. Including my measurements. All of my clothes fit loosely in some places, but in others they seemed ready to burst or tear.

The only decent thing I found, to cover my body. It was an old black jacket, over a red shirt I found in my closet, some blue jeans, and my sneakers.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror of my bedroom door. I can't deny it's a somewhat cute and tender appearance, an appearance that made me a little embarrassed. I certainly look very small compared to the size of my clothes and my room.

Breathe in and out, trying to push away the shame.

Without postponing the inevitable I left my room, but not before putting some sunscreen on my hands and face. After that I went down the stairs. I met the gaze of my sister and mother. My mom wore a purple dress, under a lilac sweater and some rose-shaped earrings.

-Finally! . I thought you were staring at your naked body. I guess it's normal for a boy your age to explore his body?

My mother's words filled me with shame.

Sara looked at me with her arms crossed. Unlike my mother, Sara was wearing a white blouse with flower embroidery, black jeans, and blue sneakers.

-Sorry, it's just that it was a little difficult for me to change with my eyes closed.

-Well, then let's go?

My mom asked.

-O-of course, mom...

In the end we left the house, and locked the door.

In front of the house there was a white van parked; That was my grandfather's truck.

-Go up, I'll take you to the hospital.

My grandfather expressed.

-Dad, are you sure?

My mother questioned grandpa.

-Ho, ho, ho!

My grandfather only laughed in his own style.

-Of course!. I still want to know if Alex is capable of giving me great-grandchildren!

-That I what!?....

I have no idea how the hell we got past what it would be; a discussion, about how dangerous and irresponsible teenage pregnancy is, to be in front of the city hospital!

-Good!. Here we are.

My mother exclaimed happily.


For the first time in my life, I felt so nervous. Even more so than when I confessed to a girl in high school... In the end she ended up rejecting me... I still remember what she told me:

"I'm sorry, but I can't date a guy who is more feminine than me."

That really broke my heart and my manhood.

-You guys come in, I'll go park the truck.

My grandfather said and then got into his truck. Although I still have the question of how he manages to get into the wheel.

-Let's hurry up, the appointment time is about to arrive!

My mother didn't just hesitate because she took Sara and me by the hands and took us into the hospital.

Once inside the hospital we arrived at the reception. There my mother started talking to the nurse who was receiving the patients.

-Excuse me, we have an appointment with Dr. Garcia.

The nurse looked at my mom. Annoyance was evident in her eyes; She looked like one of those nurses who do their job reluctantly.


The nurse said it in a totally listless and dry way.

-Lucia Miller.

-Yes, they have an appointment for gynecology. Dr. Garcia will attend to you in a few moments. You can wait in the waiting area.

The nurse pointed to some chairs that were sharpened one in front of the other.

My mom, Sara and I looked at each other for a few seconds, completely confused by the nurse. Well, without further ado, we went to sit and wait...










[I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid]






But what's wrong with me?... W-Why am I shaking!?... Am-am I afraid!?... Why do I feel like this?...





The annoying sound of that clock was eating me up inside. My whole body was shaking, to the point of moving the chair I was sitting on.

I pressed my hands against my thighs. But because of that I felt my thighs trembling along with me.

It's not my fault I'm afraid! Yeah!. What would you do if someone put something up your ass?... More, what would you do if it weren't up your ass?...

From one moment to the next I felt a pleasant warmth on one of my hands. I looked to my side; My mom was looking at me with a pleasant smile, while she held my hand.

-You don't have to be afraid. This will be quick, but and it has me here with you...

My mother smiled, her words filled me with courage.

-...But the most important...

I swallowed a little saliva, since my mother's gaze became quite sharp and terrifying.

-... Don't even think about backing out just like when you were a child and ran for an injection. So you better sit still... Understood?

His face scared me.


I nodded in fear.

-Good I like it. (^^)

I don't know why, but in a second I had forgotten all the fear I had.

///Alex Caín Miller Park, Dr. Garcia awaits you in gynecology///

The nurse's voice from the front desk came over the speakers. Without further ado, I stood up and prepared for my final destination...


I was now sitting on a bench. I had finished my exam a few minutes ago.

-I hope you didn't feel uncomfortable.

In front of me was a woman who looked no older than 29 years old; She had reddish brown hair, light brown eyes, and very well-kept skin.

-No, it was not. I didn't even feel anything strange.


She expressed happily and flashing a smile.

-But before I give you my diagnosis, I have to tell you something very important.

-Uh? What?

-First of all... CONGRATULATIONS!


My sudden confusion was very evident on my face.

-Congratulations! Refrain from consuming alcohol or tobacco from now on.

-...Why? I'm not even old enough to buy those things?

-Really? By any chance, how old are you?

-17 years. Because?.

-Ah, well, although you are not too young to be pregnant?

-The truth is, I don't... what?...

For a brief moment my consciousness was disconnected from reality, while I analyzed what I had just heard. After a few brief moments, a light bulb finally went off in my head.


I exclaimed to the four winds completely confused and exalted. Longing for an answer I looked at the woman.

-What did you not know?

She questioned, looking at me full of doubts.

-Of course not! How do you think I'm going to know that I'm pregnant!?... God, this can't be possible!... Or can it?

-Hey, calm down!

The woman tried to calm me down, but out of nowhere she pulled out a folder from a filing cabinet and started looking through it.

-Let's see, let's see... You're supposed to be a month pregnant, aren't you?


She glanced at the file again.

-Are you not Beatris by any chance?

-No! I'm Alex.

The woman's expression was filled with great shame.

-Heh heh heh, I'm so sorry, I thought you were someone else.

With a look and a silence full of discomfort I looked at her.

-Cough, Cough, Cough. Well, let me look up your file.

The woman once again began to search the file cabinet, and then took out another folder.

-Let's see, let's see, your name is Alex, isn't it?

-Yes, that is my name.

She looked more askance at the folder with my medical information. Looking at the folder she looked and analyzed in detail the information it had, she could tell how focused she was on her expression. After a brief moment, she looked away from the file and focused on me.


She stated with surprise.

-So you are an awakened one?

That sudden question filled me with confusion and also a little curiosity. I didn't understand what he meant, so I returned the question.

-An awakened?

-Yes, an awakening. Have you not seen the news of the awakened?

-I haven't heard anything about awakened.

-That is somewhat surprising, even more so knowing that it has only been talked about in the news.

-I haven't really had time to watch the news so I haven't found out anything. Could you tell me a little?

-Well, I don't know how to tell you, but apparently three days ago there was some kind of cosmic event, which affected many people, but mainly those who were using a virtual reality headset. They have not mentioned what that event could have caused on the planet, but to calm the affected people, they have put forward the theory that because of that cosmic event, the information in the helmets worked with the DNA of the people, which causes a kind of forced evolution.

Knowing all this information had left me stunned, although the electric shock I had felt three days ago explained it, but still nothing made any sense.

-Do you know if there have been people who have changed their gender because of this?

-Don't tell me, you are one, right.

-Is there more?

-Yep, there have been many people, although there have been some who have not been affected. It is assumed that the information that was fused with people's DNA was from the An Unreal World video game. I don't know how things work, but it has been suggested that the sex change is due to the quality of the chromosomes. each person.

-The quality of the chromosomes?

-As I told you, the case of forced evolution has been raised, so the hypothesis has been given that for this reason the best quality chromosomes have been improved and those of lower quality have been eliminated. Mainly I think it is due to genetics, depending on which genetic side is stronger, your maternal or paternal side. Anyway, I am a gynecologist, not a geneticist.

-It may be a big bother, but can you explain it to me a little more.

-I wish I could talk to you much more, but time is valuable.

-I understand... So what is your diagnosis?

-Well, with that, your womb seems normal, but I have extracted a few samples to be able to study and verify your fertility status. I will send you the results in a week.

-Thank you very much, so, would that be all?

-Yes, that would be all. Although your period may come very soon.

-My period? Are you telling me that I will also have to go through that?

-Of course, now you are a woman and it is something very normal for someone your age.

I simply sighed, thanked you again, said goodbye, and left.

When I came out I met my mom, my sister and my grandfather in the waiting area. They stood up when they saw me.

-How did it go?.

my mother asked.

-Fine, I guess. Apparently there's nothing wrong with me, but the doctor said she sends my fertility results.

My mother sighed, leaving her worry and breaking into a smile, she did not look at my sister and me.

-Thank God this is over, what do you think and let's go to a restaurant for lunch.

-I order fried chicken!

My sister exclaimed, raising her arms.

-ho, ho, ho. My granddaughter never changes.

This was such a familiar scene. My heart was beating with happiness.

-Come on Alex, let's go get something to eat.

My mother extended her hand to me and I took it.
