Treasure From Ancient Times


One of them had to have activated some sort of mechanism, as the huge lid suddenly began to slide off, revealing what was within.

Rumbling rang out as a huge object rose out of the coffin. That was a huge table that radiated light. Although it had been sealed for who knew how many years, it still shone as brightly as if it were new.

The table was piled with tools. An ancient aura came from them as if they were alive.

"A Forging table!"

All of them were stunned. So this coffin didn't contain a corpse. It was just a huge forging table.

"There's a weapon!" Someone with sharp eyes saw that there was a shining hammer on the table.

That hammer wasn't very large. Its head was around the size of a plate, while its handle was around two feet long.

As soon as they looked at that hammer, their hearts began to pound wildly. That hammer gave them all a sense of boundless pressure.