chapter 1

I was going to be transferred into a college soon. It was located on an island which I quite don't remember the name of.

My mother told me that it was known for being very diverse, and had students from all over the world.

I had never been to a college like this before, and that's what worried me.

How do I behave there? I sat and thought for a while. A few minutes later I gave up and said, "who cares. I'll behave however I want."

My grades weren't anything spectacular, since I never had the patience to sit in one place and study. It felt boring to me.

Fortunately, it was enough to get me into this college.

I was in my room, pondering about what I'm supposed to pack and etcetra.

"You know what? Let's go outside to get a breath of fresh air," I told myself and walked out my house.

Our house was pretty big. It had three floors; the ground floor having a garage, including an office room where my father works from home.

area which had a lot of houses. Basically, you could purchase a plot of land, and build your own house there. Well, that's exactly what my father did.

I walked downstairs to the garage and walked towards the gate. Then I stopped and looked at the pull-up bar in the garage and thought, "maybe I could use a bit of excercise".

I walked over to the pull-up bar and gripped onto it tightly. Actually, this thing is hardly a pull-up bar.

It was just a metal rod which was placed over two hooks which were attached to the ceiling of the garage. The funny part is, it was so unstable since the bar would just rotate backwards when you tried to hold onto it. So you needed a little grip strength to hold onto it without your fingers letting go.

I did around 20 pull-ups and landed on my feet after. A panted a little bit and walked out the gate.

"This is it I guess," I thought as I looked at my house.

The thought of leaving my family made me feel like there was a hole in my chest or something. It's hard to describe. It's probably because I was nervous.

I would be going to an island where there is barely anyone I know. I wasn't afraid, because I knew God was on my side. There was nothing to be afraid of. I will become successful and earn enough to provide for my future family.

That was my goal.

I felt something touch my foot and looked down. It was throwball. I picked it up and noticed that there were two kids waiting for me to throw the ball to them.

I threw the ball to one of the kids.

"Thanks!" He said, as he caught it. They two kids continued playing.

This scene kind of reminded me of the past. The only difference is that I used to take these games too seriously to the point where my opponent would get freaked out by my behaviour.

My mom yelled from the balcony, "Hasan! Did you pack your things?!"

"Yeah, I did," I replied.

I hate packing, but I did anyway. I mean come on, who loves sitting in one place and stuffing things in a dumb old suitcase?

The most annoying part is my parents would walk in and judge my clothing choices, saying that I only chose beggar clothes and not the good ones. It was infuriating.

Also, I had to travel far on my own to that stupid island. And I'll be living there without my family. Can I just teleport there right this instant? I want to skip the long boring journey. Please.

I wonder how my parents would feel if I went away for so long. My mother would scold me if I didn't call her every night. At least I'm happy to have someone that cares that much for me.


I waved my parents goodbye, and entered the airport. My mother, my younger sister and my youngest brother were crying. My father was normal.

I entered the plane after hours of waiting. Why did I arrive so early?!

I took my seat.

Honestly, I take back the part of the trip being boring. There was a screen in front of me and I could watch movies on it. Pretty cool.

I have to admit, I enjoyed that trip. I watched some good movies on the mini TV. Of course, I had good eye for movies and series.

Most of the ones I pick up turn out to be bangers.

I made sure to pray on time and eat at the right times.


Looks like I arrived. I got off the plane and took in the view. It was mesmerizing because I'm not someone who travels abroad frequently. I lived in India most of my life and I went two times to Dubai and that's it. I lived a few years of my childhood in the US as well.

Pretty damn sick, I have to say. I actually felt like I was an incredibly cool guy who travelled abroad to study in a cool college.

I took a taxi to the college dorms. The driver blabbered on and on that his daughter was attending the same college that I did, and that it would be nice if I got along with her.

No thanks buddy, I'll pass.

As I got off the taxi and walked to the college dorms, I wondered what kind of friends I would make here. I felt pretty nervous at first, but then I strengthened my mind and pushed ahead.

I finally reached the building. I looked up at how tall the building was. It was pretty large and it was really wide as well. It also elongated far behind it.

It had a cool brown colour, which made it look formal and student-ish. What does that even mean?

Anyways, I walked through the large metal gates. I greeted the security guard who opened it for me and entered the main door of the building.

I gulped as I opened the door. Come on, I'm an 18 year old in a new place I've never been to and my parents aren't with me. Surely even you would be nervous in my situation.

I walked in and saw students going about their business. I closed the door behind me.


The worst part is that all of them turned their heads and looked at me as door behind me made a loud creaking noise.

I heard whispers.

"New guy huh?"

"Where is he from?"

"Why does he look so angry?"

That's just my normal face, thank you very much. I hate it when people point out my angry face.

Whenever I met my relatives, they would also ask me why I never smile. Of course I smile! Why would I smile for no reason?!

Then I had to force out a smile to convince them that I could smile. I'm sure they didn't buy it.

Well, that's how my first day at my new college dorm was.