chpater 2

Chapter 6 Meeting Benson again

  Chapter 6 Meeting Benson Again

  Gao Wei was sitting on the street, his clothes a little damaged. Just being carried on the street just now was enough to lose all the dignity of the past in the starry sky. Mr. Z used the most cruel method to protect him - Mr. Z directly gave up all the members of the Aurora Society in the Tingen area, and used a big explosion to let all members of the Aurora Society see the Lord they admired.

  It is lamentable that a farce of believers sacrificing themselves for the Lord has come to an end. But for high-dimensional observers, this is a good performance.

  Feeling the babble in his head gradually disappearing, the corners of Gao Wei's mouth gradually turned upward. He successfully "polluted" the True Creator, but this uncontrolled pollution was equivalent to a great gift to the True Creator. The reason why the true Creator is crazy is because of the massive reduction of anchors and the fact that there is only crazy and fallen human nature in the body without the balance of divinity. The contamination of the high-dimensional overlooker caused the true creator to separate part of his crazy human instincts to fight against it, while the rest became slightly calmer, making the true creator less crazy.

  Unable to determine the specific identity of the higher dimension, the true Creator made a subconscious decision. As the most human God (meaning without a drop of divinity), the True Creator still retains the human instinct of a drowning person to climb grass to survive. And Gao Dimension, who can become the true Creator's life-saving straw, is recognized by Him as a favored one and tries to keep the hope of his own sobriety with the help of believers.

  Gao Wei watched Mr. Z run away in a hurry just now, with more than a dozen thunderbolts and spirits chasing him behind him. After all, Mr. Z followed God's orders conscientiously and perfectly concealed Gao Wei's identity. Is it possible for a member of the Abraham family who passed by the gathering place of the Aurora Society and has a blood feud with the Aurora Society to become a favored one of the true Creator? It's impossible, Adam wouldn't even dare to make it up like this. After all, the outer gods have not been able to break through the original barrier for thousands of years, and the true creator has not had a divine favor for hundreds of years.

  But I look a bit embarrassed. Fortunately, no one saw me... The rich and decent foreign god patted the ragged hem of his clothes and sighed, secretly glad that he didn't know anyone here. But then he heard a somewhat familiar voice: "Oh my God! Mr. Gao Wei, what's wrong with you!"

  Gao Wei looked up and saw a face he had only seen yesterday.

  It's Benson.

  Gao Wei gritted his teeth, feeling shame for the first time from a mortal. He laughed and reluctantly explained: "There was an explosion last night. Unfortunately, I happened to pass by -"

  "The place where the explosion happened yesterday was not..." Klein subconsciously wanted to say, but his intuition told him that he absolutely couldn't. Continuing, he luckily stopped what he was about to blurt out. Klein looked at Gao Wei, who looked unhappy, and smiled awkwardly.

  That's not right, Klein! You can't talk about the kind of place that exploded yesterday! Just pretend you don't know... Ahem, men will always go to that kind of place... Melissa is still beside her, controlling her expression - Klein was complaining crazily in his heart, but he heard Gao Wei Then he said:

  "But fortunately, I am in the outer area. So now I look a little embarrassed, but in fact I am not injured... Now I am waiting for my friend to pick me up - haha, he will probably be here soon. Speaking of which , Mr. Benson, what are you going to do?"

  Benson smiled and said to Gao Wei: "It's all thanks to you. Because of your contract, my salary has been increased to two pounds per week. It happens that my salary My younger brother has also found a new job in a security company, and I have to find a better place for my younger siblings to live." "

  Indeed, your sister's life in that kind of place is not very good. In any case, celebrate your salary. The salary..." Gao Wei said with a smile: "When you settle down, you must call me to be your guest. I may have to hand over business with you in the next few years."

  "That's for sure." Benson and Gao Wei met again After saying a few polite words and saying goodbye to Gao Wei, he walked into the lobby of the Tingen City Housing Improvement Company and started talking with the person in charge of renting the house. Gao Wei stood up and supported his body with his cane. The current weakness of this body is also a novel experience for him who has been in this world for countless years. He has almost forgotten what his body looked like when he was a human.

  "Your Excellency, they are..." A voice came from beside Gao Wei. Gao Wei turned around and saw that Mr. Z, with blood stains on the corner of his mouth, had been standing beside him at some point. Gao Wei laughed and replied: "These are employees of the company that cooperates with my factory. They are here to choose which new house to rent."

  "That's it... Your Excellency, do you need to develop them?" Becoming the Lord's Lamb?" After a long time, Mr. Z said abruptly. Gao Wei suddenly turned to look at Mr. Z with an inexplicable expression on his face. Mr. Z's face was a little hairy when he saw it, and he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

  "Let's find a place to live first. It's too eye-catching here." Gao Wei sighed and walked towards Walk ahead. He bought a newspaper and read the house rental advertisements on it. Immediately, he said to Mr. Z beside him: "Let's go to No. 16 Champagne Street and rent a house for temporary use. There should be no survivors in the previous big explosion." "

  It is their honor to sacrifice for the Lord. "But Your Excellency, what did you mean just now? I don't understand. Did I say something wrong somewhere?" Mr. Z responded, but there was a hint of dissatisfaction hidden in his tone. Facts have proved that the people of the Aurora Society cannot have good tempers and personalities under the ravings of the True Creator, and Mr. Z's respect for higher dimensions is limited to the oracles passed down by the True Creator at the juncture of chaos and sanity. The look in Gao Wei's "secret prayer" look just now was considered offensive, which made Mr. Z slightly dissatisfied.

  "You are now the 'Rose Bishop' of Sequence Six, right, Mr. Z?" Gao Wei walked and said to Mr. Z, "But even in Tingen, as a Sequence Six, you are not invincible. Yes. A well-prepared Nighthawks team, even demon-hunting bullets can kill you, right?"

  "Yes." Mr. Z said in a low voice.   

  "Then, don't increase the number of believers for the Lord without limit." Gao Wei said: "Your missionary scope has been limited to the middle and lower class people. These people can provide limited help to the Lord. Even hundreds of people are not as mentally stable as you. The divine envoy is useful to the Lord's state. Only anchors with sufficient quality can help the Lord restore his past glory faster. Think about it, if you die, what will happen to the remaining members of the Aurora Society in Tingen?" "

  ... "Mr. Z was silent for a while: "Even if the headquarters sends a new Mr. Z over, there should be no way to save the previous lamb... Sigh."

  "The quality is enough..." He chewed on Gao Wei's words, and his face couldn't help but look a little ugly: " Is it because there is something wrong with our grazing methods that the Lord has not sent down the oracle for so long? Is it because of our fault..."

  Seeing that Mr. Z had a tendency to be scattered into pieces in public, Gao Wei took the photo in time. He patted Mr. Z on the shoulder to get him out of the state of self-blame. Gao Wei held Mr. Z's shoulders and said to him seriously:

  "No, it's not your fault. I just became the Lord's secret prayer man, and you have already devoted so much time to the Lord - you What I did did indeed make the Lord sober, otherwise I would not be able to talk to the Lord. It's just that under the corruption of all living beings, a sober person cannot fight against this fallen era. However, the Lord is the most sober person in the world, and He loves and protects all living beings. We have to bear the fall for all sentient beings. This is the reason why the Lord is crazy. He should not be called an evil god. Our direction is wrong, Mr. Z."

  Mr. Z sighed and said to Gao Wei: "Sorry, I shouldn't Questioning your identity - to be the favored one of the Lord, you have the piety that matches the Lord's wisdom." "

  We will definitely let the Lord radiate the brilliance He once had." Gao Wei said as he and Mr. Z looked towards Walk to the destination.

  The high-dimensional Overlooker looked at the land abandoned by the gods indifferently, and used his gaze to slowly corrupt a mutated creature into his dependent. He controlled this body and stood carefully in front of the true Creator.

  "Outer God..." The huge Hanged Giant uttered a deafening murmur: "Why do you want to help me... I can't betray the earth..." "

  This is a deal." The high-dimensional overlooker said indifferently, He controlled his incarnation to walk on the earth and confirmed the true care of the Creator in his incarnation. What a God who is not frank enough, the high-dimensional overlooker sneered. Once this behavior is discovered by others, he will be labeled as a traitor - no, even if the true Creator is here, even if he does nothing, he will still be punished by the world. The seven gods walking among them are regarded as evil gods. It is really sad that the ancient sun god has ended up in this situation.

  "...Transaction?" The True Creator asked doubtfully.

  "I don't want your divine half to become the ancient sun god, let alone see the birth of God." The high-dimensional overlooker said quite frankly: "Unlike my poor compatriots, my essence is still in me. , my path is not defective at all - I am not interested in destroying the earth at all, I even want to see it perform the wonderful drama of rushing to the stars for me." "

  What do you want..."

  "It's simple, I need you Let my incarnation walk on the earth as the beloved of the true Creator. And I will gradually wake you up in the outside world and make you awake-" the high-dimensional overlooker said: "In addition, I will unconditionally support Him in the Night. The candidate they selected, let him replace Tianzun as the Lord of Mysteries - but this is conditional, no matter what, 'God' cannot be born." "...


  After a long time, the real creator murmured:

  "Okay - "

  I will do the same, looking at the candidates chosen by the night..."

Chapter 7 Changes in the Aurora Society

  Chapter 7 Changes in the Aurora Society

  Sitting on the soft sofa, Gao Wei couldn't help but feel the comfort of being human. The damaged clothes on his body had been replaced before renting the house, and Gao Wei had also signed a three-year contract with the landlord, so at least for the next period of time, he would not have to worry about housing issues. Mr. Z sat opposite the sofa, looking at the books Gao Wei asked him to buy with a sad face. A few big words can be vaguely seen through the cover:

  "How to Get Along with People"

  "Your Excellency, why do you want to... read this kind of book? With all due respect, it is not helpful at all in the battles we usually... are involved in." It seemed that he had been struggling for a long time. Mr. Z scratched his neck hard. The skin cracked under Mr. Z's scratching, revealing the bright red flesh and blood inside. Gao Wei looked at Mr. Z's appearance, sighed, and said quietly to him: "It seems that you haven't noticed it at all..." "Your

  Excellency, the Blessed One." Unexpectedly, Mr. Z was very serious. He corrected, "I want to correct one thing. Your will is the will of the Lord. You have shown piety that matches the wisdom of the Lord, so I will completely follow your advice. Although I think it is useless to read this, I I still remember the contents of this book."

  "Oh? Really?" Gao Wei raised his eyebrows: "Then let me give you an example: If a nighthawk comes to your gathering place to look for pagan believers, What should you do?"

  "Reprimand them loudly for being bewitched by evil gods, and ask them to convert to my Lord!" Mr. Z said to Gao Wei very solemnly, with a high and upright tone in his tone. Gao Wei looked at Mr. Z and said "ha". He was thinking about his words and said to Mr. Z: "Then what if you die for this reason and the Lord loses all the lambs in Tingen? Do you want to cause substance to the Lord because of your impulsive language? Is there any loss?"

  "This..." Mr. Z frowned, "But it is written in our Lord's holy book, 'The angels of the Lord do not need to hide themselves, only the demons of the gods can use words to whitewash violence.' Could it be that , Shouldn't we do according to the Lord's will?"

  Mr. Z looked at Gao Wei in a panic. He firmly believed in the contents of the holy book of the true Creator, but now the Lord's messenger told him the opposite news. It can't be said that his faith is not firm, but he was a little flustered after the Lord gave different news before and after.

  "... From some aspects, you are very pious." Gao Wei sighed: "But, Mr. Z, we are doing everything for the Lord to regain His glory." Poison is flowing on the ground, and demons are already everywhere. Earth', mortals have been deceived by the seven gods. As messengers of the Lord, we now have to use language to change all living beings' impression of the Lord."

  Believers are God's anchors, and all living beings who chant the names of gods are also a " weak" anchor. A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth. And when everyone thinks that Aurora is a terrorist organization, then the god they believe in naturally becomes an evil god. In the final analysis, this is just the oppression of the losers by the victors that has continued from the war between gods thousands of years ago - even earlier, as early as the era of the fall of the sun god. Even if the true creator led the three gods Feng Zhibai out of the ruins when he was still the ancient sun god, it would be the same.

  The high-dimensional Overlooker changed his body and was quietly suspended next to the true Creator, watching every move of his incarnation. When He saw this scene, He couldn't help but laugh, and said sarcastically to the real Creator next to him: "Look, none of your followers can act - I'd say it's because your ravings are too exciting, giving the child brains. It's broken."

  "..." The true creator looked at this scene, silent, and while he was still awake in his current state, he issued an oracle to his envoy. The high-dimensional overlooker came over curiously, looked at the True Creator, and asked, "What did you say?" "

  ..." The True Creator remained silent.

  "You won't tell me?" Gao Wei, the overlooker, squirmed his body and said to Zhenzao, "Then I'll ask myself." "By the

  way, Mr. Z." Gao Wei picked up the book and asked seemingly casually. Mr. Z said: "You should understand the meaning of the oracle given by the Lord just now, right?"

  "Your Excellency, I did hear the voice of the Lord...but, I am not very clear about the Lord's will." Mr. Z said on his chest He made an inverted cross: "I still don't have enough understanding to fully understand the Lord's meaning. Please give me some advice." "

  Oh, tell me what you don't understand." The plan works! Gao Wei looked at Mr. Z, who was about to tell his plan, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

  "The Lord told me..." Mr. Z closed his eyes and seemed to be thinking about it. The voice he just heard was majestic and benevolent, and he suddenly realized that he had misunderstood the Lord's meaning for a long time - the Lord did not cause them to fall, but wanted to bear the sins of all living beings and serve as a ray of light. Brighten up this fallen world.

  "Revise the content and honorific names of the holy scriptures, and cleanse the ungodly believers who do evil in the name of the Lord." Mr. Z's words contained a bit of blood, and it seemed that he only listened to the second half of the sentence. Gao Wei pressed the thick copy of "How to Get Along with People" in his hand, and said helplessly to Mr. Z: "You have completed the second half of the Lord's requirements very well - Tingen still needs you to spread the Lord's glory. , Mr. Z. What you have to do now is to learn how to be a qualified bishop." "

  -First of all, even if you are the 'Rose Bishop', don't always use flesh and blood magic in front of ordinary people. So, you should continue Let's study the content here." A malicious smile appeared on Gao Wei's face, as if he saw someone being tortured by books. He watched Mr. Z's expression change instantly, but in the end he gritted his teeth and sat next to Gao Wei.   

  "Praise you, praise you!" Mr. Z shouted. His expression as he looked at the book was so heroic that he seemed to be dedicating himself to the Lord in the next second: "The Lord who created everything, the omniscient and omnipotent God; you are the source of all greatness, You are the fallen nature of all living things!"

  Well, this honorary name has been changed to be a little more decent. It is troublesome for a god who holds the power of "fall" to preach - fortunately, an external god like me doesn't need to preach at all. No anchor is needed either. The high-dimensional overlooker thought so, and continued to look at the scene presented on the few small light screens in front of him with the real creator.

  Klein drank the potion and carefully restrained his spirituality. It didn't take long for him to master the most basic spiritual vision. He moved his gaze to look at Old Neil carefully, but suddenly, Klein saw a pair of eyelashless, indifferent, and almost transparent eyes in the void behind him.

  These almost illusory eyes were quietly watching Old Neil and Klein. This made him shudder, opened his mouth, and blurted out: "You have a pair of eyes behind you!"

  But before he finished speaking, before Old Neil could react, a black cross and a heart were covered by the curtain. Eyes emerge from around those illusory eyes. Dark roses spread out from the cross, entwining those eyes. Klein, on the other hand, watched in stunned silence as another huge, cold eye poked out from behind the curtain, and struck an uppercut in an extremely anthropomorphic posture, shattering those eyes into pieces.

  Looking at those eyes, Klein felt inexplicably familiar. But almost at the same time, he felt dizzy. Klein didn't have time to think about it, so he could only shout loudly: "Captain Dunn, Captain Dunn! Something happened here, Old Neil!"

  He ran two steps outside and felt an even stronger dizziness. The moment before he fell into coma, Klein suddenly remembered why the eyes behind the curtain felt familiar to him:

  those were the cold eyes he saw above the gray fog two days ago!

  When Dunn arrived, he only saw a mess on the ground. He looked at Klein who was unconscious and lying on the ground and Old Neil who was sitting sluggishly in the distance, looking at a line of flesh and blood that was gradually condensing in the air. He couldn't help but tighten his grip. with both fists.

  "Are we making too much noise?" the true creator said in his deep voice. He is in particularly good condition today. It seems that a large part of his humanity is used to resist the pollution brought to him by the high-dimensional overlookers, so that His madness was reduced a bit. The high-dimensional overlooker silently withdrew his power, looked at the eyes of the hidden sage in his hand, and said to the true creator:

  "I suggest you let your believers who are still in Tingen run away... The reverse cross is so iconic. I thought the Hidden Sage had discovered us just now, but damn, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay in Tingen for the time being. In fact, the dark night is not bad, but the key point is that I am afraid of the tyrant's PTSD." "

  ...I All the believers in Tingen are dead, and the only one left is the one next to you - probably." The real creator sighed, "It's a pity, that one's brain doesn't seem to be big enough. By the way, then you What should I do about the plan to increase my anchors that I mentioned before?"

  "I have to take your divine envoy to Backlund and transform your church there. I still have some things to do here. , at least let my incarnation have a relationship with the secret." The high-dimensional overlooker said: "You seem to be in good condition, is my pollution so effective?" "

  Intermittent, it happens to be the crazy part of human nature. I'm going to resist your contamination. I estimate that I can only have such a moment of complete clarity every ten days. But even if my condition is worse, I won't become completely irrational like before, and our plan can still go ahead. "The True Creator said calmly, his voice gradually became confused, and his words became like babble.

  "It's getting interesting." The high-dimensional overlooker changed his posture and watched his incarnation accompany the true creator in the land abandoned by the gods. He looked at another incarnation and once again felt the pleasure of overlooking: "Did you just give Ke Ryan fell into a favor to isolate you from the pollution?"

  "...You too?" The true creator hesitated.

  "Well, things have indeed become interesting." The high-dimensional overlooker spread his limbs: "I actually don't want to participate so much, it's too annoying to the 'god'."


Chapter 8 Backlund welcomes you

  Chapter 8 Backlund Welcomes You

  "Let's go, we have to leave now." Gao Wei closed the book in his hand and said to Mr. Z: "The Lord's oracle, next the pagans will search for the Aurora Society in Tingen. As a member of the bishop, you cannot expose it."

  "Yes." Mr. Z knew the importance of the oracle, and became more convinced of Gao Wei's favored one while learning new doctrines about God, so he quickly went up to prepare things. . Gao Wei sat quietly on the sofa by the fireplace, staring into the void with quiet and distant eyes.

  Klein woke up from his bed and saw a circle of serious-looking Nighthawks surrounding him. Dunn stood beside Klein's bed, with a serious and worried look on his face. Klein woke up slowly, with some pain still lingering in his mind. He stared blankly at the Nighthawks around him, but couldn't help but groan because of the pain in his mind.

  "Klein, don't move around yet. You are very likely to be 'contaminated' like Old Neil. Tell me, what did you see before you finally asked me for help?" Dunn Smith held down Klein. His shoulders made him unable to move. Klein reluctantly endured the headache and opened his eyes, and found that in addition to a few familiar Nighthawks sitting beside his bed, there was also a man wearing a trench coat sitting on the chair, covering his chin and lips with the stand-up collar of the trench coat.

  Dunn noticed Klein's gaze and explained to him: "This is the Sword of the Goddess, His Excellency Creste Sesima. Klein, fortunately you warned us in time and allowed us to take control." It is not easy for a new Beyonder to kill Old Neil who is about to lose control. However, we cannot let the hidden dangers remain within the Nighthawks. Old Neil has been contaminated by the Hidden Sage. We cannot I hope you also..."

  Old Neil? Klein suddenly remembered the scene he saw before he fell into coma. Roses bloomed on top of the dark inverted cross, entangled with those extremely indifferent eyes with seemingly fragile branches. And when the reverse cross and those eyes were entangled with each other, an eyeball emerged from the sky, and an uppercut smashed those indifferent eyes - what kind of scene is this?

  Klein shook his head, threw away the complicated thoughts in his mind and said, but when he spoke, he found that his voice was particularly hoarse: "After Old Neil helped me prepare the potion, I drank it - —I quickly became an Beyonder and mastered spiritual vision with the help of Old Neil. But when I used my spiritual vision to observe the surroundings, I discovered that there was a pair of cold eyes behind Old Neil!" "

  Then I just shouted to Old Neil..."

  "That is the Hidden Sage. According to the test of the temple, it is he who has contaminated Mr. Old Neil." Dunn said in a deep voice, and the man sitting next to him said Crestel Sesima, however, motioned for Klein to continue speaking. Klein nodded and continued to recall what he had seen before. He recounted what the reverse cross and the eyes had done to the Hidden Sage's gaze, leaving the Nighthawks present in a daze.

  Nothing else, it's just that Klein's description of "the uppercut eyeball blew out the Hidden Sage with one punch" was so graphic that even the Nighthawks present did not react. Cresty thought that he had been a senior deacon for many years. What big scenes had he not seen? What, you said that the Hidden Sage was punched in the eye and his eye popped out?

  I have never seen this scene before.

  "...No problem, Dunn. At present, it seems that your team members have no traces of being contaminated by the Hidden Sage or other gods. However, to be cautious, I still need to confirm whether his personality has been damaged due to the previous pollution on Old Neil. Change—Considering the possible existence and deep-hidden contamination of the Hidden Sage and the True Creator, please go out first, I need to test him alone."

  Crestel Sesima opened the door at his feet From that silver suitcase, he took out the sacred object "The Sword of the Goddess" that he had contracted. The sword gave off a faint light in his hand, forming a spiritually enclosed area around it. Looking at Crestel's cautious style, Klein couldn't help but ask:

  "Your Excellency Sesima, is the pollution on Old Neil and I... very serious?"

  "Old Neil was only contaminated by the Hidden Sage. The contamination has now been sent to Backlund's church for treatment - but unfortunately, even if he does not have any sequelae, he may not be able to continue to hold his current position, and may be arranged to become a priest in the church. Priest, we can also learn more about the changes in him. As for the pollution on your body, I am preparing to test it now - after all, all this happened after you became an extraordinary person."

  Kresty Sesima said Seemingly asking casually: "Klein, what do you think of the evil god 'True Creator'?"

  I was trapped in a dream! Is this a way to detect whether I have been deeply contaminated? Klein's pupils dilated slightly, looking for the most authentic answer in his heart.

  A reverse cross, a pair of cold but obviously dull eyes, and a dark mass of twinkling stars were suspended behind Klein, looking at him. They lurked behind shadows, curtains, and secrecy, watching Klein as if wanting to hear his answer.

  The high-dimensional Overlooker threw away another incarnation with great disgust that was corroded by the scattered power of the true Creator in the land abandoned by the gods. He picked through the flesh and blood on the ground and reluctantly put together an incarnation that was relatively resistant to erosion. body of. Two light curtains flashed in front of Him. One light curtain was very large, suspended in front of the true Creator and the high-dimensional overlooker, and the scene around Klein was played on it.   

  The other light curtain was only as tall as a person, appearing like a speck of dust next to the true Creator. What emerged from this light curtain was a woman whose face was covered with a dark veil. She quietly stared at Klein in the light curtain, seemingly not paying attention to the horrific scene of flesh and blood tumbling under her feet.

  "It was you who polluted the Hidden Sage, Outer God." Amanisis said to the high-dimensional overlooker calmly, but there was no trace of hostility towards the high-dimensional overlooker. The high-dimensional overlooker sneered, rubbed a pair of cold and dull eyes in his hands, and poured the ever-expanding high-dimensional knowledge into his body. Through this connection, the body of the Hidden Sage permeates along the network cable. Probably for a while, the title of Hidden Sage will have to be changed.

  Even well-digested gods like the Black Emperor and senior quasi-gods like Mr. "Gate" will be controlled by the pollution of the fallen mother goddess, and this old one now does not even have a complete source of his own. But if the two hidden sages of the true gods faced off against the high-dimensional overlooker who was the incarnation of the source material, the outcome could be imagined.

  "What's the use of saying these words, Goddess of the Night? Ah, no, according to the custom of the old earth, I should call you like this: Amanisis. Ah, Amanisis, Amanisis. You are accusing me here of polluting the Hidden Sage, but you dare not go to war with me. You asking me this is like asking yourself: You are now projecting your will into the land abandoned by the gods to talk to me, an alien god. Does it mean you want to betray the earth?"

  The high-dimensional overlooker sneered: "Just because I am an alien god? Amanisis, there is a limit to self-deception: the demon wolf with the soul of the old human being stuffed in its body, and the Human beings selected by the Sefirot to become outer gods - you and I are not different in essence." "

  At least we have no differences in the choice of the Lord of Mysteries. This is different between you and other outer gods. In the end of the world It was difficult for God to be born before. For the safety of the earth, we must have a pillar. Those who look down from high dimensions, at least you will not think about destroying the earth." Amanisis said, her face was shrouded in a dark veil, It's hard to see her true expression. The true Creator was hanging upside down on the cross and remained silent, as if he was controlling his madness. The high-dimensional overlooker said:

  "Adam is cooperating with you."

  "The secret he supports is Amon." Amanysis said: "I don't believe in him, nor do I believe in Amon. But at least it became a fantasy in Adam. I will not confront him before we return home. He needs a war to complete the ritual of becoming a god, and I need to take advantage of the opportunities this war brings to us." "You are

  right, he is too much like Tianzun. Do you believe that if Amon becomes a secret, everyone in the world will wear a monocle and become a puppet? Amanisis, you are not the old man, I can see your past and future: "Gao Wei Overlooker let his avatar squirm and said to the goddess of night in front of him: "You have always been good at taking sides. Is this the experience you accumulated at work when you were still a human? Whether it is the Redemption Rose or the current mystery You have never failed to choose a candidate."

  "High-dimensional Overlooker." Amanisis said to the high-dimensional Overlooker calmly: "You were once a human being, and you experienced that era just like us." "

  Yes. Ah, what's wrong?" Gao Wei looked down puzzled.

  "When you were still a human, did you ever consider dying alone?"

  "Why are you still attacking me personally?"

  The true creator looked at the two gods and was speechless. He sighed and showed the limit of a science and engineering man: "But I remember... you said when you followed me... Amanisis, you didn't get married back then..." "

  Ah, you left. ."

  Gao Wei opened his eyes and walked out of the train station with Mr. Z beside him. But when Gao Wei saw the disguised Aurora Society messengers that Mr. Z recognized, the corners of his mouth still twitched. Those divine messengers held huge signs in their hands, with a few letters crookedly written on them in ink:

  Mr. Abraham, Backlund welcomes you!


Chapter 9 Welcome Your Excellency, the Beloved One, to inspect the Backlund Aurora Club

  Chapter 9 Welcome Your Excellency the Beloved One to inspect the Backlund Aurora Club.

  "What is this?" Gao Wei's face twitched a little. He patted his cheek and tried hard to control himself so that he would not show a strange expression. Mr. Z was a little embarrassed, but also a little proud. What was embarrassing was that this was the "welcome ceremony" he had suggested to his companions in Backlund - he was still the culprit, and what made Mr. Z proud was that he now knew The Beloved One thinks that he is now more in touch with God's will than his companions in Backlund.

  Mr. Z whispered: "Your Excellency, I will ask them to put away the sign first..."

  "No, no need." Gao Wei took a deep breath: "They are here - this is too exaggerated, alas, Don't do these things all the time, it's too easy to be exposed."

  "Okay, okay. I understand." Mr. Z nodded seriously, walked quickly towards Mr. A who came to greet him from a distance, and shouted loudly He scolded: "Put that down! Don't affect...well, yes, don't affect public order!" Sure enough,

  nine out of ten members of the Aurora Society were crazy, and one was somewhat seriously ill... Gao Wei looked at Mr. Z quietly. , raised his head and sighed in his heart, then raised his legs and walked forward.

  Listening to Mr. Z's words, Mr. A's eyes flashed with anger. He looked at Mr. Z, the Rose Bishop who was not as powerful as him, and seemed to be thinking in his mind whether he wanted to eliminate harm for the Lord. However, before Mr. A wanted to take action, he thought that the Lord's favored one was behind Mr. Z. After thinking about it, he gave up - when the leader came, he had to leave a good impression on him.

  "Your Excellency," Mr. A lowered his head and said respectfully to Gao Wei after walking out of the train station: "We learned about the Lord's oracle before, and we have prepared a plan for you to travel to Backlund - Do you want to go to our... um, gathering point first, or do you want us to help you arrange a carriage home first?"

  Mr. A looked at the pedestrians around him, but he still refrained from using the words "Aurora Society" speak out.

  "Go to your side first, Mr. A." Gao Wei nodded and said: "Our time is very tight, and the false gods who betrayed the Lord will not rest. They always want to suppress the Lord in the dark shadow forever. We need to seize the time to restore the glory of the Lord."

  "You are right." A smile appeared on Mr. A's face. The face with the true aesthetics of the Creator seemed to have nothing to do with the status of a "cultist" in the sun. Others I just felt that this was a slightly frail and handsome young man: "It is our greatest honor to be able to run for the Lord. Welcome, Your Excellency, the Beloved One, to come and inspect the Backlund Aurora Society."

  Gao Wei looked down at the cross hanging upside down. The true Creator above had a smile on his face. This smile widened on his face, causing the smile at the corner of his mouth to gradually become abnormal. The high-dimensional overlooker smiled and said to the true creator: "Let me guess the origin of this sentence? Is this what you taught them to say? This sentence is too template-like. You, a scientist, would still say this? Did you learn it when you were trying to defraud funds?"

  "...I didn't teach them." The True Creator said solemnly.

  "Well, I understand, I understand." The high-dimensional overlooker supported the ribs of the avatar that were eroded to the point of falling off, "That's because you have carved this instinct into your own path. Tsk, those followers of yours All of them are good at pretending. I actually want to ask you: How short of money were you when there was no oil?" "

  ...I want you to take care of it."

  The true creator looked at the extraordinarily wealthy foreign god in front of him. , suddenly felt that what the goddess of the night said before leaving was too kind. The Super Star Master who was far above the starry sky looked cautiously at the high-dimensional overlooker who was hiding behind the curtain and laughing, for fear that he would suddenly come over and punch his "potted plant" Bang Bang.

  "Same as Tianzun, such a god of fun is so annoying." The Super Star Lord said through gritted teeth.

  Gao Wei followed Mr. A into an empty house and saw many secret prayers and listeners with their heads bowed and silently praying in the basement of the house. They lowered their heads and hid in the shadows behind them, praying, with only the faint firelight shining on their faces. Although the true Creator's current state is much better than before, these extraordinary people become no different from normal people when praying. But Gao Wei still narrowed his eyes, seeming a little dissatisfied.

  "The Lord who created everything, the omniscient and omnipotent God; you are the source of all greatness, and you are the fallen nature of all living things!" Mr. A closed his eyes and prayed. Mr. Z had been forcibly arranged by him when he returned to the Aurora Society just now. Went to the side to "rest". Mr. A opened his eyes, looked at Gao Wei who looked dissatisfied, and asked cautiously:

  "Excuse me, Your Excellency, You don't seem to be very satisfied? Is there anything wrong with what we did?" "

  I remember the Lord modified it before. The holy scriptures, Mr. A. The current way of praying is still too superficial. It is easy to expose and unreasonable." Gao Wei made a serious look and said to Mr. A: "I think it can be The prayers are changed to being recited silently in the heart, so that one can pray 24 hours a day. The gesture of pointing the reverse cross on the chest is changed to visualizing the glorious cross in the mind, so as to anchor the Lord's present holy scriptures. ."   

  "Hmm..." Mr. A thought, feeling more and more that the method proposed by Gao Wei was feasible. This not only conforms to the secret prayer's performance rules, but also speeds up the performance - he tried it in his mind, and he got the Lord's response as always. The Lord's response no longer gave him a splitting headache, but gave him a sense of glory as a sufferer. Mr. A was ecstatic and felt a glow hidden in the shadows. He suddenly looked up at Gao Wei, seemingly shocked by the effect of this method.

  "But how can we let others hear the glory of the Lord?" After a moment of hesitation, Mr. A asked with some confusion: "In this case, wouldn't no one know that we believe in the Lord? And I'm worried that there is some hypocrisy. Believers will use this to sneak into us and blaspheme the glory of the Lord..." "

  Of course, you can also use the previous method to combine it with this method. For example, hold regular meetings to preach or pray collectively - After all, there are many lower-class people among the Lord's believers. They are not even literate and cannot understand the Lord's teachings. If they do not understand the brilliance of the Lord, they will naturally be confused by the suffering He bears." Gao Wei said with a smile on his face: " And if you are worried about missionary issues, as long as you 'bishops' can hide yourselves well and enter various classes in Backlund, you can naturally increase the number of believers for the Lord."

  Mr. A listened carefully to Gao Wei's words, and if Thoughts. Gao Wei paused for a moment and continued to explain to Mr. A: "Of course, the secret prayers and listeners at the bottom can also increase the number of believers for the Lord. I think that now they need to carry out unified education and join a unified trade union to practice it. Spread the glory of the Lord - you know, the Lord's favor will not come to those lazy people who only know how to pray."

  "I admire your wisdom!" Mr. A solemnly praised.

  Watching Mr. A take action quickly to prove that he is the most devout believer in the true Creator. Gao Wei stood silently at the door of the basement, watching the secret prayers being pulled up by Mr. A and the windows for light being opened by him. The atmosphere here changed from gloomy to solemn, and each and every one of them was once crazy and... The Xie Yi secret prayer man's face was now covered with a layer of holy light.

  "The influence of the Hanged Man pathway from top to bottom is really strong..." Gao Wei said to himself, but a cold-sounding voice suddenly came from beside him:

  "Your Excellency, the Beloved One."

  Gao Wei said to himself. Wei turned around and saw a man whose body was hidden in the darkness. Gao Wei felt it and quickly felt the identity of this person. He turned around and greeted the man with a smile:

  "Hello, Your Majesty the Dark Saint."

  "Don't dare, don't dare, you are too polite. We admire Your Excellency the Wisdom of the Blessed One, and the glory of the Lord must be in you. Shine." Dark Saint Kesma waved his hand and asked respectfully: "What's next..." "

  Ah, I need a place to be promoted to a 'listener'. With the grace of the Lord, I can digest the magic potion. It's very fast." Gao Wei made some nonsense - in fact, he didn't need to digest the potion at all. The pollution in the potion has almost no effect on the soul, which is essentially the old one, and the alien god characteristics in his body were digested tens of millions of years ago. The only thing that has some impact is the spiritual imprint left by the true creator in the potion, but even these imprints have been sealed by Gao Wei with his own unique ability and used for other purposes.

  "Praise the Lord." Kesma made a cross on her chest and praised: "It's a rare time for you to come to Backlund. Is there anything else you want to tell me?" "There are

  things... yes, but there is no need. You have done your best." With a smile on his face, Gao Wei said to Kesma: "I (the original owner of the body) am a descendant of the Abraham family, and I also have some small connections here. Just tomorrow night, I will prepare As a painter, I am going to attend a banquet. Haha, please lend me Mr. A. I want him to get to know more people in the upper class - this is also great for our overall development." "

  Then the words , the gathering point of the Aurora Society is still too shabby now." Gao Wei said casually: "I am going to donate a small manor to the Aurora Society in my own name." The

  True Creator looked at Gao Wei looking down at the outsider and said to the outsider again I felt a little bit jealous of my wealth.

  "We said all the evil gods are poor?" the true creator murmured to himself.

  "Only you and the future 'Fool' are evil gods. Dear Zhenzao, I am the outer god." Gao Dimensional Overlooker said sincerely: "My path determines that I will not be short of money." (

Chapter 10 The Listener and the "Ranger"

  Chapter 10 The listener and "Ranger"

  Gao Wei were sitting in a completely enclosed dark room, holding a bottle of just prepared potion in their hands. This bottle of potion is dark in color, and there seem to be vortexes floating inside. There seems to be a strange whisper in this potion that attracts people to listen. Gao Wei closed his eyes, took out a small gem from his arms and placed it on the ground as a symbolic "medium" for the ceremony.

  "The eyes of the outside world, the voiceless throat;"

  Suddenly a strong wind blew, and suddenly emerged in the secret room sealed by the wall of spirituality, and a mystical connection appeared between the real world and the starry sky. The high-dimensional overlooker cast his gaze, preparing to send a characteristic to his incarnation. Ripples appeared on the spiritual wall, making the spiritual wall appear distant and about to fall.

  "The founder of the Hollow Shell;"

  "You are the final curtain of the outliers."

  A somewhat ethereal characteristic took shape where the original gem was. This extraordinary characteristic has a bit of the air of nothingness unique to the starry sky. After reciting his honorable name, Gao Wei hurriedly stepped forward and swallowed this characteristic into his belly without any hesitation. Before the body could begin to digest the extraordinary characteristics, Gao Wei raised the listener potion at hand and poured it into his belly.

  Violent fluctuations came from the nearest Cathedral of Storms. Gao Wei let the listener's extraordinary characteristics wrap around the outer god characteristics that were being merged with the original nine characteristics of the sequence, exuding an aura exclusive to believers of the true Creator. Bolts of lightning were brewing in the clouds, and thunder boomed in the sky.

  Leodro, who was far above the star realm, touched the scepter beside him, seeming to notice something amiss in his territory. He thought carefully with his brain, and seemed to feel a very disgusting and fearful breath passing by his church. He immediately passed down an oracle to the higher-ups of his church:

  "Look for His favored ones who possess the true divinity of the Creator."

  Gao Wei felt that the violent divinity gradually disappeared, and then his characteristics became consistent with " "Listener" separates and merges with his current body. Among the two paths mastered by high-dimensional overlookers, one is symbolized by the "dimensional" path with characteristics such as space and ultimateness; the second is the "overlook" path with omniscience and creativity.

  In order to live a better life on earth and implement his dignity and instinct as an alien god, Gao Wei chose the "overlook" path after careful consideration. This path has weak combat ability, but strong prediction and observation abilities, and the overall ability is weird. way. After all, adjacent to the dimensional pathway is the "Gate", a pathway contaminated by his good neighbor, the Fallen Mother Goddess, and among the pathways adjacent to the "Gate" itself is a "gate" who can be called a low-level killer of extraordinary people. The Blasphemer" Amon.

  ——Although the low-level ones in the minds of high-dimensional overlookers refer to all the Extraordinaries from Sequence 3 onwards. He is not afraid of Amon parasitizing his incarnation, but if there is an unexpected problem with Amon, Adam will definitely find out, and what will follow will definitely be a siege by the gods. The High-Dimensional Overlooker knows very well that with his own identity, none of the two true gods working with him will help him.

  The starting point of the "overlook" path is the "scholar" of sequence nine, which is completely different from the "generalist" or "reader" who sound similar in ability. Under the influence of the high-dimensional overlooker, the external god, this sequence Sequence Nine's real name has become "Starry Sky Scholar" under the influence of the source material over the years.

  Due to the existence of high-dimensional overlookers, all extraordinary people who choose this characteristic will almost die suddenly when they drink the magic potion and start to learn the knowledge included in the potion. Because when this potion travels through high dimensions and becomes the source of matter, the knowledge in it is rewritten: it will enhance the upper limit of people's learning ability, but it will not directly enhance people's learning ability; it will provide you with knowledge, but it will not directly enhance people's learning ability. Some of them are dangerous and difficult-to-use starry sky knowledge, such as the honorable names of many outer gods, or the introduction of various source materials.

  After careful observation, the high-dimensional observer suddenly discovered that the "scholar's" Sequence Nine was contaminated by him and became a path that would lead to death if touched. He touched his head and changed the direction with a guilty conscience and continued to observe the earth.

  However, after being promoted to Sequence Eight, a Sequence Nine "scholar" of the Overlook Path will be like the transformation from a fortune teller to a clown, with a name that has nothing to do with the previous path: "Ranger".

  The extraordinary characteristics of the ranger will greatly enhance the physical quality of the extraordinary, especially the speed. In terms of speed, Ranger can even far surpass other Sequence 8 Beyonders, but the improvements in other aspects are not that outstanding. After drinking the ranger potion, the knowledge learned among the "scholars" will become the combat skills used by the ranger.

  This knowledge will be directly written into the subconscious of the Extraordinary under the influence of the Ranger's Extraordinary characteristics, allowing the Extraordinary to have preliminary combat effectiveness. It is also true that the degree of digestion and the type of knowledge learned by the Sequence Nine "scholars" determine the combat effectiveness of each ranger.

  Let the listener's extraordinary characteristics wrap around the ranger, so as to hide his identity from the high-sequence people he may meet at any time. After all, here you don't know whether you will meet an Amon or Adam while walking on the street. Gao Wei walked out of the room with a comfortable expression. He listened carefully to the murmurs of the True Creator, who was now much more awake, and discerned that the True Creator seemed to be singing nursery rhymes from his hometown in a dream - no wonder the members of the Aurora Society outside were so peaceful. ...Ahem, be quiet.   

  "Hey, my dear True Creator?" The high-dimensional overlooker poked the real creator's hanging head. The real creator immediately turned his body expressionlessly and looked at the high-dimensional overlooker. The high-dimensional overlooker moved his avatar, placed the eyes of the hidden sage that were gradually dulling in his hand on his avatar, and said to the true creator:

  "Can you change the song? I still have to go. Participating in Backlund's literary salon? Hmm... Although it's strange for a 'painter' like me to go there, it's also part of the plan. How about you tell your followers to stop sleeping?" "

  You ...did you hear that?" The true creator looked at the smiling high-dimensional overlooker, and the expression on his face gradually became distorted, like a young man who was caught browsing records. The high-dimensional overlooker thought about how long he had been listening, and nodded seriously: "Yes, I heard it after I became a listener. In fact, I think your singing is pretty good. There is a sequence in the Path of the Sun. 'Singer' - By the way, do you want to hear me sing to you? I haven't sung for a long time..." "


  Mr. A felt a sudden pain in his head, and the original song became It was messy, and there were some double images in my eyes. The familiar and crazy ravings from before came back, making him deeply feel the madness and suffering that the Lord was burdened with, and also made him once again marvel at the greatness of the Lord.

  When he saw Gao Wei walking out of the room with a smile on his face, he quickly said: "Your Excellency, your promotion has been completed?"

  "Thank the Lord, I am very lucky." Gao Wei said on his chest He drew a straight cross in front of his face and smiled at Mr. A. He paused for a moment and continued: "Prepare a carriage for me, I'm going home - Mr. A, I have a literary salon to attend here in a few nights, do you want to come with me? "

  ...Literary Salon?" Mr. A wanted to refuse outright, but after thinking about it, he felt that Your Excellency, the Beloved One, must have a deep meaning in this matter, and asked cautiously: "What are your arrangements?" Very

  good, at least not Just like before, he went straight to kill after a disagreement... It seems that Zhenzao cured himself and also cured the serious illness of the Aurora Society. Gao Wei complained in his heart. But on the surface, he still explained to Mr. A: "This is for the future development of the Aurora Society. Now the missionary work of the Aurora Society is focused on the lower class people. Even some middle class people have a deep 'misunderstanding' of us - this It's very bad for our development."

  Gao Wei emphasized the word "misunderstanding", but Mr. A continued to listen to Gao Wei's words as if he didn't hear him. It must be said that after experiencing the "listener" "Extraordinary people at this stage have very high listening skills, making the speaker feel that they are listening very carefully, and they can feel pleasure subconsciously.

  "If we only preach to the lower class people, then a disaster or a small-scale war can easily cause the Lord to lose a large number of believers. This is why we need to preach to the upper class, well, at least the middle class We will spread our teachings among them. You see, this literary salon is a good entry point."

  "I understand." Mr. A said righteously: "I will definitely complete the task assigned to me by the Lord, in literature. I am very good at this. No one in the Aurora Society can sing praises to the Lord better than me. I will make full use of my extraordinary ability to transform everyone into the Lamb of the Lord in one salon..."

  ... …Sure enough, the believers of the True Creator have not been cured of their serious illness.

  Gao Wei took a deep breath and held his forehead. He said calmly to Mr. A: "Go to Mr. Z and borrow "How to Get Along with People" to read. If you are not qualified tomorrow, don't follow me." "!" "


  , remember, At least until the first phase of our 'plan' is completed, never, never talk about your faith outside! When people ask you, just say you believe in the Sun God! The Lord was previously called the Ancient Sun God by believers! Others won't listen. Given this name, most people would think you are a believer in the Eternal Blazing Sun!"

  "Also, you have to endure humiliation for the Lord, you know? Never reveal your identity!"
