know where Will Auceptin is!

I...what should I do? Should I just admit it? Or should I run away now...No, no, this is too embarrassing!

Alice gritted her teeth and refuted righteously:

"How am I a fake? I am the angel of destiny, Ouroboros, under the Lord's throne!

" "Although I have never prayed to the Lord, never offered sacrifices to the Lord, never participated in the 'Aurora Society', the great Lord does not know my existence, and my name is not even Ouroboros...

"But! It doesn't matter! None of this matters! The mouth is on my own face, and what I say is what it is!"


——This is probably the mood of everyone except Derrick.

As for Derrick...

This tone of voice and the posture of deliberately sticking out his chest and raising his chin gave Derrick a sense of hallucination. He suddenly thought of Miss Fate at the Tarot Club. Add to that the familiar blonde hair and blue eyes, the familiar nonsense, and the familiar fate...

Derrick felt that he gradually understood everything.

But no matter what, at this moment, everyone stared at Alice in amazement, until she covered her ears with her hands and cursed angrily:

"Shut up!

Stop swearing!

I just pretended to be your angel for a while! What's the big deal?"

Covering the ears certainly could not stop the muttering of the "True Creator", but Alice was able to block out the sound, which was not difficult for most angels. Of course, the most important thing was that although the "True Creator" was angry, he was only scolding her and did not really do anything.

Small question...eh?

Almost at the same time when she blocked the muttering of the "True Creator", Leo Master's expression became painful. He fell to his knees with his head in his hands. His facial features moved disorderly on his face, and from time to time one of his facial features appeared or disappeared.

This strange scene made Alice realize that this was probably a sign of losing control. Considering Leo Master's identity, it was very likely that the "True Creator" couldn't scold her, so he went to scold the believers...

Alice snapped her fingers, and Leo Master, who was holding his head and shouting "Lord" non-stop, stopped in a trance. He spent more than ten seconds to understand the current situation, and then asked Alice:

"Why are you stopping me from listening to the Lord's gospel?"


Alice witnessed the devout faith of the members of the Aurora Society for the first time. She realized that the seemingly normal Leo Master was actually a madman of the same lineage as Mr. A.

...Is there another Lovia in Silver City?

Alice began to think about how she was going to face the two fanatics of the "True Creator". Two seconds later, she reached out her hand and touched her pocket twice.

...It's broken. She lost her monocle on the ship of the Undead King!

And the glasses made of "Accessories for Making Fortune"... Klein hasn't given them to her yet.

The plan to pretend to be Amon failed!

In order to prevent the "real creator" from suddenly changing from madness to normal and getting up to beat her up, she responded with a deep face:

"His gospel is still too much for you to bear now.

"Especially, I think at this moment, He must be very excited and He can't wait to see me."

There is not a single false word in this passage. As for what the "real Creator" is feeling now… who cares? No one can hear Him anyway.

Even Leo Master was shocked by Alice's ability to embellish language. After being absent-minded for a moment, he expressed his attitude to Alice:

"It is my honor to listen to the Lord's gospel and the Lord's voice.

"Even if I'm crazy about this..."

"Oh my god, you lunatic!" Alice jumped up in the middle of his sentence and rushed towards Chief Colin Iliad.

——I heard he is good at fighting.

Soon this was no longer just hearsay. The chief, who had been fighting for years, had an almost instinctive wariness of the approach of strange creatures. Before Alice could react, he drew out the two huge swords behind him and swung at Alice.

Decisive, fast, and...

"It hurts!" Alice, who was a very fragile person in human form, quickly put her neck back which was almost cut off. When the chief's sword was forced to be retracted behind his back, she turned her head and glared at the chief.

You are really good at fighting and you fought very well. Don't fight me next time.

This strange scene successfully made Joshua blurt out:


He was one of the members of the exploration team that brought Jack back.

Alice turned her head to look at him in confusion. Leo Master, who was interrupted, had not yet figured out the current situation. Chief Colin Iliad, who was at the center of the incident, instinctively protected Joshua and blocked Alice's sight.

Alice looked up blankly, subconsciously measured her height, and couldn't help but sigh:

"You are all really tall... I am almost, just a little bit short of being as tall as your waist!"


This, this focus is not right...

Except for the Chief, everyone in Silver City lost control of their expressions and looked at each other. Oh, and except for Derrick.

Derrick, who had witnessed Alice's countless bizarre remarks at the Tarot Club, was not surprised at all. It was not until he saw the expressions of the others that he realized something was wrong - he was too calm.

Joshua and Haim had already given him puzzled looks, so he quickly adjusted himself, pretending that he was frightened and stood there in a daze, his mind still confused.

In this atmosphere, Alice seemed to realize something, took two steps back, raised her hands, and explained to them anxiously:

"I have no ill intentions!

"I really am the Angel of Destiny - well, I just don't serve under your Lord. If I must say, I'm probably under the seat of the Fool... No, that's not right, the Fool is obviously under my seat... the true God?

"Or...wait, you probably don't know this...or you don't know Him as He is now.

"You can call me Alice, or Miss Fate. In the past, in the very, very distant past, I once protected the Wolf of Doom—although I basically don't remember what happened.

"I, I should be looking for something, but not here. I'm just passing by. Actually, I originally wanted to ask for directions..."

This was Alice's true self-introduction. This self-introduction successfully brought Leo Master back to his senses. He looked at Alice and subconsciously asked:


"Yes, the Fool… uh, wait a minute," Alice nodded, then suddenly realized something was wrong. "You also received a message about the Fool… uh, you also received a message from the oracle, looking for the Church of the Fool?"

Alice wanted to say wanted poster, but was embarrassed to find that there was no such word in Giant language.

She cautiously took a half step back in the direction of the Chief and glared at Leo Master.

In the crowd, Derrick, who heard Alice's outrageous words, showed a look of horror on his face.

Mr. Fool, please take care of Miss Fate—Amid the silent shout, Chief Colin Iliad turned around and noticed his horrified expression.

In silence, Alice quickly got behind the chief and asked with her hands clasped together as the chief moved stiffly:

"Please, Chief. I heard that you are good at fighting. Please help me block it. You have seen that even you can hurt me. Wuwuwu…"

She burst into tears between a few words and wiped her tears as she cried.

Weak, pitiful, and helpless.

The chief angel and other people in the City of Silver, who had just met him for the first time, were deeply confused by this angel who clearly did not match their imaginations. Only Derrick was used to it.

Haha, she is Miss Destiny after all…

Leo Master's mind seemed a little confused, or maybe he was just like that. Anyway, after thinking seriously for a while, he asked Alice,

"Can... the Lord's gospel return to my ears again?"

Alice easily understood his train of thought—he was probably planning to ask the "True Creator" what to do.

Well, that makes sense. For a fanatic, this seems normal? Alice accepted it. As Leo Master wished, she let the whispers of the "True Creator" return to his ears.

The effect was immediate. Leo Master immediately showed a painful expression, but it was not as intense as before. His expression was distorted for a moment, and then he raised his head and asked Alice:

"You just said...you have protected the Doom Wolf?"

Alice paused for a moment, and suddenly realized that from this perspective, she might have a grudge against the "True Creator"... No, wait, the assassination was probably planned by Him, right? Well, this doesn't prevent us from having a grudge...

Alice hid behind the chief and looked closer.

The Chief finally realized the inappropriateness of this situation. Even if Alice looked weak, she was still an angel. Why did she hide behind a Sequence 4 like him?!

He didn't know that Alice used to hide behind Mr. Fool, who was at Sequence 6.

Back to the point, the Chief was unsure of how he should react. He stood there faithfully like a city wall, only glancing at the Silver City exploration team, his deep gaze passing over Derrick.

Derrick couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He knew that the Chief was most likely looking at him, but he didn't know how to explain it to the Chief. Miss Destiny's personality was just like that...lively.

When Leo Master's expression turned painful again in silence, Alice muttered thoughtfully:

"He is so painful but still willing to listen. He is indeed a fanatic. He is so devout... Hey, could it be that he became so devout because he heard the mumbling?

"Well, if that's the case, then it seems that the cult members are generally more devout than the true church...? But I don't know if all churches have... uh, the Lord's gospel to listen to every day. Note ①

"But no matter what, as long as I shout in the ears of believers like a loud speaker every day, won't everyone become a devout believer..."

Alice hesitantly turned her head to look at Derrick behind her and saw the horrified expression on his face.

The chief couldn't help but look down at Alice, who was only as tall as his waist. Alice, who had given up her previous idea because of Derrick's horrified expression, turned around and happened to see his puzzled eyes.

Alice blinked, tilted her head and asked, "Do you have anything to ask me?"


The unexpected wording made the chief stunned for a moment. He looked at Alice again and suddenly realized that this expression, coupled with her height and childish face, really made her look like a child.

Like a child who would hide behind an adult when in danger.

When he realized this, the Chief immediately connected Alice's past behavior. Although he didn't understand why an angel would behave like an innocent child, the experienced Chief reacted as quickly as possible. He called out to Alice softly,


Alice nodded, looking at him suspiciously.

"You said you came to ask for directions, right?" asked the chief.

Alice nodded.

"What about him?" The Chief glanced at Leo Master, who had a painful expression on his face.

"He..." Alice paused, "He brought me in. He believes in the Lord who created everything and came here to follow His holy place."

After looking at Leo Master, whose expression gradually returned to normal, she added:

"From the current situation, he may have been to the sanctuary, and is now following the instructions of the oracle to hunt me down... Wait, you are still just a saint, right?"

Alice suddenly asked Leo Master.

"…" Leo Master remained silent.

During the long silence, Alice realized that this might be the most embarrassing situation. There was no angel in the Aurora Society in God's Forsaken... Oh my god, what the hell!

Alice took a few steps back in horror, and a figure wrapped in pure white wings of light fell from the sky and landed at her original position.

After the figure stood still and the wings of light behind it were retracted, a figure wearing a simple linen robe was revealed.

He was also much taller than Alice - Alice was already numb, and for this person, height was probably not the most important thing.

The long silver hair fell to the vest, half of which revealed a beautiful face. Alice could see her own figure reflected in his silver eyes, which were so gentle that they were almost indifferent.

"Alice?" He called out, his voice as calm and indifferent as His eyes, as if he were a real god.

Of course Alice knew who this was. She had seen His murals and heard His name from more than one person. Will Auceptin was full of fear of Him... Wait, Will Auceptin?

Although Alice knew very well that her "uniqueness" was far more important than a Sequence 1 characteristic in becoming a god, she still struggled desperately:

"Will Auceptin is in Backlund! He is still in his mother's belly! He is easier to kill than me! I can tell you who his parents are and where they are! I know the address!"

Facing Alice's reaction of "I'd rather die than let my friend die", Ouroboros' expression did not change at all. He just said gently and indifferently:

"I'm not here to kill you.

"Come with me."

(End of this chapter)


  Ouroboros had no intention of waiting for her. After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the direction of Xiawu Town in a steady and even rhythm.

Like a machine executing orders, He walked to the end of the light of "Apollo", and a skin lantern fell right at His feet.

Ouroboros bent down to pick up the lantern on the ground without any reaction, then turned back to look at Alice who was still standing there in a daze.

The spirit did not call the police, which gave Alice a little sense of trust. She more or less believed that Ouroboros was not here to kill her, but she also had another worry - would Ouroboros suddenly want to kill her at some point?

Alice didn't know Ouroboros, nor did she understand Ouroboros, but she knew herself, and she believed that she might come up with strange ideas at any time, or... a revelation from fate?

Being alert to the unknown, Alice took a step forward and followed.

Anyway, He doesn't want to kill me for the time being, so I'll just follow Him and see where He wants to take me. If He suddenly wants to kill me at that time, I'll talk about it then...

Thinking of this, Alice felt relieved.

After seeing Alice catching up, Ouroboros turned around and continued walking.

Alice was quite shy when they first met. She didn't ask anything, but just followed Ouroboros quietly. In order to make the lantern Ouroboros just picked up meaningful, Alice took the initiative to extinguish the light of "Apollo".

So, she and Ouroboros walked in the afternoon town one after the other, with only a lantern in Ouroboros's hand as a source of light.

When they were halfway through the afternoon town, Alice finally couldn't help it because it was so quiet around them and they didn't even encounter a monster.

Alice felt that she should at least say something, like asking where they were going, so she took two quick steps to make the few steps between herself and Ouroboros disappear, and raised her head to the side and asked:

"Where are you taking me?"

"The sanctuary," Ouroboros replied softly, his expression and pace unchanged.

Alice stopped dead in her tracks after receiving this unexpected answer, staring at Him warily.

After walking a few more steps forward, Ouroboros stopped as if he had just realized something, and looked back at Alice in confusion.

He did not speak, and Alice did not ask any questions. After half a minute of silence, Ouroboros took the initiative to walk towards Alice, and in her puzzled gaze, he stretched out the hand holding the lantern.

Alice was stunned for a moment. She stretched out her hand tentatively, and Ouroboros handed her the lantern, then turned and continued walking. After a few steps, the second lantern appeared at His feet from nowhere.

Ouroboros picked up the lantern from the ground with a gentle expression, then turned back to look at Alice.

He... He thought I wanted a lantern?

Alice understood this unusual train of thought after a few seconds. She felt a little confused. As a test, she took a cautious step forward.

As expected, Ouroboros turned around and continued walking. Alice paused, thinking that it was too much of a hassle to bring her to the sanctuary to kill Him. She quickly followed and asked the next question:

"Why do you have to walk? Can't you fly?"

Ouroboros did not look back, and continued walking at a steady pace while answering:

"It's more pious this way."

Alice paused for a moment after seeing the impeccable answer and then asked, "...Then why did you fly over here just now?"

"This is faster." Ouroboros' tone did not change at all.

Every question received a reasonable answer, and there was no problem in every link. After trying to understand this line of thought, Alice raised a new question:

"But I am not an angel or a believer of your Lord. I don't need to be pious, and I shouldn't even visit His sanctuary.

"Even if you really want to go, you shouldn't take me there in such a rude way. I think maybe you should invite me first and then take me there after I agree. It's like you were ordering me or threatening me just now."

This success made Ouroboros stop. He turned around, and Alice's figure reappeared in his gentle and indifferent eyes.

Alice suddenly became nervous, and she had the urge to turn around and run away, because until now, Alice had not been able to sense any emotion from Ouroboros - He really was like a perfect angel, but too perfect, a little bit unlike a human.

Wait a minute, angels aren't humans, they're complete mythical creatures… but it seems like angels can have children with humans, how weird…

Alice began to have wild thoughts.

Ouroboros seemed to accept Alice's logic. After staring at Alice for a few minutes, he asked in his unchanged voice:

"Will you come with me to the sanctuary of the Lord?"

He extended the invitation just as Alice had said.

Alice was shocked and refused the invitation without hesitation:


The wrong response caused the logical system Ouroboros had rebuilt to collapse. Alice finally saw the first emotion other than gentleness and indifference that appeared on Him in such a long time.

It could be doubt, or bewilderment, or simply a little confused, but it was better than being unchanging like a robot. Alice felt a little more comfortable. She looked at Ouroboros who was still stuck, and mercifully gave the next instruction of the program:

"Why are you taking me to the sanctuary?"

Ouroboros looked at her calmly and said the words Alice hated to hear the most in her life:

"This is destiny's guidance."

Alice, who had been acting like a charlatan, looked at Ouroboros in front of her and fell into deep thought: He seemed serious, what should I do?

——Unlike Alice, who seemed calm but was actually noisy and overactive, Ouroboros seemed to be calm from the inside out.

Alice looked at His expression which had not changed from the beginning to now, and recalled His even silence, unchanging tone, and gentle voice without any changes in intonation. She stroked her chin and asked:

"Have you performed so many roles that you've forgotten what you're really like, or have you always been like this?

"The so-called 'machine', is it something that moves when fate pushes it, and doesn't move when fate doesn't push it...

"Don't you have your own ideas?"

Ouroboros' expression remained unchanged. He answered as if he knew what Alice wanted to ask:

"I will always follow the Lord."

Alice, who already knew that the believer was an "anchor", became confused - could this also be true in reverse? !

(End of this chapter)

Shared Dream

  After thinking for two seconds, Alice realized that she didn't know what to say, so in order to ease the embarrassment, Alice extended her hand holding the lantern.

Ouroboros looked at the lantern in her hand, thought for a moment, and then shook his hand holding the lantern twice, as if to say that he had it.

During this brief interlude, Alice quickly thought about her next course of action—she was already halfway there, and she was ready to go to the sanctuary to take a look.

The time in the "God-Forsaken Land" was too vague compared to the outside world. Alice was not sure what time it was outside. As an angel who would not feel sleepy or hungry, she had no way of judging the time through her body, otherwise she would have asked for a meal or a nap.

I wonder what food there is in the "Forsaken Land of the Gods"... Hmm, I remember that Little Sun and his friends were eating black-faced grass... Uh, did I not say hello to Little Sun?

Alice blinked twice and decided to focus on Ouroboros. She tilted her head and said in Ouroboros' tone,

"I will always follow Mr. Fool."

"...?" Ouroboros looked at her quietly, thought for a moment, and nodded, as if to confirm her words.

Alice finally felt a slight sense of collapse. She realized that if she didn't do something, Ouroboros would see her here until she agreed to follow Him.

As for escaping, in the "God-Forsaken Land" where she had lost her ability to teleport, Alice raised her hand and compared her waist with Ouroboros, thinking that she would not be able to outrun Ouroboros.

No, shouldn't it be longer than a snake? But wouldn't it be weird if I asked Him to become a mythical creature now? And He might not agree...

Alice lowered her head in thought, spinning her right foot on the ground.

Perhaps fate felt that something was needed to break the awkward silence, and the monster swooped over from behind Alice, bringing with it a gust of strong wind.

Ouroboros glanced up indifferently, and the monster was dragged back into the darkness by an unknown force. Alice turned around and happened to see this scene.

The monster in the dark was a humanoid with short black hair. Alice remembered that she had seen this kind of monster before. It was a "resident" in a certain house. Now it seemed that this "resident" seemed to have...something wrong with his brain?

Alice turned around thoughtfully and asked Ouroboros:

"Do you know what's going on here? Why are some houses tall and some short? Why did the...um, 'residents' inside become like this?"

She had only intended to ask a question, but she didn't expect Ouroboros to actually give her an answer:

"This place is tainted by the power of corruption.

"Before it was polluted, this place was inhabited by both giants and ordinary people."

Wow, it seems like He really knows what to ask... Alice suddenly had a good idea, and she continued to ask Ouroboros:

"If I don't want to go to the sanctuary with you, how should I escape so that I won't be caught by you?"

——She had asked a similar question once in front of Amon.

"...?" Ouroboros's eyes fell on her. Alice thought He must be confused, because He did not answer Alice's question, but asked a new question, "Why don't you want to go to the sanctuary with me?"

"What's the difference between that and committing suicide!" Alice asked with her eyes wide open.

She was so excited that Ouroboros looked at her for a few seconds and then said slowly, "I said, I'm not here to kill you."

But that's your base camp. You thought I would just think nothing of it like before... uh, wait.

Alice remembered the first time she left Pritz Harbor. She followed Charlie King in a daze and let Charlie King lock her in a spiritual barrier.

But Charlie King died in the end. If I follow him without thinking about anything now, will He also...

Alice raised her head to look at Ouroboros, who was looking down at her.

After staring at Ouroboros's face and thinking for more than ten seconds, Alice praised sincerely:

"You have such a beautiful face!"

"...?" Ouroboros looked at Alice quietly, as if he was thinking.

After a few seconds, He seemed to realize that this was supposed to be a compliment to His appearance, and He responded, "Thank you."

Alice weakly raised her hand to support her forehead and vowed to be nicer to Klein when she returned.

It really took him a lot of effort to talk to me.

She took a deep breath with difficulty to calm herself down, then rephrased her question and continued, "Then why do you insist on taking me to the sanctuary?"

Ouroboros replied without changing his expression: "This is the guidance of fate."

"?" Alice opened her eyes wide again. "Don't you have anything else to say? Do we have to go to this sanctuary? What's the matter that requires you to take me there?"

Ouroboros still looked at her gently and indifferently, as if he was looking at an ignorant child, without any emotional fluctuations. He just said to her quietly and peacefully:

"Follow me."

Alice felt as if her breath was stuck in her chest. She gritted her teeth and said in a very fierce tone:

"lead the way!"

Ouroboros was not affected by her tone. He held the lamp, turned around decisively, and continued moving forward.

Alice followed Him with a lantern in hand until they passed through Afternoon Town and reached the foot of the mountain. Alice finally couldn't stand the boredom of the journey and tried to go crazy:

"Wow, wow, I'm so pitiful. It's my first time going on a long journey and I ended up in this godforsaken place, and then you caught me here, wow, wow, wow, wow…"

She shed tears skillfully. Ouroboros stopped, looked back at her, and said nothing for a long time.

Alice felt something strange. She stopped crying in confusion and looked up at Ouroboros's expression. She was surprised to find that his eyes were dull and his expression became dazed.

He seemed to be trapped in a long-lost memory.

"Hey," Alice called out to Him boldly, "what are you thinking about?"

Ouroboros came back to his senses, glanced at Alice who had returned to normal, shook his head and said,

"It's okay."

"How can it be alright!" Alice glared at Him. "This is the first time I've seen you with a different expression in such a long time. Just like when Amon doesn't look at me with that annoying smile, something must have gone wrong!"

Among all the examples, Alice chose Amon, who Ourolius might be familiar with. This made Ourolius dazed for a moment, but soon he shook his head again and said,

"It's okay."

Alice stared at Him for two seconds, then began to wipe away her tears:

"Wuwuwu, you are always like this. You never tell me anything. When something happens you say it's okay. When I ask you you say it's okay. And in the end you blame me for not caring about you, for not knowing anything. Wuwuwuwuwu..."

Ouroboros stared at her for more than ten seconds, then handed her a handkerchief.

"...Why do you have a handkerchief?" Alice stopped crying in confusion and took the handkerchief.

"I don't know." He shook his head good-naturedly, his expression still gentle and indifferent.

This, this is normal...

This answer was not strange in a sense, but Alice still looked at Him in surprise, frowned and asked doubtfully:

"...You won't be angry?"

Ouroboros shook his head and replied softly, "I'm used to it."


Alice was stunned for a moment, and asked with self-awareness:

"Besides me, who else is so crazy... I remember Amon didn't like to play like this, right? Could it be Medici...

"The dignified Red Angel actually has a crybaby behind her?!"

Ouroboros did not speak, but just looked at her with his soft and indifferent eyes. Inexplicably, Alice felt that she understood what He meant.

——If you get to know two such people, your temper will become very good.

Actually, it makes sense. An Angel King from the Hunter Path, and a mischievous incarnation raised by an Angel King from the Hunter Path...

The information about the correspondence between the "Red Priest" path and the "Hunter" path came from Klein. Of course, this was just a guess. Alice became convinced of this possibility after listening to it - after all, Amon really deserved a beating.

Alice completely ignored the possibility that she might be more likely to be beaten at some point. Facing Ouroboros's silver eyes that were so calm that they made her embarrassed, she pretended to be calm and said:

"You continue to lead the way."

So Ouroboros turned around obediently and continued to lead the way.

Alice was silent for two seconds, then quickly followed with the lantern in hand, reaching out to grab Ouroboros' robe.

A cool hand rested on her wrist, stopping her from taking the next step.

The force was so strong that Alice tried to move and found that the other party was really using all his strength. She frowned and looked up in confusion.

Ouroboros' expression was still gentle and indifferent. He lowered his eyes slightly and looked at Alice, but his voice finally lost its gentleness and was only indifferent:


Alice was completely confused.

Ouroboros was clearly angry, if he still had that emotion - how wonderful it was that even her madness and impostorism couldn't make him angry, but just a single action did.

"Why?" Alice asked tentatively.

Is it mysophobia? No, that shouldn't be the case. "He" even reached out and grabbed me, and hasn't let go until now…

Ouroboros continued to look at her, and replied in the same voice:

"This is the clothing the Lord has given me."


Alice opened her eyes wide, and once again felt the speechless feeling of wanting to curse but not knowing what to say. She stared at Ouroboros for several minutes before closing her eyes and said weakly,

"I'm sorry.

"I don't know about that."

Ouroboros looked at her quietly without responding. He just let go of her hand, turned around and continued walking towards the top of the mountain.

Alice gritted her teeth and followed, cursing the fanatic eight hundred times in her heart.

You people in the Aurora Society are all really sick in your brains!

Alice cursed everyone along the way in her heart. When she was forced to stop because of Ouroboros's stopping, they were already standing in a corridor full of murals.

Alice looked at Ouroboros blankly, only to see him walk towards an unfinished mural, pick up the paintbrush on the ground, dip it in paint, and continue to add to it.

"?" Alice began to think about why she was standing here.

Her eyes scanned the murals in the hall in confusion, from the ceiling to the walls, and finally stopped on one of the murals.

——Unlike the obvious religious paintings around it, the mural depicts a pure black tower.

Alice was slightly touched by her spirit, and she followed the guidance of her spirit, walked over, reached out to touch the mural, and slowly closed her eyes.

She did not resist, and a dream appeared just like that.

In the dream, she was wearing a black hooded robe, walking slowly from nowhere and stepping into a dark tower.

Then Alice saw chaotic and irregular stairs, some in front, some behind, some on the left, some on the right, some up, and some down.

In her dream, Alice saw herself stepping on the messy stairs, spiraling up strangely, and finally reaching the top of the tower very smoothly.

On the top of the tower, there was a giant white scaleless snake hovering. The snake had a pair of cold and red eyes. It leaned its head down from the top of the tower, opened its toothless bloody mouth, and swallowed her who had just climbed to the top of the tower.

The dream ended here. Alice woke up in a daze and vaguely realized one thing - she had had this dream.

She had had this dream the night she first met Will Auceptin, when he was not yet a fetus in his mother's womb but a little boy of about ten years old.

Soon after, Will Auceptin abandoned his body and was reincarnated as Dr. Allen's child... No, that's not right, wait.

Alice recalled the two dreams again and suddenly realized the key problem - the perspectives of the two dreams were not the same.

Although the content is the same, in the original dream, she was speaking in the first person. She watched herself climb up the tower, and finally saw the giant white snake on the top of the tower opening its bloody mouth towards her, also in the first person.

Here, she saw everything from the perspective of a bystander!

Alice looked at Ouroboros suddenly and asked in a lost voice:

"What's going on?"

Ouroboros did not stop painting, but explained calmly:

"I just feel that I should let you take a look at this dream."

It feels... okay.

Alice felt a little annoyed. She didn't want to discuss such things with the angel of destiny, so she began to think about new questions.

This should be Ouroboros' dream, or the revelation Ouroboros received.

Same dream, different perspective...

Alice narrowed her eyes, thinking of Will Auceptin who swallowed her in the dream. She asked Ouroboros,

"What about Will Auceptin? Did He also have this dream?"

"I don't know." Ouroboros didn't care at all and concentrated on painting.

Alice was silent for a moment, then asked tentatively, "You probably just want me to see this... Can I go now?"

(End of this chapter)

Becoming Rich

  Alice stepped back as she spoke, and when Ouroboros responded, she ran away without hesitation.

Alice didn't even have the mood to comment on the architectural design of this sanctuary. She just wanted to run outside - what if the "real creator" got so angry that he got up?

After all, judging from the situation of the Aurora Society, the True Creator probably doesn't have much brains… No, no, I can't think about it anymore!

Alice suppressed her blasphemous thoughts in time and continued to run.

In the evening, the "Future" arrived at the port of Tuscat Island and forcibly docked at the pier.

Klein dressed like a Loen gentleman and left the cabin carrying a leather suitcase.

Just now, he had counted his remaining belongings and was surprised to find that he had more than 10,000 pounds in cash. Anderson still owed him 7,000 pounds. He also had seven Sequence 4 Doom Charms on him. Looking at the "Fighter" Beyonder characteristic worth 700 pounds, Klein inexplicably felt a little dull.

Just 700 pounds!

His complacency only lasted for a moment. The good habits he had developed over a long period of time made Klein cautious again, and he began to calculate what he could do with the money.

The abilities of the "Master of Secret Dolls" are flexible and varied, and his life-saving abilities and functionality are very strong. As long as he finds the right secret doll, his attack power is not a problem. Moreover, with Alice's help, he did not waste the "Fire Gloves", and actually did not lack means of attack.

Klein carefully examined himself and was surprised to find that he had not purchased any more items. Right now, the most important thing to him was the Sequence 4 potion formula.

I'll write to Mr. Azik and ask him later. Also, I can try divination...

By the way, I still have a share of bicycles in Backlund. After the smog incident, Backlund began to pay attention to environmental protection. I wonder how much the share price has increased now...

With cash and a share with great potential, I have become a wealthy man. In fact, as far as the current situation is concerned, I can live a life without worries about food and clothing. I don't need to work hard for promotion anymore, and I can hand over Ince Zangwill to Alice...

Klein suddenly realized that if he no longer considered the hometown that he was almost certain to never return to, and no longer tried to explore the truth of "time travel", everything he had seemed to be enough to support him to live a life without worries about food and clothing.

The goddess probably knew about his resurrection. As long as this matter was resolved, he could even go back and reunite with Benson and Melissa and live a happy, beautiful and ordinary life...

Klein was carrying his suitcase as he walked with a complicated mind. Cattleya asked Anderson beside him:

"Are you getting off here, or going somewhere else?"

Anderson smiled immediately when he thought of Gehrman Sparrow's imminent departure, that this was a pirate ship, and that he had hunted many pirates.

"Right here."

"You can pay the ship's fare now." Cattleya replied as she looked at the spare clothes Anderson had borrowed from the pirates.

"Okay." Anderson did not hide his distressed expression and reached out to pull off an ordinary button in the middle of his shirt.

He handed it over reluctantly and said,

"This is my only remaining harvest in that sea area, from the body of a Loen military explorer.

"I don't know its original name. I can only call it based on its displayed abilities and the name of the corresponding Sequence 6. Um, 'Judge'.

"Its negative effects are not particularly strong, but it makes the wearer more likely to offend people or monsters. Maybe he will be targeted by a demigod if he is not careful."

This is not particularly strong? Oh, it is indeed not particularly strong, and it may still have a positive effect on you...

Klein, feeling relaxed, glanced at Anderson and was about to get off the boat with his suitcase.

As he stepped onto the dock at Tuscat Island, Anderson Hood leapt from the edge of the deck and landed next to him.

"Let's go have a drink? Let's celebrate that we finally left that damn sea!" The hunter invited excitedly and easily.

"Okay," Klein replied in an equally relaxed mood, "But I need to find a place to put my luggage."

They were about to leave together when a voice came from behind:


Klein shuddered when he recognized the voice coming from Frank Lee, and turned his head tensely.

The first mate of the "Future", the "toxin expert" with a bounty of 7,000 pounds, stood by the side of the ship, cupped his hands to his mouth, and asked as if he was amplifying his voice:

"Where do you hang out? Where should I send my letters?

"I hope to share my latest research with you, and Alice told me that if I want to write to her, it would be best if you forward it to her."

I don't want to share this with you... Wait, you're still going to write to Alice?

Klein thought of Alice's behavior of drinking milk from the boat. Although he didn't know that she was also interested in the watermelon growing on that man's head, he still decided that the correspondence between Frank and Alice must be reviewed by him in the future.

He would not let even the slightest bit of inappropriate information be passed on!

Thinking of this, Klein picked up a pen and quickly wrote down the summoning ritual for his messenger. With a net worth of over ten thousand, he did not forget to mark it in the text that the summoning ritual required a gold coin.

With a whoosh, Klein flicked his wrist, causing the note to fly toward Frank Lee like a dart, landing accurately in his palm.

"Very good!" Frank Lee glanced at the information on the paper and waved his hand happily.

I hope he doesn't cross my messenger with a cow... Klein glanced at him, turned around and left with Anderson.

The two of them traveled together and found a hotel to store their luggage. Then, at Anderson's recommendation, Klein went into a bar with him.

"There are many pirates in the bars and brothels on Tuscat Island," Anderson said to Klein, who had just paid for his hotel room. "I think if I can get them to help me a little, I can pay you back, including the money for the meal and drinks later."

Klein glanced at him and did not respond.

The drinks and food they ordered were quickly served. Everything seemed so good. Anderson bit open the bottle cap with his teeth, gulped down a big gulp, and turned to talk to Klein.

"German... cough cough cough!" Anderson opened his mouth excitedly, but the wine accidentally entered his trachea and he couldn't help coughing violently.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

He coughed so hard that his face turned purple. The guests at the nearby tables couldn't help but look over. Klein reached into his pocket as if he had remembered something. There were seven doom spells lying quietly, and none of them were missing. (End of this chapter)

Anderson's Lessons

  Cough! Cough! Cough!

  Anderson reached out to grab his throat while coughing violently. He seemed to be unable to catch his breath.

With a snap, the glass fell from his hand, hit the floor and broke into pieces.

Cough, cough, cough... Anderson's coughing became weaker and weaker, and his face was already swollen and purple.

At this moment, a faint glow of fire appeared in his eyes, and the blue veins on the back of his hands began to wriggle as if they had a life of their own.


Anderson fell to the ground, twitched a few times, and then became motionless, even his breathing seemed to have stopped.

The most famous "strongest hunter" on the sea, a Sequence 5 Beyonder, seemed to have choked to death.

This horrifying scene made the guests at the surrounding tables dumbfounded. Even Klein, who didn't like Anderson very much, felt a chill down his spine.

There is no doubt that Alice definitely brought back the bad luck.

Klein slowly realized what had happened, and Anderson, who was lying dead on the ground, turned over and sat up in silence, performing a revelation.

He touched his face in fear and muttered under the gaze of the people around him:

"Asshole, I almost choked to death on a mouthful of wine just now.

"If that's the case, I could be the hunter with the funniest cause of death!

"Fortunately, fortunately, before entering that sea area, I spent a lot of money to buy this thing, and it finally came in handy today..."

As he spoke, Anderson pulled out a straw-like doll from the secret pocket on the lining of his vest. There were two eyes, a nose and a mouth crudely drawn on it with ink.

The surface of the doll has been corroded, and black liquid is dripping down drop by drop.

In just seven or eight seconds, it completely melted into liquid and became a stain on the floor.

It should be a stand-in or something like that. It seems that Alice must have seen that he had it... She must have seen it, right?

Klein tried to excuse Alice in his heart, but soon he realized sadly that even if Alice didn't see it, she would probably do the same thing - in her opinion, the consequences of returning bad luck should be attributed to the person who originally brought bad luck upon her, and it had nothing to do with her anyway.

This idea is not actually a problem, but she did it even though she knew it would kill the other person, and she didn't even bother to warn him - she even made people think that she didn't do anything and stuffed seven doom spells...

This is a blatant contempt for life.

…Or I should just continue to advance.

The laziness that had just arisen in him was quickly dispelled because of this incident. Besides, Alice had reminded him many times before that perhaps it was not up to him to decide whether to be promoted or not.

And the secrets about him... those are secrets that only angels can know. Without an angel, you don't even have the qualifications to hear them.

While he was thinking, a man dressed as an adventurer next to him shouted to Anderson in a familiar voice:

"Hey, Anderson, it seems that God has finally opened his eyes and is ready to teach you a lesson?

"Hahaha, this is the first time I've seen someone so unlucky. He can choke to death even when drinking. Did you offend anyone, Anderson?

"Ah? Hahahaha!"

His tone was full of gloating. Klein judged that this adventurer had probably seen Anderson's provocative skills.

"Dylan!" Anderson called out, which should be the adventurer's name, but he did not continue chatting with him. Instead, he looked at German Sparrow as if he had been reminded.

"You…" Anderson began to speak carefully. Just as he uttered a syllable, Klein showed the seven doom spells to prove his innocence.

Taking back the talisman, Klein said to Anderson, "She should have returned the bad luck to you."

Anderson smiled bitterly and replied:

"I guessed it.

"I didn't expect... I didn't expect bad luck to be such a terrible thing. I thought it would just be encountering monsters or something, but choking to death...

"Tell me, is it too late for me to apologize to Him now?"

"Him?" Dylan joined the conversation unwillingly. His eyes fell on Klein and he asked tentatively, "Are you Gehrman Sparrow?"

Klein nodded.

"Hiss," Dylan took a breath. Klein saw that his face had turned pale. "He… the demigod girl who is rumored to be supporting you, could she be an angel on earth?"

Angels on earth... Silence spread along with this word, spreading inch by inch in the tavern. Even the bartender looked at them, waiting for German Sparrow's answer.

Keep me as a sponsor... Damn it, who on earth spread this rumor? As for the angel on earth... Well, it wouldn't have any impact on Alice if this matter got out. She was actually spreading this matter. What we have to consider is the impact on Gehrman's personality...

Will anyone think that Hermann's strength is all due to his background? However, this should not have much impact. As long as I have a few impressive achievements, this influence will soon disappear. Besides, I have already completed the role of "Faceless Man". This identity will probably disappear soon. The next step is to find the formula of Sequence 4 potion...

"We are not in that kind of relationship," Klein denied.

He said they were not in that kind of relationship, but he did not deny the existence of angels on earth... The guests looked at each other, and with Anderson's personal performance just now, everyone present took this as a tacit agreement.

Dylan wanted to ask something else, but Anderson interrupted their conversation:

"Hey, do you have a way to contact Him? His name or something else..."

Klein glanced at Anderson and said jokingly:

"She should be in a place where she cannot receive prayers. You can pray to the Lord if you wish."

Anderson was silent for a moment and then asked, "Do you have any solution to this problem?"

"Yes," Klein replied, "If you apologize to her and ask for her forgiveness, I can tell you what kind of gift she likes, which will be counted as the 7,000 pounds gift."

Anderson opened his mouth and closed it several times before asking, "So, how do I contact Him?"

"You can pray to the Lord," Klein replied.


Anderson looked at Klein in surprise, and after a while he asked:

"Can you do this for me?"

After a pause, he added:

"I can pay the price!"

Klein looked at him with pity, shook his head and said,

"I can ask for you and give you an answer tomorrow morning.

"You better live till then."

"...Is this a curse or a blessing?" Anderson asked dryly.

"Of course it's a blessing," Klein answered without hesitation, "You still owe me 7,000 pounds."

Almost as soon as Alice stepped out of the sanctuary, she received a call from Klein.

After thinking for two seconds, she did not respond, but flew straight down the mountain towards Afternoon Town.

When she landed at the previous location, Alice was surprised to find that there was already a rudiment of a camp there and it was no longer empty.

Leo Master was sitting on a rock, and several members of the Silver City Exploration Team who were on duty were sitting around him, and even the chief was not far away.

They lit lanterns and bonfires, and in their hands they seemed to have food, probably meat - Alice was not sure, because the thing gave her a bad feeling, and her intuition told her that it was definitely not something suitable to be used as food, regardless of the taste.

Her arrival caused a small commotion, and Leo Master immediately shut up, and everyone else looked at her.

Alice blinked twice, walked over as if no one was around, and found a suitable seat in the circle to sit down. The burgundy-haired girl next to her immediately moved aside in surprise to make room for him.

Alice sat up with her legs crossed, and asked Leo Master:

"Are you telling a story?

"I want to listen too!"

Leo Master paused, and continued as if nothing had happened:

"Then, we encountered a terrible storm..."

Alice took the opportunity to close her eyes and knocked on the door of Kaiyuan Castle according to Klein's message. When she opened her eyes, she saw Klein, who seemed to be in a bad mood.

Alice instinctively began to recall what trouble she had gotten herself into.

Klein knew what she was thinking from the way she was thinking. He knocked on the table twice to attract Alice's attention. He didn't reason with Alice or scold her. Instead, he asked directly,

"How do we solve Anderson's misfortune?"

Alice paused for a moment and asked in confusion, "What happened?"

Her expression didn't seem like she was playing dumb. Klein glanced at her, thought for a moment, and told her what happened:

"Anderson almost died..."

He started from the moment they got off the boat, and talked about how they entered the bar, ordered their food and drinks, and how Anderson almost choked to death because of a mouthful of wine.

In other words, Anderson actually choked to death, but he survived because of a substitute doll.

Alice paused, shook her head and said,

"…I never thought of killing him.

"I just returned the bad luck to him. I didn't mean to kill him. I know you wouldn't use those spells. You're not that kind of person."

Alice hesitated, but didn't say the "he deserves to die" remark, even though that was what she was thinking in her heart.

Well, she knew... Fortunately, it's not that she saw that this would cause Anderson's death and didn't warn him, she just didn't pay attention to it... Fortunately, she hasn't paid attention to it yet.

Klein breathed a sigh of relief. At least Alice was just indifferent, not cruel. Her indifference... Anyway, this kind of thing has been going on for a long time. Forget it. It's good enough that he cares.

So Klein just glanced at her and didn't comment on her words. He just continued to ask:

"So, have you thought about how to solve this problem?"

He didn't seem angry with me about it… Alice blinked and answered without hesitation: "Let him go to the goddess' church to pray."

The answer was unexpected but reasonable. Klein was stunned for a moment, then accepted it and confirmed,

"You are sure he can make it to the church alive, right?"

"...I can't guarantee that," Alice shook her head. "The so-called bad luck only increases the probability of bad things happening. There is no difference between being a little unlucky and being extremely unlucky at certain times, because in terms of probability, as long as it happens, it is 100% certain."

After a pause, she glanced at Klein, who hadn't said anything to her about this matter. After thinking for a while, she said,

"Although I think that the incident of almost choking to death on alcohol should have taught him a profound enough lesson, the 'Forsaken Land of Gods' cannot respond to prayers. In fact, I don't know how to leave here..."

"Ah?" The last sentence made Klein look at her in surprise. "Can't you… go back the same way?"

"It's hard to say," Alice shook her head. "Maybe I can ask the True Creator. After all, I just came out of His sanctuary."

Mr. Fool, who was being hunted by the "True Creator", fell into deep thought.

"What exactly did you do in the 'God-Forsaken Land'?" Klein tried to understand Alice's life.

"I..." Alice recalled her behavior since she entered the "God-Forsaken Land" and lowered her head.

Klein knew something was wrong when he saw her expression, so he changed the question:

"...What were you planning to do?"

"To the Western Continent." Alice answered without hesitation.

"And then?" Klein asked.

"I think I might be gone a year," Alice answered, "and then I'll start to think of ways to speed it up."

This was true; she was indeed thinking about it.

Klein, who was well versed in Alice's language skills, did not let down his guard and continued to ask:

"And then? What did you do? What solutions did you come up with?"

Alice stroked her chin and replied,

"Actually, I've thought of several ways.

"First, I will go back to the sanctuary and find Ouroboros or the True Creator. I will convert on the spot and see if there is any other solution...

"Secondly, Silver City or other local residents living here may have a solution. I can ask them.

"The third one... well, I can go find Amon."

Klein listened carefully to her three methods and found that the only safe method was most likely useless.

He did not comment on this, but asked the question that Alice had not answered again:

"So...what did you do?"

Alice was silent for a few seconds, then tried to change the subject:

"Um... do you remember Will Auceptin?

" "Are you interested in, um... building a good relationship with Him?"

"I have a question for Him, but I don't think He can answer it…"

"What's the problem?" Klein asked doubtfully.

"Hmm..." Alice chose her words carefully and told about the dream she had after meeting Will Auceptin, and then told about the dream she saw from Ouroboros.

After saying all this, she pinched her brows and said,

"If we guess in this direction, what He saw should be me climbing to the top of the tower... that is, I reached the top of the sequence and was swallowed by Him in one gulp.

"So, He was so anxious to get me promoted at that time?" (End of this chapter)