Chapter 9: Officially Enlisted!

The driver also took care of the new recruits. He knew that the new recruits would be interested in Nut Base, so he didn't rush into the base. Instead, he slowed down and circled outside the base for a few laps.

After floating for about two or three minutes, the transport plane changed direction and flew into a receiving port in the base.


"Rookies, gather your belongings and get off the plane."

With a slight sound, the receiving port closed, and the broadcast sounded again.

Everyone got up one after another, took their luggage from the cargo containers above their heads, and then got off the plane one by one.

"[New recruits, please proceed straight ahead and bring your ID cards to the guidance hall for inquiry. Based on the inquiry results, take the next transport plane.]"

As soon as they got off the plane, they could see a large screen shining in front of them.

This is the receiving port, where transport planes come and go frequently, and there is often pressurization and decompression, making it the most dangerous place in Nut Base.

Therefore, there are no guides here, only a few technicians in full-coveralls on duty.

Under the urging of the transport plane driver, the new recruits moved their feet one after another and walked towards the door on the side of the receiving port channel.

... ...

After passing through two protective sealed doors, they arrived at the guidance hall.

The next thing was simple.

It was still the same routine—checking, finding the way, boarding the next transport plane, and finally boarding the starship.

However, the waiting time in the middle was a bit long.

After all, not all recruits were going to serve on Mars, and there was more than one transport plane.

So they had to wait for the transport plane to fill up for more than half an hour.

After boarding the starship, the recruits originally wanted to get off and take a look at the starship, but were stopped by the driver.

The driver said that the starship was about to depart and did not allow anyone other than the technicians to move around in the receiving port.

And it turned out that the driver wasn't fooling them.

Just a few minutes after boarding the starship, the driver notified the recruits to sit still. The starship had already left Nut Base and was ready to head towards Mars.

It's worth mentioning that during the journey of the starship, sitting in the transport plane inside the starship, everyone couldn't feel any vibration at all.

What followed was a moment of trance, and everyone felt it.

The trance came quickly and went quickly.

When the broadcast sounded again, the driver actually said that the starship had already arrived above Mars.

"At superluminal speed!"

Looking at the time displayed on the screen in the cabin, Zhou Yuan realized something.

It is well known that both Earth and Mars revolve around the Sun.

So the distance between Earth and Mars changes according to the orbit of their revolution around the Sun, sometimes closer and sometimes farther.

This year, the distance between Earth and Mars is close to 400 million kilometers.

Even at the speed of light, it would take twenty-two minutes to travel that distance.

But now, less than four minutes had passed, clearly indicating that the starship had activated superluminal travel and possibly even performed a string jump midway.

"How boring..."

Zhou Yuan couldn't help but complain. This was his first interstellar voyage, his first experience of superluminal speed, but it ended so hastily.

Furthermore, the Federation was really stingy.

The Federation possessed a technology called the antimatter force field generator.

Once activated, this generator could produce an antistate force field to counteract the side effects of entering superluminal speed, allowing people to escape the infinite time dilation.

Now it seems that only the bridge area installed the antimatter force field generator.

"Zhou, have we arrived?"

When the transport plane left the starship and flew towards Mars, Ruiko still had a bewildered look on his face, apparently not having recovered yet.


Zhou Yuan replied softly, judging from the vibrations in the cabin, the transport plane was already descending at high speed.

... ...

After sitting quietly for about three minutes, the transport plane finally landed.

Under the guidance of the two drivers, everyone carried their luggage and got off the plane, arriving at a playground.

The playground was very large, much larger than the sports field at the academy. It was surrounded by a high wall, with large space capsules attached to the base of the wall.

The space capsules were simple houses that could be easily assembled and disassembled, similar to military tents.

"Rookies, quiet down."

The driver shouted loudly, attracting everyone's attention, and pointed to the south of the playground. "Look over there, the largest space capsule is the work hall."

"Now, everyone go to the work hall, get the new recruits' manual and daily necessities, and find your dormitory according to the information in the manual."

"At eight o'clock in the evening, instructors will come to the dormitory to find you. Until then, you are free to move around, and your ID card will serve as your access card."

"By the way, there are ten new recruit camps here. If you are not assigned to this camp, find a guide to lead you to your own new recruit camp."

The driver explained in detail, and the new recruits understood. They all walked towards the work hall.

... ...

In about ten minutes, they entered and left.

"Darn it!"

"I didn't bring any prohibited items, but they still confiscated them."

After leaving the work hall and searching for their dormitory along the wall of the new recruit camp, Ruiko's face was black.

He had brought two large suitcases, but in the end, he only brought two sets of underwear, and everything else was confiscated.

"Wisdom is the most precious wealth of mankind."

Zhou Yuan exclaimed with glee, patting his small suitcase.

He didn't know what Ruiko was thinking. He inquired about so many things but failed to inquire about what could and couldn't be brought into the army.

Or maybe Ruiko had a stroke of luck.

He brought shower gel, shampoo, toothpaste, and even pillows and blankets. Was he treating the military like a summer camp?

"Brother, don't worry too much."

"The new recruit manual says that the army will provide us with daily necessities, which will be placed on our beds."

Allen looked through the new recruit manual and said earnestly.

He felt lucky. After leaving Earth, he met Ruiko and Zhou Yuan, and now they were even assigned to the same new recruit camp and the same class.

Before, he was worried about being bullied in the new recruit camp, but now he felt more at ease.

"Alright, don't be such a girl."

"Let's finish up and have lunch. We can explore the new recruit camp in the afternoon."

Zhou Yuan patted Ruiko's shoulder. He had already seen the dormitory.

The three of them were assigned to Class Three of the First New Recruit Camp, and this was the First New Recruit Camp, so they just needed to find the dormitory.