Chapter 11: Instructor Xin, New System Features!

After having lunch, Zhou Yuan led the way for another tour around the military camp. The shops, entertainment rooms, gyms, and libraries were all there, but the regulations were strict, and new recruits had limited access to many places. It was the first time the recruits had encountered a military camp, so everything here seemed novel and exciting to them. It wasn't until after dinner that they gradually returned to their dormitories.

The dormitory was already full with thirty-two beds and thirty people. The extra two beds didn't have name tags, perhaps reserved for the instructors. At this moment, all thirty recruits were gathered in the dormitory, chatting in groups of three or five. Earlier, the transport plane pilot had mentioned that the instructors would come to the dormitory to find them at eight o'clock in the evening, so the recruits had returned to the dormitory early to wait.

Among the thirty individuals, Zhou Yuan was the most popular. After distributing cigars, he also brought out cigarettes and a game console. This "hard power" helped him make friends, and everyone respected him. Even when playing cards, they would gather around him.

There was also the bed next to Zhou Yuan's, with the name tag reading "Paul Marshall," which was indeed the Paul Riche mentioned by Rico. Now, there were already four graduates from Virgo Academy in Class Three.

... ...


Close to eight o'clock, the door was heavily knocked.

"Sweethearts, come over here!"

Shouts and curses resounded as a tall figure stepped into the dormitory. The instructor for Class Three was a sergeant, a burly white man standing over six feet tall, his muscles apparent even in his military uniform.

"Attention, address me as 'sir.'"

Zhou Yuan whispered to the recruit next to him, prompting them to stand up and salute. One person did it, and the others followed suit. Although their salutes were somewhat disorderly, at least it had some semblance.

"From today onwards, I am your instructor."

"You can call me Sergeant Sim, but only during rest time. During training, you address me as 'sir.' Is that understood?"

Seeing the recruits saluting him, Sergeant Sim's tense expression relaxed slightly as he shouted loudly.

"Understood, sir!"

This time, Zhou Yuan didn't need to remind them; the recruits knew how to respond. They had seen this kind of scene on TV before.

"Tomorrow morning, assemble at Training Ground Number Three at seven o'clock."

Sergeant Sim nodded and didn't say much more, leaving with one final statement. After Sergeant Sim departed, the dormitory became noisy once again.

"Shit, this guy looks like trouble."

"Well, at least his attitude is decent, isn't it?"

"No worries. If he dares to make things difficult for us, Ron will handle it."

People were discussing the just-departed Sergeant Sim. 

"Leave it to me!"

Ron, whose name was mentioned, clenched his fist and smiled. "If he doesn't know what's good for him, I'll challenge him during training."

"He's an instructor, and he definitely won't refuse a recruit's challenge. Then I'll make him regret messing with us."

"That's right!"

"Let's do it, Ron!"

Upon hearing Ron's words, several thin guys clapped and cheered. Ron had been a basketball player for the school team in high school, standing over six feet tall and weighing over two hundred pounds. He was an absolute heavyweight.

"So, this is how black guys think..."

Watching Ron proudly, Zhou Yuan smirked, almost laughing out loud.

The reason the instructors became instructors was because they had well-rounded skills, excelling in every aspect, rather than being randomly chosen. The mobile troops had already considered everything to deal with potential troublemaking recruits.

What can you fight against an instructor with?

It is true that a single force can overcome ten thousand methods, but with Ron's build, he was far from reaching the threshold of overcoming ten thousand methods.

Zhou Yuan was already looking forward to tomorrow, anticipating the comedy that would unfold.

In Class Three's dormitory, out of thirty individuals, he had befriended most of them, but there were still a few who didn't appreciate him, and Ron was one of them. Ron believed he was the toughest in the class and should be the leader of the dormitory. However, most people preferred to be around Zhou Yuan, which made him unhappy.

"As the saying goes, 'when a new official arrives, three fires are lit.'"

"To ensure better training in the future, Sim will definitely show the recruits his strength tomorrow and demonstrate the authority of an instructor."

"Ron is just what Sim wants; he will undoubtedly be singled out and beaten up. That's when I'll step in."

"But we can't let Sim lose face either, or else he and his network will come after us. Just a little demonstration of strength will suffice."

Thinking like this, Zhou Yuan declined Rico and Allen's invitation to play cards. After tidying up a bit, he lay down on his bed to rest.

The next morning at 5 a.m., Zhou Yuan got up on time and went to the washroom after getting dressed. It was still early for the assembly, but he had already gotten used to waking up at 5 a.m. The night on Mars was slightly longer than on Earth, with one year on Mars being close to two years on Earth. Even in summer, it was pitch black at 5 a.m., without a trace of light.

After freshening up, he returned to the dormitory to tidy up his bed and daily necessities, then went for a warm-up run around the military camp. With his current physical condition, he could barely warm up by running for an hour. Combined with the training during the day, it should help him burn some energy and get a good night's sleep.

[Ding, new host identity detected.] [Personal module updated, opening: achievements, titles, and shop.] [Congratulations on unlocking the new system function, receiving 6 Level 3 Soul Gift Boxes and 3 Level 2 Soul Gift Boxes, would you like to open them?]

As he was running, the sound of the system notification rang out. "A new function?" Zhou Yuan paused for a moment and then shifted his attention to the system.

Host: Zhou Yuan Identity: Human Federation Third Class Soldier, 18-year-old male enhanced human Attributes: Strength 3, Speed 2.5, Jump 2.5, Agility 2.5, Endurance 3, Defense 3, Self-healing 3, Skill 1.3, Brain Function 5.5 Skills: Quick Memory, Fast Learning Items: Infinite Bullets S500, Full-body Bulletproof Vest, Recovery Cigars... Title: None Soul Points: 100

After nearly half a month of club training, his marksmanship and combat skills had improved significantly, with his skill level rising from 0.6 to 1.3. There were no major changes to his personal panel, just some slight adjustments. However, "Achievements," "Titles," and "Shop" were now highlighted, while "Missions" remained grayed out and inaccessible.

Upon closer inspection, the achievements and titles seemed interesting. He had currently unlocked the "Rookie" achievement. Rookie: Possess a legitimate identity that earns soul points, receive 100 soul points, and the "Rookie" title. Rookie Title: Equipping it increases Strength by 0.1 and Speed by 0.1.

It was very much like a game mode. After reaching certain achievement criteria, the corresponding achievement would be activated. The rewards for activating an achievement could be achievements themselves, with the difficulty of achieving them determining the richness of the rewards. Achievements covered a wide range, including those related to soul points and one's own attributes. There was even an achievement called "I Am Immortal," which could be activated by suffering a severe near-death experience, granting the "Taste the Flavor of Death" title and increasing Self-healing by 1 point. Overall, it seemed quite reasonable. Easy-to-obtain titles were not powerful, while powerful titles were hard to obtain.

Finally, there was the "Shop." As the name suggested, it was a store that sold goods, with the currency being soul points. The shop had several sections, divided based on the number of soul points, ranging from 1-10,000, 10,000-100,000, 100,000-1 million, and even over 100 million. He could currently only access the first section. The cheapest items were 1 point each, such as basic military rations and lighters, all priced at 1 point. The most expensive items were 10,000 points, like the Infinite Bullets S500 he had previously obtained. There were also other firearms in the same price range, such as the hand-held Infinite Bullets Gatling Gun and the Infinite Bullets Submachine Gun, all of which were excellent weapons.

However, he currently only had 100 soul points. He couldn't afford the items he liked, and the ones he could afford weren't appealing enough. He could only save up for now.